Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 8 May 2020


Elizabeth Seewalt
Imagine 2025 sovereigns are celebrating our nations birthday, our independence, the Republic of Alberta
Imagine all the sovereigns living debt free, tax free, government free imagine that.
Imagine a Republic nation with true freedom of speech, freedom of media freedom, freedom of expression a true acceptance of our sovereign rights imagine that.
Imagine a sky free of chemicals, blue skies, natural clouds, no geo chems anywhere imagine that.
Imagine the earth below us all belonging to us sovereigns, all minerals, natural resources, no more corporation owned, all owned by us sovereigns imagine that.
Imagine clean , clear, pure water, lakes, rivers, creeks all clean, pure to drink, swim and fish imagine that.
Imagine a great forest of healthy trees no more chem trails to kill their roots, no more clear cutting for biomass for money imagine that.
Imagine fields of grains beautiful healthy crops, yellows canola, flowing wheat fields, barley, corn, hemp, cannabis, no monsanto no genetic modifying our grains imagine that,
Imagine children playing in a learning centre enjoying what they are doing excited to learn an education of truth, no indoctrination, no lies, no false teachings of history, encouraging self growth, encouraging trades or professions, letting children be children no pressure imagine that.
Imagine working in a nation and loving what you do recognized and appreciated by the nation, giving back in dividends from our resources imagine that.
Imagine no more immigration unless we want it imagine that.
Imagine no more politicians we hire all our employees, all administrations work for us imagine that.
Imagine that all sovereigns will have and live in a house, plant a garden, raise animals in the regions or counties of their choice imagine that.
Imagine no poor people, no homeless people, no hungry people all provided for shelter, food, jobs imagine that.
You may say i am a dreamer but i am not the only one
I hope today you will join us and together unite as one
Republic of Alberta
Sovereign Forever

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