Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 30 March 2020


1. This is the constitution and structure for a Sovereign independent State of Alberta, meaning full national status and full Sovereignty for Alberta under a fully constitutional Republic system and a written constitution. This being the first known Sovereign Alberta State constitution in recent history.

2. The Alberta nation has a natural, universal and unalienable right to Sovereignty, to determine its own relations with other nations, and to develop its life, political, economical and cultural, in accordance with its own needs and aspirations. This is the constitution of that Sovereign Alberta nation state.

3. A Sovereign State of Alberta will exist in the existing territorial borders of
Alberta and include all its territorial waters and islands, all its inland waters, its lands and its airspace.

4. A Sovereign State of Alberta will be a fully autonomous sovereign independent and Republic nation state.

5. A Sovereign Alberta State will negotiate freely and as an equal with other governments of other lands and nations and will seek mutual understanding and cooperation with all other nations and Sovereigns.

6. All Sovereign are created equal. No one Sovereign is or should be the subject of another nor should one set of Sovereign be deemed superior to another. Sovereignty belongs to the Sovereign of Alberta, not to any government based in another country, to any Crown or to anyone or anything else. The people of Alberta shall run their own country by their public administrators to manage their Business  who are the servants of the people and not the other way round.

7. Alberta duly claims all its territorial waters from the crown estate, both land based rights and ownership, including gold, silver and all other mines and minerals. Alberta therefore duly claims all the rights on fishing, mining, oil exploration,  wind farms and all other renewable and non renewable energies and resources within the designated territorial waters and borders of Alberta

8. The country’s name to be either officially known as Alberta

9. As it is now, the national flag of Alberta of the (______________)will be our main official national flag, to be flown on all Sovereign Government and state maintained buildings.

10. The official languages of Alberta is English . Life and culture will be celebrated, with Alberta educational curriculum which will be a REAL EDUCATION SYSTEM. (We will define this ) 

11. Alberta law/The law of Alberta will apply in all circumstances whether it is similar or equal to other laws or not.

12. All the natural resources of Alberta including the air, water, all forms of potential energy and all the royalties and franchises within its borders belong to Alberta Sovereigns state, on behalf of the sovereigns of Alberta.

13. All land and all mines, minerals, waters and property which was previously controlled by the devolved Canada Government/United Kingdom Government/state immediately before the coming into operation of the Alberta Constitution now belonging to the new Sovereign’s  of the state of Alberta which will be administered by the Alberta Government on behalf of the Sovereigns of the state of Alberta.

14. All revenues of the state from whatever source will, subject to such exception as may be provided by law, form one fund, and will be used for the purposes of the state via a responsible Government who will be accountable to the sovereigns and their long term and vital interests.

15. The Republic of Alberta will be a full and comprehensive Republic, with an Executive Government, Judiciary and Treasury with full powers in all areas as part of the Governments remit. All these are answerable to the sovereigns of Alberta  via their hired administrators in the Alberta Government in a Sovereign State of Alberta.
Definition: Governments Remit  (control the revenues of money spent for any and all governmental expenditures)

16.  Alberta law and courts system will be re-established in Alberta under a Sovereign Republic of Alberta, which will mean an end to the antiquated illegal entity of ‘English common law system, inherited by United Kingdom’.  Alberta Judiciary will have powers of judicial review of the law/s determined by Alberta Sovereigns, who will act on suggested amendments. Ultimate Government power will be the responsibility of the Alberta Republic as they will be administrators (employees) that are hired by  the sovereign's. The Sovereigns will state that Alberta never entered into a Federation union with Canada or England; the laws in Alberta acts of September 1, 1905 were a judicial annexation only and not a union chosen via any ratification from the Sovereigns of Alberta.

17. All powers of Government:  Legislative, Executive and Judicial ultimately derive from the Sovereigns of Alberta, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the country and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of all aspects and major national policy.

18. It is the birthright and entitlement of every sovereign born in Alberta, which includes all its land and water, air, to be part of the Alberta nation and the sovereigns of the country of Alberta. That is also the entitlement of all other sovereign otherwise qualified and / or accepted in accordance with Alberta law and the Constitution, to be sovereign of Alberta in the present or in the future.

