Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 8 October 2020

Unmarked “police” in Quebec intimidate Sovereigns exercising Natural Law


Unmarked “police” in Quebec intimidate Sovereigns exercising Natural Law - Many are still uneducated Canada is NOT A Country is a Corporation  - Canada Has NO Constitution, nor do Federation Papers exist - and the  Charter of rights is NOT for we the People its for the Corporation 

Rimouski Quebec – Unmarked “police”

Rimouski. Quebec — Sovereigns  gathered once again to Educate the FACTS on the Globalist's Regime government’s gross mishandling of the COVID  LIE— a disease that has not proven nearly as fatal or dangerous as previously sold to the public. Recently, the Globalist Premier of Quebec Corporation, Francois Legault, ordered many parts of the province into what he deemed “code red” level lockdown.

What does that mean for the everyday life of  Sovereigns in the land mass of  Quebec in those areas? What does a “code red” lockdown entail? Well for one, it means no visitors to your home from any other address – unless of course you live alone, then it’s ok. The major issue with Quebec’s level four lockdowns is that they are a gross infringement on our Natural Rights.

Saturday Oct., 3, 2020 — sovereigns   gathered outdoors to exercise their Natural Rights, speak out against the Tyranny of the Globalist's Regimes who are a de-facto governments committing harm and fraud using the COVID,LIE and the draconian measures that the de-facto  Quebec Globalist government has instituted in the name of safety. It’s worth noting at this time that there is ample hospital capacity in Quebec — and even though cases are rising, we are testing at about three times as much compared to the same period during the “first wave.” In addition, deaths (figure 8 and 9) and hospitalizations have plateaued in comparison to the first wave. This means that none of these measures are merited.

Total number of deaths dating back to March – We’ve also tripled testing roughly in this time
Marginal uptick in ICU and hospitalizations at same time testing has almost tripled

So not only are these measures no where close to be scientifically justified — they’re also completely against our Natural Rights and Freedoms. The following freedoms are granted from our creator, and not from man. or the British Common Law which was created to give the Lie it was to protect Man and Women which it was another fiction of fraud. 

The rights to assembly, freedom of spiritual Beliefs are an unalienable rights, , freedom of conscience and the right to remain within or leave de-fact Canada Corporation . For the Globalists de-facto government to take away these rights, is unlawful.

The Charter of Rights is NOT for the Sovereigns it is for the Corporation not for you or I. Where are WE THE PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS FRAUD BELOW 

The misconception of the charter of rights and freedoms everyone thinks that the charter applies to everyone.

Charter of Rights and Freedoms section 1 and 2

The misconception of the charter of rights and freedoms everyone thinks that the charter applies to everyone.

This is false statements why? the first clue is the word (chart) definition😊 a written grant by a country's legislative or sovereign power, by which a body such as a company, college, or city is founded and its rights and privileges defined. See people any were? or grant a charter to (a company, college, city, or another body. no people yet??

This charter of rights and freedoms is for the politicians, not the people. this why you can never claim right or the authority (YOUR NOT PARTY TO THE CONTRACTED) the only way is a Constitutional Convention is a gathering for the purpose of writing a new constitution or revising an existing constitution.

Members of have been working on constitutional convention .

At, researchers ,and educators bring us new info about Canada's status as a nation and how confederation never happened. Legal language and supplanted acts of parliament are in focus. This represents an opportunity for Canadians to hold a Constitutional convention and create the country we want and that serves our interests and objectives. Like the moving dune: the sleeper has awakened let’s show the three-ring circuses party NDP, Conservative Party, Liberal Party we know the fraud of over 150 years your time is up

Oakes proportionality test — A brief introduction to Law in Canada

To me, this is a clear abuse of power, and a completely unjustified one for that matter. COVID is not the big scary boogeyman that governments have made it out to be – the stats bear that out. Instead it seems that COVID has presented the opportunity for governments to impose draconian “orders” that violate human rights under the guise of public safety.

In Rimouski, Quebec protesters were met by what appears to be an unmarked “police” force seeking to enforce Premier Legault’s “laws” that violate basic human rights and the charter. These police walked around with NOTHING to identify who they were, other than occasional numbers on the back of their coats.

This is similar to what we have seen out of Victoria, Australia where unmarked men and women have been seen repeatedly abusing their powers — accosting old women sitting on benches, and beating those who won’t disperse at protests in the name of “safety.”

According to one protester who was there,

“They had minibuses ready for those who wouldn’t leave, three to four ambulances too just waiting and one fire truck. They surrounded us totally … but the SQ was protecting us.” I then asked who the SQ was to which I was told the Sûreté du Québec. They are the provincial police for the province.

It begs the question, who the hell are these men and women in unmarked uniforms seeking to disperse crowds who have a legitimate right to exercise their God given rights? Why were the Quebec police seemingly protecting the protesters from these unmarked “police.”

What appeared to be at least 50 unmarked “police” lined the perimeter where the protest was taking place — likely to intimidate the masses from coming together to protest in the future. This is unacceptable. This is Canada. We must never forsake our national anthem where we plead “God keep our land glorious and free.” Since we are the hands and feet of God — let us work to keep this land glorious and free. No foreign police force should ever be allowed to patrol, or enforce any laws on Canadian soil.

It is worth noting at this time that Montreal Canada falls under the Strong Cities Initiative — the group believed to be responsible for the “foreign police force” that has been sent to enforce the “law” and quell “uprisings” like we have seen in Victoria, Australia. I say believe, because the Strong Cities Initiative will not let non-members see the terms of service for becoming a strong city — let that sink in.

You don’t get to know what your city has signed onto because you’re not the mayor with all his lofty connections? The people have the right to know exactly what their elected members of government are signing them up for — and currently we aren’t entirely sure. We must share articles like this far and wide — the truth is not being found in the mainstream media anymore.

So please do your part and spread this article like wildfire — the truth needs to be spread that way.

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