Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 9 July 2020

July 1 2020 Our Day Of Liberty and Freedom

Hell Patriots!


What a fantastic showing and experience Liberty, Freedom, Prosperity, Property, and Land Day July 1 2020 was for so many Sovereigns ! Tens of Thousands in in Each Province/Nation were educating the Solution of Why We are Creating a Constitution.

Some of the Protesting were still about issues that will never be corrected under a system where you and I have NO Say. Millions of names collected on Petitions were  the same result as they always been, USELESS. A few still confused about creating another Political Party which has proven to be also Useless ideology - 88 years of Political madness has proven to be a controlled Opposition and huge harm to all Sovereigns . Simple Definition is Elections Are a Fraud: If You Vote, You're Wasting Your Time ..
Many Lives were on Line and shared to Educate the Solution.
We Who have the Solution really moved the message in the direction we need to go! Thank you to everyone who helped promote Unify The People! 
It truly was the most patriotic day many of us ever felt on July 1 -  Our Independence Day is Becoming more Know!
Be sure to watch this amazing video
Unify The People videos  are always being uploaded to  regarding the event and also on Youtube
But! We can not rest on our accomplishments! We must build from that and take advantage of the momentum! There is plenty going on in our Nations/Provinces and other countries and the world to gain inspiration from.
One of the issues that has really caught the ire of many Sovereigns  is the Illegal and Unlawful mandatory mask wearing in certain regions, sure to come to all regions in Corporation of Canada Inc. We know that this is simply the next step in this enormous social engineering program the globalists are mechanizing against us!
So with all the issues - It's Time for the Solution to Be heard in every Town, City, Nation/Province to end the Globalist Regime.

We have Stepped up to mobilize our Sovereigns to promote a Nation/Province wide Education Plan. We have lawn Signs, Shirts,Ball Caps and Stickers to promote this amazing solution to End Globalization.  You will see the hashtag #UnifyThePeople on every social media platform. 

That is to promote the action we are encouraging Sovereigns  across every Province/Nation to take part in. Organize locally and initiate a march from a designated location in your town or city and march to another designated location like CBC Studios/offices or if you don't have a CBC outlet in your town or city, make it the town office. We must oppose this draconian measure and the measures that will surely follow!
We have many Sovereigns in each Town/City holding Educational Events posted on your web site 
On July 19th at 12pm in each of the time zones across Each Nation/Provinceation, march with signs and slogans to Unify The People on The Solution!

Please read and share our latest  post regarding information you need to share with Sovereigns  in your community. You can find that on our website
Poster and graphics are only a click away for downloads!

Thanks again for all your help with promoting Unify The People on July 1 2020 our Liberation Day is very Close . More big events are being planned as we speak! Stay tuned and connected!

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