Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 12 March 2020



2020 / APRIL 4th 2020


The year is 2020. The world is in a state of surreality. Logic, reason and truth have been turned upside down, fiction turned into fact and fact into fiction. Over the past decade we have seen countless illegal attacks and invasions of sovereign countries based on lies and misinformation, all done in our name whilst  mainstream media is impotent and unwilling to report truth and fact, endangering all sovereigns in the process.

In the Corporation of Canada, the farcical Westminster Act charade of party politics is being played out like a faded play, with politicians pandering to corporate agendas well beyond any mandate given to them by the Sovereigns. Left to their devices they will carry on with the collective corruption of attacking and supporting the collapse of sovereign countries, seemingly intent on provoking and instigating a potentially catastrophic world war. At the same time, while billions upon billions of our money is spent on these illegal attacks and devoured by government debts to central banks. We are told to prepare for possible perpetual austerity and urged to keep propping up a fundamentally flawed financial system, with increased taxes in all areas. None of this is normal, it is abnormal. It breaks all moral and international laws of legitimate governance and is dangerous not only for the Republic of Alberta, for the Provinces and potentially the whole world and its sovereigns.

In the course of political events, it sometimes becomes necessary and natural for a nation to dissolve the political control that has bound it with another and to establish its own sovereignty. It is time for the Republic of Alberta sovereignty.  If there was ever a time this is that time! The Republic of Alberta has to draw a line in the sand and take full responsibility for itself, for the sake of the future well being of all its Sovereigns now and in the future. The Republic of Alberta, its military men and women and all its Sovereigns should not be dragged into continual wars based on lies and misinformation, perpetrated by corrupt governments from inside and outside our borders. The Republic of Alberta does not need to give away its natural resources, land and taxes whilst having no control over its economy, its immigration or foreign policy. The lives and futures of the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta or any country should not be endangered by any corrupt, “morally” bankrupt politician or government, whoever and wherever they may be; It does not have to be this way.

For the good of all and with a justified sense of urgency, we also urge all Sovereigns to contact these so-called elected officials to stand up for what is right. Impeach any government and politician that continue to endanger all our lives and futures by committing illegal wars and a corrupt financial agenda. We also urge all our public civil servants, all employees and the mainstream media to stand up for what is right, to challenge and expose all illegalities and wrongdoings; No one wants to, has to, or deserves to live in a climate of constant fear and threat. We have every right to live in hope and in the pursuit of happiness, liberty and sovereignty, as sovereigns and as nations.

As we support evolution and the improved accountability it has brought to the Republic of Alberta within its limited powers, we believe that full Sovereignty under a written constitution is the only real, just, and accountable way for any country to exist. It is ultimately pointless for Alberta Corporation politicians and the Alberta population to keep looking to Westminster to solve its major ills, "We the Sovereigns" of the Republic of Alberta hold the key to our future, security and well being. When push comes to shove no one will have the Republic of Alberta’s back, unless we have it ourselves. The sovereigns and politicians of this illegal Alberta corporation must be put aside, political party partisanship for the sake of all our future security and prosperity, and in order to avoid future conflicts and crises. (Only we can do it and demand it).

We hereby put our faith in the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta, to take charge of their own country and destination. To instate full self government under Republic of Alberta Sovereignty as is written in our Republic of Alberta Constitution. To not accept control and authority of a corrupt government or any other  proclaimed authority from inside or outside of our borders. To call for the End of the Westminster Government.  To honour our Republic of Alberta Constitution (Declaration regarding Non Self Governing Territories), so that all the Sovereign of the Republic of Alberta and their descendants can go on to form and shape their new Sovereign Republic of Alberta. Develop their future through the ways decided upon by the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta and no one else.

The Sovereigns call for an Executive Administration, Judiciary and Republic of Alberta Treasury as part of a Sovereign Republic of Alberta’s Administration. The Sovereigns call on the current devolved Alberta Corporation and Illegal Government to be superseded, succeeded and replaced by a real independent fully Sovereign Republic of Alberta administration, operating within a fully Sovereign Republic of Alberta. All of these will be answerable to the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta. These are the natural, lawful, unalienable and sovereign rights of the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta to determine their own relations with other nations, for the Republic of Alberta to determine its administrative, economical and cultural life in accordance with its own needs and aspirations.

The Sovereigns call  on the  Republic of Alberta administration to re-establish a new Judicial Law and courts system in the Republic of Alberta. This will mean an end to the antiquated unlawful entities (Canada Corporation and Alberta Corporation). A Sovereign Republic of Alberta Judiciary will be implemented in our Republic of Alberta Constitution  to be implemented in a lawful agreement that will transition this process to the  devolved Alberta Provincial Corporation. The Sovereigns state that the Republic of Alberta never entered into a political union with Canada or England; the laws in the Canada Acts, that Canada adopted on September 1, 1905, as a new province, never entered Confederation in Edmonton Alberta's capital. Where only a judicial annexation and an incorporation done by the Dominion of Canada was never ratified by the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta.