19. Physically, the territory of Alberta will be the existing territorial borders of Alberta, its earth, water and skies. An Alberta sovereignty test of allegiance and pledge of loyalty to protect Alberta, its people and its, lands, waters, resources and its shared common values. Alberta sovereignty will be automatically and officially handed to any sovereign permanently and legally living or born within the territory of Alberta at the time of the new Sovereign State of Alberta officially coming in to existence. Any baby/babies born here after that will automatically get Alberta sovereignty if one of the parents is a legal Alberta national. Otherwise all other legal guidelines will apply.

20. Any Sovereign, wherever they are in the world, with a The Republic of Alberta born parent will also be allowed automatic Alberta sovereignty if applied for and having passed a basic legality test. In the case of having an Alberta grandparent/s the same will apply but with also a need to prove income generation and/or work as well as a basic legality and sovereignty test.

21. Students and post graduates studying in Alberta will have up to four years before having to apply for sovereignty or work visas. A person of non-Alberta sovereignty married to a sovereign Albertan  would also have to apply for Alberta sovereignty after four years of living in Alberta.

22. Employment to foreign / Alien sovereigns will only be available if there is a demand  for work and there is no available Albertian Sovereign to fill that position
-People who are not Alberta sovereigns will be allowed to work in Alberta for up to six months provided that they have a six month work visa and will need to apply for an extension to their six month work visa if they wish to stay employed longer. A work visa is only available for a maximum of four years, after which then they will need to BE A ALBERTA SOVEREIGN in order to remain in Alberta.
-Foreign laws may change some of these arrangements if  membership or any other agreement occurs.

23. New immigrants will be allowed to apply for Alberta sovereignty  based on qualification and skill levels, with a capped limit set every year. New Alberta Sovereignty applications will allow for naturalisation after these and all other statutory criteria have been met and complied with.

Any crime committed to and Alien who relocated to Alberta will loose sovereignty and will be extradited at their cost from Alberta - NO Negotiation

24. New immigrant sovereign who wishes to apply for full Sovereign of Alberta will follow the  guidelines apply, applicants who have already been living in Alberta will have to have been legally living and/or working in Alberta for at least a four year period (with a total of eight months allowed away from Alberta within this period), being of basic good character, being legal and lawful in all other ways, passing a basic Alberta Sovereignty test and signing and reciting the following oath of fidelity in a Alberta court;

“I do solemnly sincerely promise and declare that I will maintain the Constitution
of Alberta and uphold its laws and the laws of the land, that I will fulfill my duties faithfully and in accordance with the constitution and the law, and that my aspirations and capabilities will also be to the service and welfare of the people and the country of Alberta, as well as to my immediate self and family”

25. The Alberta Government and State will, on its part, serve the  sovereigns by promising to protect all its sovereigns to the best of its abilities, its lands, its seas and airspace, to protect and supply Alberta’ energy, food and water resources, sovereign rights and all other rights written in this constitution. The state will offer health and school education to its sovereigns (trillions of wealth of natural resources will be used for the basic life requirements )  as well as welfare to those in real need of it. Further and higher education and training should always sought to be provided free to all Albertan sovereign where possible.

26. A Sovereign Alberta State will establish a Alberta National Power Grid connecting North, Mid and South Alberta which makes sure Albertan becomes a self sufficient and prosperous nation from the proper control of its own renewable energy and excess selling on to other countries now and in the future (and all renewable energies both from the water, land and airspace).The Alberta state and Government shall run the Alberta grid as well as Albertan’s main water reservoirs and water infrastructure and distribute all profits back into the Alberta nation and sovereigns. (Alberta Treasury fund)The main railway lines and routes of Alberta will also be re-opened and nationalised to properly and efficiently join north, mid and south, east and west. New routes will also be built where needed. The economical and national well being and connectivity of the country will be of paramount importance.

27. A Sovereign Alberta State will establish an Alberta Coal Board as well as a Alberta Gas board, to secure and regulate the coal that is left in Alberta and to pioneer clean coal and gas technology in Alberta.

