Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 9 March 2020

“You Know Something is WRONG When....”An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”

The content of this document is from the book “You Know Something is WRONG When....”An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” by: Anna Maria Riezinger & James ClintonBelcher. It is meant for educational purposes only and represents the vast majority of the information contained in the book. Many of the cartoon drawings and representations are not featured in this PDF, nor is the table of contents. Every effort was made to copy straight from the book and to preserve all capitalized words and letters as they appear in the book.

Part One: 

The History You Don't Know or Think About

The Trust

Trusts are created when one party, the Donor, places assets in the care of another party, the Trustee, for the benefit of a third party, the Beneficiary.

God (the Donor) ..... gave Earth (the Asset) Adam (the Trustee)....for all future generations (Us – the Beneficiary)

We take our turns..

As children we are Beneficiaries
As adults we are Trustees
As elders we are Donors

The 1302 Brainstorm.....”Let's see...God gave the Earth to Adam, Adam gave it to his kids, it all came down to Jesus who gave it to Peter in his absence who passed on the responsibility to...ME?!?! I am Global Trustee...?

The Global Estate Trust is Born!

The Unam Sanctum (1302) creates the world's first and largest Express Trust. (Boniface VIII)

The Romanus Pontifex (1455) first Testamentary Trust published by Nicholas V

The Aeterni Regis (1481) Second Testamentary Trust published by Sixtus IV

The Convocation (1537) Third Testamentary Trust published by Paul III

The Trust Includes

The Air Jurisdiction:

Which includes living and dead souls, spirits, angels, demons, ideas ~ Global in nature And is controlled by the Pope & his appointees.

The Sea Jurisdiction:
Which includes all vessels, mariners, sailors, merchants, creatures, of the Sea International in nature...and is controlled by British Monarchs.

The Land Jurisdiction:
Which includes all resources of the land including people, animals, plants, and minerals are National in nature and are controlled by the Spanish King (if there is one).

The Law Forms

Each Jurisdiction has its own Law Forms...the Jurisdiction of the Air has only three Laws:

1. Keep the peace
2. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
3. So long as it does not take away another's freedom, life, property, or do other such harm, do what you like and let others enjoy their free will too

There's also the Law of the Land and the Law of the Sea...

Law of the Sea U.S. citizens fly the War Flag with HORIZONTAL stripes. (shown above left)

National Law of the Land Americans fly the Civil Flag with VERTICAL stripes. (shown above right)

The Trust Operates providing SERVICES

1~  Postal services via Postal Districts and Post Offices.
2~ Legals services and standards via Bar Associations.
3~ Banking services and standards via Banking Associations.
4~ Domestic Police Services.
5~ Medical and Welfare Services.
6~ Insurance Services.
7~ Defense and Treaty Alliance Services

All this and more was being accomplished by the Global Estate Trust more than 200 years before the American Revolution.

Rome is Headquarters

The Trust is the largest corporate conglomerate and interlocking trust directorate on earth with four administrative hubs operated as independent international City-States.

This trust operates out of the Vatican, Westminster, Washington D.C., and the United Nations.

The inner city of London, also known as “Westminster” operates Legal & Banking services.

The Washington D.C. Municipality operates defense services.

The United Nations provides trade, treaty, and negotiation services for members.

These independent city-states together create “The Empire of the city:. – but it is really the Empire of the Global Estate Trust....and we are all part of it, like it or not, for the past 700 years!

           The Global Estate Trust comes to  America
                              1492 to 1776

Private Investment for Public Advancement: The dance of public & private begins.

During these years large commercial investment companies formed under Royal Privilege (corporation) throughout England for the purpose of developing the land and resources of the North American Continent. So eager were English investors for new opportunities that the Crown (not the Monarch – the Monarch's investment company) had to establish investment districts throughout England and assign colonial territories for investors from each district in England to fund.

Thus, we had The Virginia Company and The New England Company and various other investment companies drawing in private investment money from designated locales in England to back colonization of the New World.