The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta call for the full and proper implementation of the Republic of Alberta. (Declaration regarding Non Self Governing Territories). In Which Canada, Province, has signed and that clearly requires that Canada commit to achieving full self government to all dependent territories. Will fully assist them in the progressive development of their free political institutions and to commit to ensuring that the full political, economical, social and cultural rights and freedoms of these territories be implemented until such time as Alberta Sovereignty has been accomplished.

The Republic of Alberta Sovereigns call for a transferrable economic agreement whereby the full financial budget of Alberta corporation is transferred from the International Monetary Fund, the Bank Of Canada Treasury to the Sovereign Republic of Alberta Treasury. A transfer of economic reigns will allow the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta time to invest in infrastructure and renewable energy projects, build up pensions and legacy funds so that it will be ready for complete economic freedom as is required and signed:_________________ ,  by the de-facto Canada corporation under the above mentioned Sovereign Republic of Alberta Constitution  “Declaration regarding Non Self Governing Territories”.

The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta call for the Republic of Alberta Treasury Fund to always be accountable to the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta. All money shall be given, not lent, non repayable and interest free to the Republic of Alberta Administration by the Republic of Alberta Treasury Fund. All pensions, current savings accounts, belonging to and earned by the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta, will be guaranteed by law and totally separated from any gambling financial sectors.

Alberta Corporation is leading the world in a carbon-based economy. The Sovereigns of the republic of Alberta will now lead the world in removing the fraud of the Green Energy Paris Accord. The Republic of Alberta’s recoverable reserves of oil are, still conservatively, the largest on Earth by far, and are larger than those of Saudi Arabia and Venezuela combined, which means we have an immense resource on our doorstep. The Republic of Alberta can produce more than twice the electricity generation it needs from renewable energy alone; this will drastically increase the already existing non renewable energy produced in the Republic of Alberta when this is taken into account. The Republic of Alberta is already more than self sufficient in non renewable electricity generation such as gas and coal producing 20% more than we need. The Republic of Alberta contains vast amounts of coal distributed throughout the southern Plains, Foothills, and Mountains. The (AER) Alberta Energy Resources estimates there are 91 billion tonnes of coal resources at depth suitable for mining. There is an additional 2 trillion tonnes of coal at depths in the Alberta Plains that may be suited for (CBM) coalbed methane exploration. Gas, hydrogen and petroleum can also be produced from coal and Alberta can pioneer in clean coal technology.

All of this energy created and available in the Republic of Alberta is currently stolen. The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta through its Administration will immediately start developing large scale renewable energy projects with the construction of Refineries in significant locations in each of the eleven regions of the Republic of Alberta.

Wind farm technology will be further studied before any more tax dollars are wasted on this technology. This technology has been proven at this point in time to not be feasible, this also applies to solar power that has been an enormous failure in the current levels of technology. Wind power is not free. All natural energy resources such as wind and sun appear “free”. No one should incur costs to create them, but turning a “free” resource into usable electricity, does cost money for collecting, generating and distributing that energy. The exploration, Extraction and Refining of our resources will provide thousands of jobs for the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta workforce and ensure that the Republic of Alberta is not only energy self-sufficient but also stands to become an economically viable and prosperous Sovereign Nation through the regulation and selling of its excess energy to other countries.

The Sovereign Republic of Alberta will establish and regulate an exclusive Republic of Alberta National Power Grid. Which will link and unify all the currently unconnected electrical lines so that all of the Republic of Alberta’s power is connected. All excess energy of the Republic of Alberta can be sold at profit to countries outside of the Republic of Alberta.

The Sovereign Republic of Alberta Administration will establish and regulate its drinking water resources and reservoirs, it will be a priority of the Republic of Alberta to attempt to provide the best quality potable water to every community where possible, with access to filtration systems where needed.
The Republic of Alberta, To make sure companies outside of the Republic of Alberta will no longer harvest or are licensed to harvest the Republic of Alberta’s natural resources, other resources and energy such as wood biomass and methane. The Republic of Alberta as a nation profits fully from its own resources. (It’s our country, our energy, our future).

