Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 12 March 2020

The Republic of Alberta National Power Grid

The Republic of Alberta National Power Grid
The current and historical energy map of the Republic of Alberta shows all the classic indicators of an extractive economy; the extractive drainage lines either extend east out of the Republic of Alberta or to the ports. It is true that our Alberta has been poor because it is so rich; its abundant natural resources like coal, slate, water and steel, together with a lack of political sovereignty has given rise to an extractive system, designed to leave very little wealth behind. The Republic of Alberta is technically already more than self sufficient in non renewable electricity. The Republic of Alberta is the 3 rd largest producer of electricity in Canada and has a generating capacity of 16 458 megawatts (MW) to sell, but this is all lost to the national grid; this very same energy given away by Alberta/Canada Corporation for free is then sold back to us. 

According to NRCan, at least four provinces get the majority of their electricity supply from hydroelectricity. Manitoba is the No. 1 hydro generator, with a 97 percentage, while Alberta only uses 2.8 percent to generate electricity. Manitoba: 97.0%; Quebec: 95.3%; Newfoundland and Labrador: 94.3%; Yukon: 93.7%; British Columbia: 89.4%
Enough is enough. The Republic of Alberta needs politicians to fight for us to ensure the Republic of Alberta controls this energy and fully benefits from its use and its selling. If the Alberta Corporation politicians aren’t doing everything they can to fight for the Sovereign's  corner in the world their motives for being Alberta Corporation politicians should be questioned and challenged. We urgently need a Sovereign Republic of Alberta and Administrators to stop this harmful purely extractive economy and seek full control of our resources for our present and future generations.
A Republic of Alberta would establish and regulate  an exclusive Republic of Alberta National Power Grid to link and unify the currently unconnected electricity lines in North with the ones in Mid and South, so that all of the Republic of Alberta’ electricity and energy generation are connected and the excess energy that we already produces can be sold to countries outside of the Republic of Alberta, allowing sovereign  to properly profits from its vast renewable energy resources

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