Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 23 May 2020

Sovereign Patriots!

 Sovereign Patriots!

We have had  very positive developments! We are rapidly ramping up our  Unify the People protest effort...

Most importantly, more are aware of our strategic plan for promoting Constitutional Conventions.

And we need your help to make this amazing plan a success!

All of these strategies are designed to beat censorship, get our message out and inform more sovereigns , and empower each and every one of you to take back your country, no matter what your skills or circumstances.

See all the strategies here:

Help Promote the Solution at every event 

So pick your favourite strategies and let's plaster our Nations with our message until we can't be ignored.

We CAN take back our Nations. We just need to come together and put in the effort to make it happen!

Join Our Solution!

This is just the beginning. We're rapidly working on building an organized and strategic Teams in every province and territory .

Stay tuned...

Sovereign Patriots

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