The Sovereign Republic of Alberta to be economically and nationally strengthened will take back control of the existing rail lines and build new rail lines and routes where needed.
The Sovereign Republic of Alberta will instruct all institutions and services that serve the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta to build and base all military veteran or rehabilitation centres for ex servicemen and women in the Republic of Alberta. All other institutions, foundations and societies whose prime concern is to represent the interests of the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta and all its sovereigns must be rooted in the Republic of Alberta and answerable to the Republic of Alberta.

The Sovereign Republic of Alberta has a long and proud military history and we want this to continue. All Armed Forces, Air Force, Police Services and First Responders for the Republic of Alberta to be under the full commitment of a sovereign administration. The Republic of Alberta military bases to be based in either existing or new bases. We do advocate and can deploy a modern flexible military for the purpose of the full defence of the Republic of Alberta and its Sovereigns.  In the case of the mutual protection and military defence of our neighbors we advocate a treaty of alliance between the military forces of the US Republics and all other Nations and surrounding areas. We would also advocate signing defence treaties in these nations only if they are lawful and moral.

The Republic of Alberta will offer an opportunity for greater cooperation and understanding between all the countries and sovereigns of our neighboring borders. Our neighbors to the south and surrounding area who would when needed meet as equal nations in the name of friendship and mutual respect. The Republic of Alberta wants to build and establish an even better and more productive relationship with all other nations of the world. The Republic of Alberta fully supports other nations that want to establish their sovereignty.

All Sovereigns are created equal. Sovereignty belongs to the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta and to all Sovereigns and not to any one Sovereign or any government based here or in another country. Anything that suggests or undermines these basic rights of fundamental law and sovereign liberty will not be permitted. The sovereigns of The Republic of Alberta shall run their own country by putting their faith and trust into their administrators who are the employees of the sovereigns and not the other way round.

Self determination is an inherent right! It isn’t legal or sustainable for the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta to be enslaved by the Globalist World Government and Crown that can seize and stop our lawful rights to liberty and freedom. The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta have a duty to fight for what’s best for their sovereignty, now and in the future. The Republic of Alberta sovereigns deserve administrators that will fight for what’s best for the sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta all the time and in all areas. This has never been the case, and we are ending this charade for the safety and well-being of ourselves and future generations of Sovereigns.

The Republic of Alberta has long surpassed the stage of calling for full sovereignty based solely on political, historical or ideological differences. The Republic of Alberta now recognises that its reasons and call for sovereignty are as urgent as they are many and varied: energy and water safeguarding, projected environmental change, reckless global financial agendas, illogical and unreasonable increases in local, national and international taxes, immigration and foreign policy, and our need to defend  our unique social and cultural values being obvious examples.

All the Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta invite all sovereigns and their descendants who have left Alberta to return. The Republic of Alberta welcomes all sovereigns to contribute and partake in its present, its future, to fully support and recognize our sovereign rights from all sovereign nations. Only through good leadership, foresight and sensitive long term planning can we make sure that the Republic of Alberta is ready to deal with the global, economical, environmental and political instabilities. Controlling our natural resources, our economy and immigration. This will allow us a harmonious and well assimilated society within our economic capabilities and resources. Without full Sovereignty the Republic of Alberta will literally be drained of its powers and energy and become bankrupt and forever dependent.

Why should the Republic of Alberta become a sovereign country? The Republic of Alberta has incredible beauty and variety, immense natural and renewable resources and energy, a history of free and independent thought, strong social as well as individual values, incredible culture, and a tolerant society that produces sovereigns that contribute hugely to the world and to civilization. We are immensely lucky to find all these values in one place and we can not and will not take them for granted. These are values and strengths worth protecting and fighting for. If any nation in the world needs and deserves to be a modern sovereign nation, that country is the Republic of Alberta.

The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta will acquire and control the use of property, lands, water, air and natural resources presently controlled by the  Globalist governments from beyond the Republic of Alberta’s borders. To protect our soil, air, waters and rivers for our children and for the generations to come. To rightfully claim our lands, airspace and territorial waters as defined by International law which rightfully and lawfully protects our future renewable and non renewable energies and resources within the designated territorial waters and borders of the Republic of Alberta. To control and determine our own immigration policy and all other policies for the Republic of Alberta. The right to fully govern ourselves for the benefit of all those living in the Republic of Alberta today, tomorrow and in the future.

The Sovereigns of the Republic of Alberta declare and ask all sovereigns to take part in the movement for its official implementation. Whatever your creed, race or colour, the sovereigns ask everyone to embrace a real and positive future as a free ambitious potent nation with everything to offer all sovereigns.

The Sovereign’s of the Republic of Alberta hereby declare sovereignty and await for its full official implementation.

The Republic of Alberta
Sovereignty Forever


  1. wow, excellent Job Dallas, you are genius. we will have to have a statue built in ur honor.

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