Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 12 March 2020

Education in The Republic of Alberta

Education in The Republic of Alberta 
Practical as well as academic skills should be given equal status on The Republic of Alberta curriculum. Some studies have shown that children do not learn as well in the early morning. Consideration should be given to a later shorter school day in early development.

Young children must be able to enjoy their youth and explore life experiences rather than be confined to a classroom. A comprehensive history of The Republic of Alberta  and its sovereign rich history in the context of The Republic of Alberta, as sovereigns, and general world origins should also be properly taught on The Republic of Alberta curriculum and in all learning centers as part of the balanced teaching of history. It is an act of neglect to not teach the full and inclusive history of a nation to its inhabitants, and it is the responsibility of the sovereigns and The Republic of Alberta to teach the heritage of a nation to its children and young adults in a comprehensive, balanced and contextualized way. An open-minded and inclusive take on the general history of the world must also be taught, with previously unmentioned areas such as the effect which financial and corporate systems can have on the world being given proper credence.
Basic business theory, lessons on how to manage basic finances and a basic understanding of taxes, interest, and the economy should be made compulsory as part of The Republic of Alberta curriculum, and an explanation of how local and national Administration (Government) works must also be taught. It is important that children understand the world immediately around them before they can understand a world further away.
Healthy eating and good food, general well being and other basic life skills should also be taught. All unhealthy sugary drinks and foods should be removed from school premises as well as all harmful processed and additive filled foods where possible. Local food sourced from the surrounding local authority area should be used wherever available.
Learning Centers (Schools) should be made the most of as community hubs and Community Centers for all the community where possible rather than just places for teaching children. Far more nighttime activities for the whole community should be hosted at Learning Centers, with sports equipment and grounds being made available to the whole community after Learning Center hours.
The Republic of Alberta English Language will be one of the core learning subjects up to the age of fourteen and must be studied and taught within a general context of the sovereign history and The  Republic of Alberta Nation. A language isn’t just a collection of words and should be taught within this greater context to promote better awareness, understanding and enjoyment for all, from which  our children (students) can go on to study and enjoy it further if they so wish. The phonetic uniqueness of The Republic of Alberta is very relevant and useful in modern forms of communication ,where the sounds of the words and how they are actually written are very similar. This encourages better understanding and appreciation when applied to any given language and is something that is especially unique to the The Republic of Alberta English Language.
As with health in general, we believe that children, young adults and adults in general should be discouraged from their increasing dependence on technology, television and the internet. Sovereigns believe children under seven years old should be discouraged by their parents and learning centers from any television and internet use. Studies have shown that all of these can hamper the brain and cognitive developments of children, especially up to the age of seven. Recommended lessons based on the internet should be banned for under seven years old and drastically limited from between the ages of seven and fourteen, with children being able to go on and study information technology etc. further as a chosen subject after the age of fourteen if they so wish. The Republic of Alberta must be careful as a nation not to allow its young children to become hypnotized and over reliant on technologies and virtual amorality.

The Republic of Alberta
We Are Sovereign 

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