28. A National Treasury Bank of Alberta will be established as the national bank of Alberta and the only institution allowed to print/create money. Alberta will establish its own credit dollar (based on our extreme wealth), or any other secure currency, depending on circumstances. Anything we choose may be used to be recognized as currency in Alberta unless or until a Sovereign Alberta Government decides otherwise. An Alberta exchange rate will also be established if deemed necessary by Alberta Parliament. Crucially, an annual budget given to the Alberta Government by the Bank of Alberta will be non-repayable. In other words it will be debt free and no interest or loan will have to be paid back whatsoever; it will be given not lent. The Alberta Government will be able to add tax revenues to this annual budget and would be allowed to save or carry any money received forward to the next year if it so wished.

29. An independent non-partisan Alberta Monetary Committee made up of proven and experienced economists will be set up to advise and lead the government on how much money they should ask for from the National Treasury Bank of Alberta each year, and to also advise the Bank how much money it can print for itself each year. The Government will be obliged to take their advice but if they decide not to, the Monetary Committee will be allowed to decide the budget and terms the year after: the duties coming back to the Alberta Government the following year. The Alberta Monetary Committee’s salaries will be basic but adequate and also set in law. They will not be allowed any bonuses or to benefit personally from their decisions in any way whatsoever. The Alberta Monetary Committee will base its decisions on sustainable inflation targets and will have a holistic overall view of the Alberta economy, with every incentive to support the national economy rather than to maximise bonuses for themselves.

30. If the Alberta Government agrees to carry out their commitment to ensuring full sovereign self government to Alberta by all political and economical means, as is signed in the Alberta Constitution  ‘Declaration regarding Non Self Governing Territories’, and the Alberta budget is gradually transferred from OLD BNA Alberta  to the Republic of Alberta over time, then the National Bank of Alberta will not need to print any money within this period (although will still have this ability in theory) If no gradual transfer agreement is made between the Private banking Cartel and the Alberta Government then The Alberta National Bank of Alberta may be instructed to print the full annual budget needed for the Alberta Government under a Sovereign State of Alberta.

31. If necessary, and as a guide amount only, a one off payment of 40 billion Alberta  will initially be given to the Alberta Government by the National Bank of Alberta, before reverting to a lower sustainable yearly budget if needed. A lowest and highest potential annual Government budget from the National Bank of Alberta will be agreed and set, in order to allow some flexibility for the economy if necessary. The Monetary Committee will also advise the Bank of Alberta on the amount it should print for its own use every year, with the same decision making and accountability system as the one in place with the Alberta Government.

32. The Alberta banking system will always be accountable to the Alberta Government rather than the government being accountable to the banking system. All the money, savings and pensions kept by the National Bank of Alberta on behalf of the sovereigns will be secure and guaranteed, backed up by oil,gold, silver, metal, forestry, coal and other sellable commodities. All of the banking and financial sections in the National Bank of Bank will have yearly caps put on them to make sure the whole bank stays secure and sustainable. Only the lending/mortgage accounts will be allowed to charge interest rates, which will go towards the general running of the bank. The National Bank of Alberta will, by law, have to keep all current accounts and pension funds as safe deposit accounts only and will not be allowed to touch/spend/lend this money. Saving and lending accounts will be capped and inter dependent. In other words only the saving funds can be lent to borrowers, all within the capped limits. An insurance and mortgage section of the National Bank of Alberta will also be capped annually. The Alberta Government will officially give the Bank of Alberta permission for printing money every year after all proper advice and guidance has been received from the Alberta Monetary Committee.

33. Upon establishment of the National Bank of Alberta, all sovereigns  of Alberta will each receive a lump sum of Alberta currency (30,000 each being a guide amount at the time of writing) in order to stimulate and kick start the Alberta economy. The bank will also set aside a capped yearly allowed sum for any commercial bank/s that may want to buy/exchange Alberta money for their own purpose, all of which will be regulated by an Alberta banking code of practice.

