Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 8 October 2020



Constitutional Inclusions - Learn More -

A Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals (Sovereigns) —that it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government—that it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizens’ protection against the government.

1) No Corporate Personhood, corporation charter limitations, i.e. time.

2) Penalties clearly written for not following the Constitution.

3) Clearly written jurisdiction of Law, Law of the Land, Anglo-Saxon Common Law aka Natural Law for all matters criminal. Equity law shall prevail in civil matters.

4) No Taxation of any kind.

5) No professional lobbying of any kind. Anyone participating shall upon conviction be put to Grand Jury Natural Law.

6) Contracts with Term limits for Employees, Employees Hired and Fired - No More spending limits for running for office, market based salaries.

7) All markets are free markets including Sovereign money. No monopolies.

8) No laws can be written to limit what you can and cannot do with your body, it’s yours and yours alone.

9) The people are the Sovereigns. PERIOD

10) The people may hold referendums  and recalls (to Fire Employees as they see fit.

11) No Citizenship, as we the people are the sovereigns.

12) Only Sovereign men or women can hire employees - NO more vote in elections which have been a total scam since its creation, hold Administration (government jobs) or be employed .

14) Immigrants must be educated and be fluent in English and the laws of the Republic before they are allowed to immigrate to the Republic .

15) Free Speech. PERIOD, no “Hate Crimes” or “Hate Speech” laws or “social justice warriors” or Cultural Marxism permitted. If convicted of this offence, will be brought to Natural Law Grad Jury.

16) Administrator's (Government) is constituted to protect the individual’s unalienable rights and will do so at all times.

17) All charities must be country based, no foreign charities or money for local charities from foreign sources.

18) Any and all Amendments to the constitution must have 100% of the Sovereigns to Protect the Constitution. Articles 75% carry by the people (Sovereigns)  not their Administrators. (no more political representatives)

19) All men/women are equal under the Natural law.

20) Right to own guns and other weapons freely and unhindered by Government interference, no permits, no background checks, only one statute, if you are a first time gun owner, you must take a course on gun usage and safety.

Purpose of an Administrator (government) is the protection of individual rights; the source of the Administrator's (government’s) authority is “the consent of the governed”, the Administrators (government) as such has no rights except the rights delegated to it by the Sovereigns (people) for a specific purpose.

21) Cultural Marxism/Political Correctness is NOT free speech, it is manipulative speech/brainwashing and is unlawful, anyone using it shall upon conviction, face Natural Law in Grad Jury.

22) Communism, Collectivism, Marxism, Liberalism, Globalism and Socialism are unlawful and illegal, these “isms” infringe upon the unalienable rights of the individual and anyone who would infringe upon those rights shall upon conviction, face Natural Law in Grad Jury.

23) This constitution created a republic, NOT a democracy, this is NOT majority (mob) rule, this is a constitutional republic.

24) If you are a civil servant, Administrator (government employee), you cannot be involved in hiring or firing employees. 

25) All land within the borders of the country of ________, ownership in allodium is held by the Sovereign (people), this constitution creates a form of governance for the protection of the Sovereigns (people) as the Sovereign see fit to grant it, being the government. The management of the Sovereigns (peoples) land MUST be entrusted to a public land trust created by this government and to be ratified by the Sovereigns (people). 

Administration Trustees shall be hired every 5 years, no trustee can be re-hired more than once. The trust will issue land patents to the men and women of this country, upon death or sale of the land held under patent, ownership will be transferred and the existing Land Patent shall be updated and re-registered with the trust.

26. As a Administrator (employee) , under full disclosure, if you or any family member, aid or advisor belongs to a private club (i.e. Bilderberg), think tank (i.e. Rand), BAR association (Law Society), cartel (i.e. CFR, Chatham House) or closed door discussion group, you and they are permanently disqualified from entering into any position of an Administrator for employment.

27. Administration (Government) as a whole, anyone elected or working for the government as a direct employee or under contract, engages in lying or deploying misinformation or lying by omission, must Face Natural Law Grand Jury.

28. No membership via Treaty or Agreement in the WTO, UN, UNIDROIT, IMF, WB, BIS, UNESCO, etc., etc. as all of the entities infringe upon the unalienable rights of the  Sovereign men and women.

29. No GMO from big Agro, food crops must meet a set standard nutritional level before being sold to We the People.

30. No Big Pharma drugs that do not cure or prolong life until a cure is found. In order to find cures for cancer, it must be recognized the cancer is NOT genetic and is as discovered in the 1930’s metabolic and from there cures will be found.

31. Any company found to be poisoning the environment or the people with carcinogenic materials or other such chemicals will have all their assets ceased, the stockholders’ assets ceased, the directors’ assets ceased and if deaths have occurred or will occur, the directors/majority owners will face Natural Grand Jury.

32. Corporations that want to do business in our country must incorporate in our country under our limited charter, all assets; money earned must remain in our country for the term of the charter.

33. Spiritual freedom must not be infringed by the state/government, with the exception of Satanism/Talmudism which are illegal and unlawful.

34. Any "laws" that do not protect the unalienable rights of the individual are null and void. Any man or woman or group of same, that attempts it impose Talmudic, Noahide, Shari laws within this country will face Natural law Grad Jury.

35. All resources Must be held in a public trust, the same format as the land trust, this trust must manage for the people of this country their resources, to maximize returns on those resources. Four (4) times in a calendar year the trust will send the beneficiaries (the men and women) their dividend money. 

Imagine Accountability and Finally a Government held accountable - What a a concept 

Your one click away to Part of this Amazing Future

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