Most early investors were buoyed by the hope that gold would be found in North America similar to the discoveries made by the Spanish in South America. French investment companies under the French Monarchy also staked out claims and formed Trading Companies.Aside from hopes of finding gold these commodity trading companies focused on development of natural resources – fish, timber, mining, and agriculture to begin with. The colonists came as members of the military, as wealthy adventurers and most commonly, as bond servants indentured to serve their commercial sponsors for a period of years in return for their transportation, tools, food, and other goods needed to settle the land.

Each trading company depended on a charter from their Monarch and each Monarch depended on land claims made in their behalf by the commercial companies and military missions.

For the better part of two centuries England, France, and Spain fought over and claimed chunks of North and South  America, but the basic premise of public military power extended in support of private commercial interests remained the same.

This same arrangement continues unabated to the present day.

The government uses the military to support and promote commercial expansion, and the commercial expansion pays for the government and the military.

See the Problem?

This triumvirate of Government – Military – Commercial Interests is a closed and self-perpetuating system.

The Commercial Interests pay the Government, the Government pays the Military, the Military works to protect the Government and the Commercial Interests.

The People ho consume the goods that the Commercial Interests produce, and who also provide the labor necessary to harvest, clean, process, transport, and manufacture goods are not really part of the loop.

We and the natural resources of our planet are the actual source of all the Moolah the Commercial Interests have and which they use to pay the Government and the Military, but our power to control or even have input into this system is extremely limited.

Once every 2, 4, or 6 years we get to choose a new Government official who is supposed to champion our interests – which leaves us totally dependent on the good character and intelligence of the individuals elected.

Beyond that, we are free to gripe – and those elected are free to ignore us.

