Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 15 March 2020

Economy and Business of The Republic of Alberta

Economy and Business of The Republic of Alberta 
Currently, the Republic of Alberta represents  – it is hardly a surprise we are targeted and on the radar of  the Westminster Globalist Government when it comes to our energy resources and water. The one size fits all approach by the Globalists government has proved especially damaging to the Republic of Alberta since 1901 and the last 50 years have been catastrophic. The Sovereign's of the Republic of Alberta cannot continue or survive more of this perverse form of Communist Globalization  that has produced the recent global economic disorder and instability.

The Sovereign's of the Republic have been robbed for too long. Here are some facts to investigate.  
Alberta's economy is the sum of all economic activity in Alberta Corporation, fourth largest province by population. Alberta's GDP in 2018 was CDN$338.2 billion. Although Alberta has a presence in many industries such as agriculture, forestry, education, tourism, finance, and manufacturing, the politics and culture of the province have been closely tied to the production of fossil energy since the 1940s. Alberta—with an estimated 1.4 billion cubic metres of unconventional oil resource in the bituminous oil sands—leads as an oil producer. Revenue from oil and natural gas extraction has fueled a series of economic booms in the province's recent history, and economic spin-offs have included petrochemical and pipelines. In 1985, the energy industry accounted for 36.1% of Alberta's GDP; In 2006, it was 29.1% by 2012 it was 23.3% in 2013, it was 24.6%, and in 2016, 27.9%. Alberta's GDP was $66.8 billion in 1985, and $335 billion in 2018.

In 2018, Alberta's energy sector contributed over $71.5 billion to Canada's nominal gross domestic product. According to Statistics Canada Corporation in May 2018, the oil and gas extraction industry reached its highest proportion of Canada's national GDP since 1985, exceeding 7% and "surpass[ing] banking and insurance". with extraction of non-conventional oil from the oilsands reaching an "impressive", all-time high in May 2018. With conventional oil extraction "climbed up to the highs from 2007", the demand for Canadian oil was strong in May.

Then the Canada Corporation Globalists began to push their UN Agenda 21/30 Green Energy fraud.

From 1990 to 2003, Alberta's economy grew by 57% compared to 43% for all of Canada—the strongest economic growth of any region in Canada. In 2006 Alberta's per capita GDP was higher than all US states, and one of the highest figures in the world. In 2006, the deviation from the national average was the largest for any province in Canadian history. Alberta's per capita GDP in 2007 was by far the highest of any province in Canada Corporation at C$74,825 (approx. US$75,000). Alberta's per capita GDP in 2007 was 61% higher than the Canadian average of C$46,441 and more than twice that of all the Maritime provinces. From 2004 to 2014 Alberta's "exports of commodities rose 91%, reaching $121 billion in 2014" and 500,000 new jobs were created. In 2014, Alberta's real GDP by expenditure grew by 4.8%, the strongest growth rate among the provinces." In 2017, Alberta's real per capita GDP—the economic output per person—was $71,092, compared to the Canadian average of $47,417. Alberta's A grade on its income per capita was based on the fact that is was almost "identical" to that of the "top peer country" in 2016, 

The energy industry provided 7.7% of all jobs in Alberta in 2013, and 140,300 jobs representing 6.1% of total employment of 2,286,900 in Alberta in 2017. The unemployment rate in Alberta peaked in November 2016 at 9.1%. Its lowest point in a ten-year period from July 2009 to July 2019, was in September 2013 at 4.3%. The unemployment rate in the spring of 2019 in Alberta was 6.7% with 21,000 jobs added in April. By July 2019, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate had increased to 7.0%.

By August 2019, the employment number in Alberta was 2,344,000, following the loss of 14,000 full-time jobs in July, which represented the "largest decline" in Canada according to Statistics Canada.

