Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 3 October 2020




NATURAL LAW VS. COMMON LAW: WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Court of Ages, clearly and simply showing the differences between common law and natural law. Many people think going back to common law in the courts is the solution to our current problem in the corporate court arena, but when you note the differences between common law and natural law, which is coming soon when you educate yourself from this site you will see that natural law strips the hierarchies out of the system down to the immeasurable power behind it: the Sovereigns.              English Common Law A form of private law that governs relationships between individuals inclusive of Law of Contracts, Law of Torts, and Civil Law (labor law, commercial law, corporate law). Based on precedent (prior decisions of formal courts and judges); past time-space.
Hierarchical (judges are deemed authority figures). Judges are holders of an office as a career and are often viewed as politicians.  Lower courts are subject to higher court decisions. State or federal judges often rule on cases from outside their own community. A court is a permanent institution set up and operated by the government.                                               Natural Law Governs all life; is determined by nature and thus, universal. Based on Sovereigns sensibilities in present-moment time-space. Non-hierarchical (Adjudicators carry no real authority). Adjudicators are to serve on a case-by-case basis and agreed upon by both parties in a dispute.
Resolution remains in the local community.  Adjudicators are respected community members. A court is a group of community members who come together for the express purpose of assisting in resolving a dispute. Members of the court are selected by the community and agreed upon by both parties in the dispute; members are only for the duration of the particular case for which they are assembled. Here are some differences between a Common Law Grand Jury and a Natural Law Grand Jury:                                          Common Law Grand Jury All grand juries abide by a same set of prescribed rules. Jurors must agree to prescribe to written laws or decrees such as the Magna Carta or Bill of Rights. There must be at least 25 jurors. Jurors are required to swear or promise to uphold the grand jury rules. All decisions are made by majority vote. No decision of a grand jury is review-able in any court of the government. Jurisdiction includes any government transgression, breaking of articles of peace or security, and anyone abused by the government. Grand juries investigate potential crimes and come to a decision to indict or not indict by issuing a “true bill” or “no true bill.” Grand jury decisions stand as law.                                         Natural Law Grand Jury Grand jury guidelines may vary according to the requirements of each community.
Jurors are required to verbally affirm to execute their duties honorably. There should be 12 jurors. Decisions are made by unanimous vote.
Grand jury decisions are final. Jurisdiction is whatever the parties in dispute decide upon. Grand juries investigate evidence of crimes and come to a verdict and the sentence to the crime. Grand jury decisions stand as law.

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