“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”
~~~ Lysander Spooner

The Horns of Our Dilemma

With less than 30% of the people voting in the General Elections there is no consensus supporting the current political regime in Washington, DC

Even among those who do continue to participate in the electoral process there is no unity and a great deal of discontent. Millions of Americans have simply voted with their feet.

We appear to be on the Horns of a Dilemma: unwilling to support what is, and unable to find our way forward to reform it. And we are still dealing with problems from a long time ago that people failed to address. Both the bulls and the chickens have come home to roost.

Part Two:

The First Big Lie
Now step back in time to the earl 1600's...

The colonists pretended that the land was vacant and open to claim. They discounted the Indians because they weren't Christian

                          The Second Big Lie

Later, the Colonists tried to buy the land from the Indians who told them that they didn't own the land – the land owned the people. The Colonists ignored this and forced the Indians to accept “gifts” as payment and concocted contracts of sale based on this practice.

This and every other nation you can think of is founded on lies and false claims. Buying and selling and taxing land is a con game in which we buy back the right to enjoy assets that were already given to us (Genesis 1:26-28). Those in the middle – the “Trustees” - are cheating us and enriching themselves whether its the Pope, the King of Spain, or the State of Ohio.

Because the Indians continued their efforts to being this fraud to everyone else's attention, they were deemed “Enemies of the Crown” and subjected to physical and cultural genocide for 400 years.

Men, women, and children...they died to bring you this basic truth. They were killed because they knew and spoke this truth in your behalf as well as their own.

                    The Trust --- Again

Native Americans had their own vision of The Trust. In their view it was simple and obvious.

1. The Trust is SACRED and belongs equally to all people.
2. The Trust requires our GRATITUDE. We cannot take without giving.
3. The Trust requires CARE TAKING. This generation cannot destroy what is owed to the next.

It is every adult's duty to hand over The Trust in the same or better condition that he received it.

Anyone who wastes resources or pollutes the world is viewed like a two year-old with a hammer – too ignorant to know better, dangerous, and needing guidance and discipline. 

The Europeans conquered by force and by guile, but they lost the moral debate forever.

“Kill the buffalo and you kill the Indians.”
--Commander Wm . F. Cody
(but nobody can accuse you of genocide....)

“Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children.”
--Sitting Bull

The French and Indian War (American)
aka The Thirty Years War (European)

We can't call it The thirty Years War in American because that would admit that “The French and Indian War” was an extension of The Thirty Year War in Europe, which would admit that it was all Britain and France's fault that such a war existed.

That in turn would show that Colonials were innocent Third Parties drawn into a British war-for-profit scheme, from which we did not profit and for which we were handed the bill.

This is a recurrent theme” Britain starts a war with some other party, Americans fight for the British, and then, America gets handed the bill for it.

The American Revolution  
 ~What We Got Out Of It:

We won absolute control of the land jurisdiction.Every American has more civil authority on the land that the entire federal government.

The American Revolution
What King George Got Out Of It

1. Permanent control of American international commerce & shipping via control of the jurisdiction of the sea.

2. Tribute in the form of minerals – gold, silver, copper.

3. No further obligation to the Native aboriginal people to stop Westward colonization.

4. No obligation to send support, men, or supplies to the Colonies anymore.

5. The Colonists now heavily in debt to King George and obligated to pay for funding both sides of the conflict.

6. All British commercial interests remained intact.

So, as a result of the American Revolution, the Americans got control of the land jurisdiction.......

but the Brits retained control of the “High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways”


~This created the need to set up two separate national trusts and created two separate nations with two different kinds of citizens all living under one roof right from the start.

Part Three:

~ Who You Are, Who They Are, or, What They are ~

American States Citizens~Land Jurisdiction, Law of the Land

* All living people.
* All have Natural and Unalienable Rights.
* All have beneficial interest in the land and its resources.
* All are guaranteed a limited Republic-style of government.
* All are protected by national trust indentures, international treaties, and commercial agreements.
* All have more civil authority on the land than the entire federal government.
* Have been at peace since 1865.
* Inhabit the land of their States, -- for example, Ohio State is inhabited by Ohioans.
* Fly the Civil Flag of The United States of America Major

United State Citizens~ 
Sea Jurisdiction, Law of the Sea

* Can be living people born in "federal enclaves" or corporations.
* Have only "civil rights" which are privileges granted by Congress.
* Accept and kind of government including oligarchy & legislative democracy.
* Regard The Constitution for the United States of America as an "Equity Contract" only.
* No civil authority on the land.* Have been at constant war since 1860.
* Merely "reside" on the land of the American States.
* Fly the Stars & Stripes War Flag of The United States of 1868, another class of "U.S. Citizen" was added ----- the United States Citizen:U.S. Corporate Citizen, Debt slave