The orchestrated economic destruction to steal the wealth of our Republic of Alberta has continued under the Globalist scheme.
The Republic of Alberta Sovereign will end all this and create an economically sustainable nation not reliant on borrowing, lending or ghost money. Our educated Sovereigns will implement, self sufficient, mixed economy will be developed in the Republic of Alberta that is not wholly reliant on one sector/s, is flexible and adaptable and makes the most of our renewable and core products; renewable green energy of  wind power and solar power will be further studied as its technology and enormous high cost are at this time not possible. Our coal, gas and oil, our water, wood, food  production will be our number one goal. The de-industrialisation off the Republic of Alberta will be stopped to make sure we also protect and make the most out of our indigenous heavy industries such as steel and iron production. All of these areas combined will be the backbone of our economy whilst other fields are also developed and promoted here and abroad: technology, invention and digital development, intellectual property and science, hospitality and tourism, the entertainment industry and the arts.
A single well-branded one-stop business agency should be set up for all of the Republic of Alberta  business needs, not a myriad of different agencies and departments that keep changing their names and purpose. Bureaucracy for getting help and grants for new all businesses needs to be stripped right down to the bare minimum and the whole process simplified and made easy to understand for all. There needs to be a clarity and simplicity of help for sovereign businesses that, by law, stays the same for at least 5 years and which,as mentioned, does not constantly change name, purpose and criteria. Good ideas and new businesses of whatever size should be encouraged and applauded – not swamped by a platitude of forms, forecasts, schemes and process, which can suffocate new ideas before they’ve had a chance to get off the ground.
We believe help for businesses in the Republic of Alberta should focus on three main clear and well defined areas;
a)  A basic simplified, bureaucracy and fuss free loan and grant scheme of up to 10,000 for  the self employed, new start ups and small to medium businesses.
b) A two year free enterprise zone scheme for new start ups, the self employed and small to medium businesses
c) All other grants and loans for large companies
a) Applications for small grants of up to 10,000 from the Republic of Alberta for new start up businesses should be no more than one A) page showing basic projected income, present profit and loss and breakdown of costs, with the idea and inspiration behind a new idea given as much attention and significance – this is especially relevant to new start up businesses and the self employed who can’t afford accountants and professional advice.
Grants of up to 10,000, subject to basic legal and financial tests, should be straightforward and quickly paid in lump sums at the start of each new business venture. As part of this scheme a team of experienced inventors, investors, entrepreneurs and ideas people chosen by an independent panel on behalf of the Republic of Alberta could also travel around all areas of the country/Regions, to find and share out money to sovereign entrepreneurs with innovative and new business ideas, thereby promoting dynamic and successful new businesses in the Republic of Alberta and attracting people who otherwise might not have the confidence to come forward and try their luck.
The only clause would be that the company in question has to stay in the Republic of Alberta for at least 10 years from the day of receiving the payment.  The start of the paying back process would not start for at least 1 year after receiving, and with a " 0" interest rate. This plan would not require match funding, business to business or any other mind numbing bureaucracy or falling block. The plan would be there to take a measured punt on new businesses and new ideas and give people a chance to succeed.

Priority Projects 
A self-sufficient community is a community that produces everything that is needed on their own. This Must be at the highest priority for our future.

The role of everyone is important to developing a  community since , at various levels, sets standards and creates opportunities. It was generally agreed that the Republic of Alberta should endorse the concept of self-sufficient communities, create policies and legislation to support, and help build
capacity in various sectors with respect to self-sufficient communities. Coordinating dialogue was seen as an emerging role for the future of any civilization . Keeping sovereigns efficient and self-sufficient was recommended. We understand the Globalists pushed the sustainability lies and corruption to destroy every fabric of normality.  This is indoctrination and propaganda will be harshly dealt with in the Republic of Alberta Court system   

1. Lumber Mill 
2. Hemp Factory - Produce Cloths, Oils,
b) New small to medium sized businesses and start ups should be offered the
opportunity to take part in a 2 year business scheme by the Republic of Alberta (as an alternative of the up to 10,000 payment)  where their office rent, printing costs, broadband and web hosting, telephone, graphic design, accountancy and legal costs, business rates and other basic services do not have to be paid for the first year, and only half fees have to be paid in the second year.
Priority is to ensure our sovereign business succeeds, 
Enterprise cluster zones of various sizes should be set up and fairly distributed around Wales in 30 or so areas to house these businesses in specially adapted office quarters or office hubs; suggestions for where these various enterprise zones should be set up evenly across Wales are; LIST OF AREA for development

 (with a clause that these companies have to stay and trade in the Republic of Alberta with these particular companies for at least 10 years after the initial 2 year period and employ Alberta sovereigns first where possible)  Companies that leave the business zones after the 2 year period is up could still pay to use the services offered at the sites. The office sizes and number of allocated offices could vary depending on the area, demand and availability. If Republic of Alberta offices aren’t available local rented offices could be used.
c) All other help for large companies and co operations where more complex and intricate forms of funding such as business to business and match funding criteria are to be expected.
An option for all Alberta sovereign  businesses to pay only half their business rate bills in winter but a bit more than normal in summer (or vice versa) should be offered to all sovereign businesses so that they can survive through the quieter months. New street shops should also be offered the same but would still have to pay basic occupancy rent.

We will remove all the wasted mind numbing bureaucracy , complexity, time wasting, terminology, regulating, licensing We want to get on with the business of letting businesses breathe, grow and making some money.

We believe Administrators advisers should not come with time and session limits for each new business but rather be available at all times for advice and crucial guidance. We would also like to see and encourage private investment in the Republic of Alberta from private investors and smaller firms from around the Republic of Alberta as well as larger companies. We also advocate that if companies outside of the Republic of Alberta do harvest or are licensed to harvest some of sovereign natural resources that are not run as a national authority, they are tightly governed and charged a substantially high rate of a special sovereign energy corporation tax of up to 50%, so that the sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta as a nation profits fully from its own resources.
The Republic of Alberta has also led the way in Credit Unions; they should continue to be fully supported and encouraged so that all the sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta can control and determine how their own money is handled.

The corruption of allowing Private Banking Cartel will be ended and we may find our courts do the same as Iceland did to the criminals. That will be up to the Republic of Alberta Courts , If  one sovereign would like to file charges. 

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