34. If the Alberta Government and Monetary Committee enter any kind of extended discussion or legal dispute that prevents an agreement before the start of a new financial budget year then the Bank of Alberta will be allowed to go ahead and print the middle sum between the lower and higher default settings, for themselves and for the Alberta Government budget. The Alberta Government will be allowed to scrutinise and audit the Monetary Committee and the Bank of Alberta at any time, with all records also being available for public scrutiny.

35. The Peoples Profits – Five years after all fees have been received from the Private banking Cartel , or five years after the Alberta economy is sustainable and stable, on each (THE DAY WE LEFT THE LIE) day/ the 1st, a share of the Alberta Governments profit over the tax year will be shared between all the sovereigns  of Alberta if the profit of the state is 1/3 or over what is allocated/spent in its annual budget. Parents will keep the share for any children under 16 in special accounts . As a guide we recommend that this share should be 33.34 % of this profit. This scheme can only be temporarily revoked in times of war or national emergency.

36. The Alberta State and Government will be allowed to charge taxes, which will be fair, proportional and tightly controlled.

37. Any eligible Alberta  having reached his or her 16th birthday will be eligible to vote. Each sovereign vote will be by means of a transparent ballot. Voting for Members of the public town/city administrator will be first past the post for public administrator  and Adviser administrator by single transferable vote for Regional Administrator members. (this is how we will protect the local county/town/city/Region/ Federal Government Administrator employee to be accountable from the sovereign to the highest level of the newly formed government )

38. Any person over 28 years of age will be allowed to stand to become a public town/city administrator if they are a legal Albertan sovereign born and required business and management proven skills and standing honorable in the community . Any person will have to be at least 35 and a legal Albertan sovereign born to stand for Region/District Administrator  and at least 45 to stand as a Federal Administrator with proven skills of management, proven skills and standing and Honorable credentials  in the all criteria. All Federal Administrator of  Alberta will be eligible to continue in the position  for three year contract terms.  (Here we add they may be fired at any time to be unfit or found not working in the best interest of sovereign based on Constitutional Law

In this process, one of the requirements is to recite the Oath of Allegiance in which the newly naturalized citizen renounces to other citizenships and fidelity to foreign nations and promises to be loyal to the new country and follow the laws on it including the constitution

 All Federal Administrators will have to be free of any major conflicting and/or vested interests, will sign and recite the oath of fidelity to Alberta, its sovereign, constitution and laws before they can apply for the position of Federal administrator. Each three year terms. Every Federal Administrator will have had to be born in Alberta or have at least one Albertan parent. He or she will be able to choose the cabinet of his or her choice after receiving advice and guidance from The Council of state.

39. A Sovereign Chamber will be established to scrutinise new Alberta legislation\Bills and hold  all Administrators to account at all three levels. They will be made up of a mixture of experts from an inclusive scope of areas, and from sovereign chosen in the same way as juries, chosen from all different areas of Alberta. Each new set of sovereign in a Sovereign Chamber will be there for one year term. A maximum 10% of the total Sovereign Chamber can be ex public town/city administrator, ex Region/District Administrator or ex Federal Administrator .

40. There shall be an Attorney General who will be the adviser of the Government in matters of law and legal opinion, and shall exercise and perform all such powers, functions and duties as are trusted and imposed on him by the Alberta Constitution and/or by law. The Attorney General shall be nominated, appointed, and elected by the Federal Administrators  every term and he/she together with the office of the Attorney General’s salary/ies shall be regulated by law. The Attorney General shall not be a member of the Government.

41. There shall be an independent non partisan office of Controller and Auditor General within the Alberta Government and Treasury, to audit all accounts of moneys administered by the Alberta Treasury/Central account. They will be there at all times to monitor and audit all the money paid in and out of the Alberta Treasury/Central account, which is money entrusted by the Alberta sovereign  to be spent wisely and legally through the Alberta Government’s Cabinet and Treasury. The office of Controller and Auditor General can also ask to audit the accounts of The National Bank of Alberta. No money shall be taken from the Alberta Treasury without due process of Alberta law and Government regulation. The Alberta Government will also have power to audit the National Bank of Alberta as it deems fit, as well as audit its own accounts separately from the office of Auditor General.