These "citizens" are Debt slaves, have no rights, no legal standing, and are enslaved by perpetual debt

~ From the Beginning ~

From the very beginning of the American story, there were three kinds of "United States" - (1)the land jurisdiction of the Several States; (2) the sea jurisdiction operated by the United States of America; (30 the business organization doing business as the "United States" charged with supplying the nineteen governmental services the federal government is supposed to supply the States.

It should not surprise us, then, that there have always been three kinds of "citizenship"potentially involved

The land jurisdiction allows only one kind of citizenship; State Citizenship.

The sea jurisdiction known as "federal jurisdiction" allows Dual citizenship: "A person may be a citizen of the United States (U.S. Citizen) and of a State, and as such have different right."U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542, 23 L.Ed. 588, (1875). From the Federal viewpoint, most people have always been considered dual citizens -- subject to the land while on the land,subject to the sea while on the sea

                      "Negro Citizenship"

In 1868, a third kind of corporate Citizenship came into play with the publication of the new corporate Constitution of the United States of America, Incorporated -- the business entity charged with providing governmental services under contract with the States.

The given reason for this new form of citizenship was the need to give recently freed Negroes a form of citizenship without trying to force the Several States to enact law giving them full rights as State Citizens. It was also a ploy by the new federal corporation to lay claim to the labor and property assets of the "freed" slaves for use as collateral backing the federal corporation's debts

Hale v. Henkel Tells AllA

landmark case regarding citizenship in general was decided in Hale v. Henkel, 201 U.S. 43, 74 (1906):“the individual (State Citizen) may stand upon his constitutional rights as a Citizen. He is entitled to carry on his private business in his own way. His power to contract is unlimited. He owes no duty to the State or to his neighbors to divulge his business, or to open his doors to an investigation, so far as it may tend to incriminate him. He owes no such duty to the State, since h receives nothing there from beyond the protection of his life and property. His rights are such as existed by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State, and can only be taken from him by (civil) due process of law, and in accordance with the Constitution, Among his rights are as refusal to incriminate himself, and the immunity of himself and his property from arrest or seizure except under a warrant of law. He owes nothing to the public so long as he does not trespass upon their rights.

The court further declared in Hale v. Henkel, supra, 74-75 regarding U.S. Citizens which includes all “Corporate Citizens”---”Upon the other hand, the corporation is a creature of the State. It is presumed to be incorporated for the benefit of the public. It receives certain special privileges and franchises, and holds them subject to the laws of the State and the limitations of its charter. Its powers are limited by law. It can make no contract not authorized by its charter. Its rights to act as a corporation are only preserved to it so long as it obeys the laws of its creation. There is a reserved right in the legislature to investigate its contracts and find out whether it has exceeded its powers

It would be a strange anomaly to hold that a State, having chartered a corporation to make use of certain franchises, could not in the exercise of its sovereignty inquire how these franchises had been employed, and whether they had been abused, and demand the production of the corporate books and papers for that purpose.”

the private civilian State Citizen has vastly different status than any Federal United States citizen, especially Corporate Citizens.

More Judges Spill the Beans“The individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing. The corporation is an artificial entity which owes its existence and charter powers to the state; but the individual's right to live and own property are natural rights for the enjoyment of which an excise cannot be imposed.” --- Oregon Supreme Court, Redfield v. Fischer; 292 P. 813, 819 (1930)

“ A mere statement of this fact may not seem very significant; corporations, after all, are not supposed to exercise the governmental powers with which the Bill of Rights was concerned. But this has been radically changed by the emergence of the public-private state. Today private institutions do exercise governmental power; more, indeed, than 'government' itself... . We have
two more governments in America, then-one under the Constitution and a much greater one notour Bill of Rights is one of the crucial facts of American life today.”  ---- Chief Judge Fox, U.S.District Court of Michigan, commenting on MILOSZEWSKI v. SEARS ROEBUCK, 346 F.Supp. 119 (1972)(2)

  ~ Americans elect....United States Citizens VOTE... 

~Per the 14th Amendment to the Corporate Constitution, only Federal Citizens can vote in Federal Elections. Registration as a Voter is your consent to function as a Federal Citizen subject to the whims of Congress.

Moreover, according to the Lieber Code, 1863, Section 40 & 41 -- which is still in force and effect for all Federal Citizens and which constitutes the martial law that these citizens still live under -- "ALL laws are suspended..." -- except the Lieber Code itself

The United States Citizens have been kept in a constant state of war and subject to martial lawfor 150 years!

American State Citizens are owed all the protections of the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949.

