Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 12 August 2020

How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration (removing an Illegal de-facto Government) is to (seat a De Jure Republic) via Constitutional Convention

 How to Create a Lawful Republic Administration (removing an Illegal de-facto Government) is to seat a De Jure Republic via Constitutional Convention

How and who properly creates constitutions and sovereign  Republic Nation. It requires merely a public consensus about the purpose of the nation and how to best achieve it.

a) First, there has to be a territory (such as a province, i.e. Alberta) whose sovereigns desire to be a Sovereign Republic Nation.

b) From among themselves the Sovereigns in and throughout their respective territory create Constitutional Convention Committees (which is in the works) through out all the Nations/Provinces and Territories.  Each Committee has Sovereign's appointed  in each Constitutional Committee Conventions who communicate with other Constitutional Convention Committees through out the Territory. (which is being done in many areas throughout every province)

With internet and the advancement of technology  Constitutional Convention Committees throughout the Territory(s) of a Province with the formulation of a Constitutional Convention to create and Ratify a Constitution. This is a Constitution  of,  "We the Sovereigns for the Sovereigns by the  Sovereigns"  is how the Constitutional Conventions are being formed in every Nation/Province and Territory.

c) The Constitutional Conventions add the information from the  Sovereigns to the draft  and then  gives a draft Republic Constitution to the  Sovereigns for review and public debate, to provide an opportunity for changes.

d) After numerous public debate they work out the changes, after which it is submitted again to the Sovereigns for review and further changes, if necessary.

e) This process is repeated until the Republic Constitution has become a formula acceptable to the Sovereigns.

f) Now the Sovereigns will be able to ratify the Republic Constitution with an affirmation; to accept the Republic Constitution. 

Unify The People has a secure digital e-signature that is transparent on their website to make the process easy for all to read, input ideas, and to Ratify the Republic Constitution. 

g) If the Republic Constitutional draft cannot be achieved, further changes must be made until the Republic Constitution is acceptable to the Sovereigns.

h) The entire process is recorded and documented as proof of the Republic Constitution’s authority.

i) On the basis of the Republic Constitution an Administration is then formed, which is contractually bound (social contract) to respect it and conduct itself in accordance with it.

j) Now this Sovereign Republic Nation can form a federation with other Sovereign Nations, if it wishes to do so.

Note; that no consideration has been given to the manipulative interference from privately owned media monopolies or Law Societies i.e. the BAR.

Note; that the Republic Constitution is created first, then the administrative body and then the courts, to create a Republic Nation for the Sovereigns, by the Sovereigns, of the Sovereigns, it cannot be any other way.

Note; no foreign Nations or entity can formulate (or create) the constitution of another nation. It has to be created by the Sovereigns themselves and becomes, for all intent purposes, their protective property. It’s not only lawful  but is a contract, which subjugates the Administrative body to the Republic Sovereigns. The Administrative body  derives a limited authority to govern from it, always subject to the Sovereign’s authority.

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