42. There shall be a non partisan Council of State to aid and counsel the Federal Administrator's of Alberta on all matters, which the Federal Administrator may always consult in relation to advice on the exercises and performance of his/her duties and capabilities, and all other Alberta constitutional, national and international affairs

42. Any Federal Administrator ,Regional Administrator and public town/city administrator,  may be fired by members of the Attorney General if definitive proof is produced showing he or she to be deliberately not upholding the Constitution of Alberta, trying to change it via any form, or instigating an illegal attack of any kind on any country, including Alberta.

43. A non party affiliated and non partisan Federal Administrator will be appointed from the Federal Region/city/town in act as an Intern until a new Sovereign Administrator is employed to fill the position

44. Under the Republic of Alberta  Constitution the government will ensure by Law/s the power must reside at the local level then upwards for checks and balances to stop all corruption.

Federal Administrator report back to Regional Administrator - then report to County Administrator -then to Sovereign Committee - then to Sovereign themselves

County Administrator includes  City/Town and local area /perimeter - Regional Administrator  -  then  Federal Administrator

Exclusive Powers of the Federal Administrator
Under the Constitution, powers reserved to the national government include:

Print money (bills and coins)
Declare war
Establish an army and navy
Enter into treaties with foreign governments
Regulate commerce between states and international trade
Establish post offices and issue postage
Make laws necessary to enforce the Constitution
Exclusive Powers of State Governments
Powers reserved to state governments include:

Regional Administrator
Issue licenses (driver, hunting, marriage, etc.)
Regulate intrastate (within the Region) commerce
Conduct elections ( Hire employees)
Ratify amendments to the Alberta Constitution
Provide for public health and safety
Exercise powers neither delegated to the national government or prohibited from the states by the Alberta Constitution (For example, setting legal drinking and smoking ages.)
Powers Shared by Regional Administrator  and County Administrator
Shared, or "concurrent" powers include:

Setting up courts through the country's dual court system
Creating and collecting taxes
Building highways
Borrowing money
Making and enforcing laws
Chartering banks and corporations
Spending money for the betterment of the general welfare
Taking (condemning) private property with just compensation

44. A Federal Administrator will be allowed to suggest amendments to legislation/Bills  passed through the Alberta Federal Government and/or Sovereign Chamber, and all which the Sovereign's can reject if it wishes to. Ultimate power of decision will rest with the Sovereigns Alberta Constitution .

Republic Of Alberta's
352 municipalities, 264 of them are urban municipalities (18 cities, 108 towns, 87 villages and 51 summer villages), 6 are specialized municipalities, 74 are rural municipalities

Under the Republic of Alberta  Constitution the government will be enforced by Law/s the power must reside at the local level then upwards for checks and balances to stop all corruption.

Federal Administrator report back to Regional Administrator - then report to County Administrator -then to Sovereign Committee - then to Sovereign themselves

County Administrator includes  City/Town and local area /perimeter - Responsible to report to the Sovereigns in the local area for the direction to manage their affairs and the Sovereigns are final decision maker 

Eleven Regional Administrator  - will report all required information from all local/city communities to the Regional Members representing all the regions to work out a viable plan then come to a conclusion - Report the information back to County Administrators for approval. Once approved they Regional Administrators will inform the final decision concluded and this information will be given to the Federal Administrators to administer the decisions at the Federal level to be completed

Eleven Federal Administrator - will take the information and complete the tasks given to them from the Regional Administrators - The Federal Administrators will deal with Trade/Foreign issues. at NO TIME WILL the Federal Government have any authority to make a decisions they just administer what the the Country Administrators from the sovereigns  have passed

45. If, in times of extreme emergency such as war, natural disasters or other unforeseen events, and if Members of Federal Administrators  have perished or are not available to govern and legislate for whatever reason, a minimum of 10 Members of  Regional Administrators will be allowed to govern all necessary areas, including financial. If no Members of Regional Administrators are available, an emergency team of state experts agreed upon by County Administrators members will temporarily run the country, until such time as things can be returned to normal and new Federal and Regional Administrator Members will be employed to the Administrator Positions.

