Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Your' voice must be heard.

Your' voice must be heard.

Entire Corrupt System must be stopped.
This is just another example of the institutional problem we all face.
Provincial political parties align with federalist interests to further centralize power to the Globalists
putting All of us in danger and threat of communism
We need our Constitution for We The people  and capable business leaders who can get the job done,
who don't have any motivation other than to serve everyday Sovereigns .
The trust is gone.
de-facto canada can't be trusted 
because there is no fair deal with Canada Inc.
It's been a bad deal since Canada Inc unlawfully usurped our liberty, freedom, Property and land and will never change.
Our focus must be on Constitutional Conventions and our freedom from the one Globalist Regime.
Here is the link to

Freedom Countdown to Independence is so close 
Be Part of this Historical Event!

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