Article 3 of those Conventions makes it a capital crime (death penalty) to change the citizen status of an American State Citizen to that of United States Citizen, but the perpetrators of this vast fraud scheme have nonetheless contrived to do this via "redefinition" of living people and their property assets as "ESTATES" -- that is, corporate entities, which fall within the international jurisdiction of the sea, and which can be attacked at will. Pulling people from theland and air jurisdictions into the jurisdiction of the sea is known as "press-ganging" and it has been outlawed for 200 years. When the sea jurisdiction laps onto the land, it is called "in land piracy" -- that's outlawed too. When people of the land jurisdiction are forced to donate the fruits of their labor against their will it is known as "peonage" or "enslavement" -- also outlawed

~ Three Citizenships & Three Different Forms of United States

~1. There's the Continental United States composed of now-50 geographically defined states and their living inhabitants. Each such state is a sovereign nation with jurisdiction of the air, land,and sea associated with it. Those born within the borders of these states are American State Citizens by birthright, having all the guarantees of The Constitution, and all their Natural Rights intact. For example, you might be a birthright citizen of the Ohio State, which is a Constitutional Republic

Under the Doctrine of Checks and Balances, these states retain control of the land jurisdiction and are supposed to protect their citizenry and resources against encroachment by the federal government.

2. There's the Federal United States composed of 50 "Federal States" which are "inchoate" --meaning that they exist in our minds and on paper, but not in physical reality -- plus seven physical states more often thought of as federal territories and possessions. This makes a total of 57 Federal States. They are inhabited by United States Citizens -- all the people born on Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, plus federal civilian and military employees,African Americans, political asylum seekers, and welfare recipients. This United States is a Democracy operated in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea

3. Finally, there's the Corporate United States composed of 185,000 corporations and approximately 390 million corporate U.S. CITIZENS. This behemoth is composed entirely of"legal fiction entities" -- C Corps, S Corps, Non-Profits, NGO's, Foundations, Trusts, LLC's, Cooperatives, Public Utilities, and so on. All these entities including STATES like the STATE OF FLORIDA are operated in the international Jurisdiction of the Sea, too. This United States is operated under the plenary law of the Washington, DC Municipality, an international city-state run by Congress as an Oligarchy

                                    Part Four:
                                    Moving On

~ The Titles of Nobility Amendment 1810 to 1819

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office,or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the trust or profit from under them, or either of them."It took almost nine years, but on 12 March 1819 Virginia became the 13th and final State required to ratify the above amendment to The Constitution for the united States of America.[Not to be confused with the much later look-alike, sound-alike corporate Constitution of the United States of America.]

The Titles of Nobility Amendment added a strict, specific, and enforceable penalty for violations of the already existing constitutional prohibition in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 --loss of citizenship and inability to hold public office.

They are private courts operated in foreign jurisdictions by undeclared foreign agents. The American BAR Association has a Treaty allowing it to function on American soil, which it has grossly abused

What appear to be "State Statutes" are issued under private copyright. Public documents are all public domain and cannot be copyrighted

The take home news for American State Citizens is that

(1) No member of the Bar Association can occupy any public office associated with you, nor your State on the land, nor the Continental United States in general:

(2) if a Bar Association Member is associated with any
action pretending to having actual impact upon you or the land jurisdiction of the Continental United States that action is null and void;

(3) none of the "courts" you commonly see rampaging around issuing charges and handing out orders have jurisdiction over your person or your property;

(4)No Act of any version of Congress or any "State" Legislature tainted by members of the Bar Association can be applied to you

The Bar Association Members can work for the Federal United States and for Washington DC Municipality and the United Nation City-State, and all these foreign governments have created regularly attack these franchises and make false claims that seem to be addressed to you ( a purposeful deceit called personage) but in fact, by Maxim of Law, those who create franchises are responsible for all debts and upkeep costs of those franchises

MAXIM of LAW – We are all responsible for what we create.

Note the CRIMES Involved...

Personage: the crime of knowingly misrepresenting a living man or woman as a legal fiction --some form of corporation, such as a trust, public utility, or foundation.For example, knowingly mischaracterizing a living woman named "elizabeth arden" as if she were the corporate design company known as ELIZABETH ARDEN (INC.) is a crime of personage.

Barratry: (Yes, named after the Bar Association for good reason.) The crime of knowingly bringing false claims and charges based on personage in order to use foreign statutory law against living people. These two crimes are routinely practiced by members of the Bar Association worldwide to inflict unjust punishments, defraud people of property, and to raise money for themselves and the banks they work for.

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