46. A Sovereign State of Alberta will establish all that is needed for the official establishment of Alberta Armed Forces, Alberta Navy, Alberta Air Force and Security Services for Alberta, which will be under the full control of a Sovereign Alberta Government and state. The Alberta Armed Forces will be a modern, relevant, efficient and flexible highly trained multipurpose force, who’s first duty will be the protection and defence of Alberta’ sovereignty, its sovereigns, its territory, its constitution, it’s natural resources, and a maintaining of infrastructure and security in the case of any environmental or manmade crisis or disaster.

47. An Army, Air force and Navy military advisory group will be established utilising the best of Wales’ military experts and security planners so that Wales is served by the best possible military, navy and security advice and insight. A Welsh Army, Navy and Air force will have the highest standards of training and equipment available to them and will make full use of our existing Welsh Army training camps and bases, as well as establish a combined Navy and Coastguard/Search and Rescue, Coastal Patrol Fleet and training academies within newly developed Welsh Naval ports. No other military or armed forces except ones governed by the Welsh state and government may be raised or used for any purpose whatsoever. This does not mean that individuals don’t have a right to own firearms/weapons if they have legal license to do so, or to protect themselves with proportional and reasonable force from attack if need be.

48. The Alberta Armed Forces will be a volunteer rather than conscripted force, unless otherwise required for defence readiness. The minimum age to join will be 18 years of age.

49. The Alberta Armed Forces will be answerable to the Alberta Government. Final legal permission for any acts of defence and/or military action will ultimately reside with the Federal Administrator  or, in the unlikely event, an emergency cabinet or emergency state team.

50. An Alberta Police Force will serve and protect the public, and keep law and order on behalf of the Sovereign State of Alberta and all its sovereigns. They will be regulated by an independent body, decided upon by a team of non-governmental and experienced experts with no vested interest or links. Reasonable and proportional force may be used when protecting the public and community in response to any undue violence, or when any violence is used against members of the police force. This will always be under the scrutiny and review of the independent regulators.

Alberta recruits will swear and oath to protect and preserve the Sovereignty's first and foremost, then the Alberta's Sovereignty and  Natural Sovereignty Law

Police officers will be held doubly accountable for their actions. When swearing the oath to uphold the law and accepting a badge and a gun, the officer is doubly responsible for his actions, and if he/she breaks the law their punishment will be double that of a sovereign or more severe depending on the crime. .

51. All institutions and services that serve the sovereigns of Alberta will be built and based in Alberta including all Alberta jails, youth detention and remand centers and all army veteran or rehabilitation centers servicing the ex servicemen of Alberta. Other relevant institutions are a Alberta Broadcasting Cooperation, a Alberta internet and telecommunications zone and its regulatory body for Alberta, an independent Office of Media and Communications for Alberta, a Alberta National Trust, a Alberta Commission for Racial Equality, a Alberta Press and Media Complaints Commission, a Alberta music and royalty collecting agency for all the musicians, film makers and publishers of Alberta and an Alberta Electoral Commission. All other institutions, authorities, foundations and societies whose prime concern is to represent the interests of the Alberta nation and all its sovereigns  will be rooted in Alberta and answerable to the Alberta nation and Government.

52. An Alberta Government will robustly control and manage migration into Alberta with strict annual immigration limits and caps set so that immigration does not unduly drain the Alberta public money, economy and resources, and so that new immigrants and the host communities get a chance to assimilate effectively and harmoniously. An immigration office will be established to control all immigration in to Alberta, to assist newcomers and to detain and extradite illegal entries.

53. The Alberta state and nation will have full independence in all sports and other recognised competitions, including all international events. This will include a Alberta Olympic team and means the official opportunity for all players and competitors to describe or define themselves of Alberta nationality and /or sovereign

54. The Alberta Government and State shall be completely separate from the church or from any direct religious or doctrine influence on governmental, judicial or constitutional matters at all times. The law of the Alberta State will be the law of the land and can only be changed through the sovereigns strict control mechanism of .Under the Republic of Alberta  Constitution the government will be enforced by Law/s the power must reside at the local level then upwards for checks and balances to stop all corruption.


55. (Our independence day Month / year )  of Alberta will be an official holiday for everyone in Alberta. Five years after economic stability and viability for the Sovereign Republic of Alberta, and if the profit of the Alberta Government is over a certain amount each year, a sovereigns profit share will be paid to all Alberta sovereign on this day. This dividends can only be temporarily revoked in times of war or national emergency.

56. A Sovereign Alberta will not enter the UN  Pact , UN Agenda 21/30  Agenda European Union or any other political union. No trade policies or regulations passed and /or implemented / being implemented by the previous Canada\Province\GG\Crown\United Kingdom Government or devolved Canada\Provincial Government apply. Non-binding and reversible economic, free trade and free movement agreements with NAFTA \ USMCA and /or other regions, countries and/or unions should be considered and discussed rationally by Alberta Sovereign's, and within the context of a Sovereign Republic of Alberta at all times. All points stated here deal with Alberta as a Sovereign country/state first and foremost, with open debate and dialogue on any other membership in all potential forms welcomed.

57. Any or any other defence treaties will only be considered be if they are legal and moral. Sovereignty and decision making relating to the Republic of Alberta will always rest with the New Government of a Sovereign Republic of Alberta .

58. All sovereigns  are created equal. No one person is or should be the subject of
another nor should one set of sovereign be deemed superior to another. Unelected representatives presiding over Alberta affairs is not  recognized or sustainable way forward for Alberta.

59. No groups, body, programme, scheme or society: secret or otherwise, will be allowed to train or involve any Alberta Government or Administrators members, public employees, Local Authorities, Unitary Authorities, town and village councils or committees, or within any non-governmental, inter governmental, charity or volunteer organisations without full disclosure, transparency and accountability This will help to prevent any corruption or undue influence by negative influences.

60. A comprehensive and balanced history of Alberta and its long, rich and varied history, from earliest times to the present day, within the context of Alberta, Alberta history including Native properly taught on the Alberta curriculum as part of the teaching of history. A nation that doesn’t have a full grasp of all its own rich heritage and past shows negligence on behalf of an education system and ultimately a Government. It is a states responsibility to teach the full and inclusive history of a nation and the wider world in which it is set to its children and young adults in a comprehensive, balanced and transparent way.

61. Alberta accepts the recognised principles of international law as its rule of conduct in its relations with other states.

62. Any dealings between private companies and the Government will be for the betterment of Alberta and not for individual gain only. No company will be able to buy their way in to political influence.

64. Most of this constitution is open to Alberta sovereign amendments if necessary but only after a new fully Alberta Government within an Alberta Sovereign State has been officially established. Unless otherwise stated, an amendment/amendments will require a bill to be passed by majority vote in the County Administrators sovereign and the Sovereign Chamber. Only in the following areas will no amendments be allowed; the sovereignty and all sovereign rights of Alberta including all its territories and territorial rights, the individual and property rights of Alberta’ sovereign as outlined in point 69 of this constitution, the main duties of the Alberta Armed Forces as outlined in point 46 of this constitution, the full accountability of the banking system of Alberta to the Government and state, and the banning of any lending of money for the purpose of the Alberta Governments budget. An amendment or amendments may be made to this constitution prior to official Alberta state sovereignty, but only for the purpose of facilitating any technical, legal, or any other unforeseen areas or points that have not been stated, and which need to be created/amended in order for the creation of and/or transition to a Sovereign Alberta State. All laws already passed and/or implemented in Alberta through the devolved Canada/Alberta Corporation/BNA ACT Assembly, and Republic Alberta Government can be automatically transferred to a fully independent Alberta Government within a Sovereign State of Alberta and may be amended under legislation of an Alberta Government under Alberta Sovereignty.

65. The powers of the Alberta Government under Alberta Sovereignty are reversible only by or on the authority of the organs of state established by this constitution

66. This written constitution will guarantee, under law, everyone’s right to freely vote, speak and assemble in non violent protest. We swear to oppose all forms of imperialism, chauvinism and racism. We swear to oppose all forms of discrimination and /or persecution on the grounds of ethnic origin, religion, place of birth, gender, age, disability, sexuality or language. These principles will be brought about by a freely elected Alberta Government with full control of Alberta’s revenues.

67. Treason will only exist in extreme circumstance resulting from levying war against the state, by physical, technological or other means, or assisting any state, group, system, person or persons, or inciting or conspiring with any person to levy war against the state, or in attempting by force of arms or any violent or other means to overthrow the organs of government or government itself established by this constitution, or taking part or being involved / coerced in, inciting or conspiring with any sovereign, technology or system to take part or be concerned in any such attempt. An Alberta court under a jury system would be necessary in the unlikely event of a treason case.

Unalienable  rights

68. All sovereign will be held equal before the law but with due regard to differences of capacity, physically and mentally.

69. No sovereign will be deprived of his or her personal liberty, individual rights or personal property except in accordance with the law of the land. The personal property of any man or woman will be his/hers to do with as they wish as long as it is lawful.

70. All Alberta sovereign are guaranteed liberty for the exercise of freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, freedom of the press, of the media, of peaceful assembly and protest, freedom of voting by private (secret) ballot, the right to petition the Government, the right to criticise the Government and to obtain detailed information on its policies These are all subject to common sense public order and legality, defamation, slander and incitement to hatred laws. The Alberta state will be allowed to keep military/security information secret only if deemed necessary for the good of the overall security of Alberta and its people.

71. The Government / State shall have a right to intervene outside of its general remit only in extreme and exceptional circumstances: if it deems that the common safety, good of the community and security of the nation is under threat or that public order or morality, or the general well being is being undermined.

72. All forms of discrimination and /or persecution on the grounds of ethnic origin, religion, place of birth, gender, age, disability, sexuality or language will be opposed and answerable to Alberta law.

73. If in times of war, attack or extreme natural emergencies, the Alberta Government/State will be allowed to do what is reasonable and necessary to protect its sovereign and territory with appropriate and proportional actions. The safety and security of its citizens, its territory and sovereignty will be the underlining concern at all times.

74. Provision may be only made by law to prevent or control meetings or arrangements which are determined in accordance with law to prevent the Administrators and Government of Alberta from carrying out its sovereign's responsibilities and /or to be a danger to the general public.

75. All Alberta sovereign's will have protection from unreasonable and undue search and seizure and should be secure in their persons, houses, property and effects from such undue searches. Warrants and their legal affirmation will be required for the search or seizure of property or person/s within their properties, denoting the place to be searched and/or person or thing to be seized. A warrant will also be needed for the seizure of any person in general, unless caught in the act, highly suspected, or found to be breaking any law that is an arrestable offence.

76. Sovereign's will be allowed to use proportional and reasonable force to defend themselves, their homes and property from attack and invasion, and have the right to keep firearms/weapons on and in their property, subject to legal licensing.

77. No sovereign will be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law, nor will private property be taken for public or any other use without just compensation. All sovereign involved in cases other than minor offences dealt with by magistrates and/or county courts, will have a right to trial by impartial jury, to be tried in the area of the offence where possible, to have the right to call on witnesses for their defence, and have the right to legal assistance for their defence. They will also have the right to be told what any accusation against them is and be confronted by the witnesses against them. The right to appeal should always be in place, again by due process of law. All defendants will be deemed innocent until proven guilty. Alberta law/the law of Alberta shall apply in all circumstances, whether it is similar or equal to other laws or not. The same equivalent system, answerable to Alberta law, will exist in all Alberta Armed Forces/Navy cases.

78. The sovereign have fundamental rights to form associations and unions. New laws however may be made for their regulation and control if they are in breach of the peace, of danger or undue nuisance to the general public. Laws regulating associations and unions, and how the right of free assembly may be exercised will contain no political, religious, racial, gender, or class discrimination.

79. The rights of animals that are farmed, whether openly or in closer captivity, to a decent and dignified life free from undue cruelty are recognised and are subject to the appropriate law of the land, whilst undue and unnecessary cruelty and unnecessary and/or unjustified prosecution of wild animals will also be subject to the appropriate law of the land.

80. The rights listed in this Constitution does not disregard other rights retained by the people.


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