Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 26 February 2020

Canadian Patriotism?

Canadian Patriotism?
If Canada had confederated in 1867, why was it called the “Dominion of Canada” a colony of the British Empire? Why were the people in the “Dominion of Canada” called “British Subjects” until 1947? Why did the Citizenship act of 1947 change in name only “British Subjects” to “Canadian Citizens”? Why does the “Consolidated Citizenship Act, 2018” claim:
(Page 7 of the pdf)
(2) For the purposes of this Act,
(a) a person is deemed to be born in Canada if the person is born on a Canadian vessel as defined in section 2 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, or on an aircraft registered in Canada under the Aeronautics Act and regulations made under that Act;
The people born here on their land of the several provinces and territories are the Sovereign people and NOT citizens to the pirate ship the “Government of Canada”.
How can a sovereign people be patriots to a fictional maritime incorporation? The answer is they CANNOT, now you can see why the illegal and unlawful Federal Authority flings open the door to illegal immigration, only an immigrant can take on the mantel of citizenship without questioning their authority, “Quo Warranto”.
Canadian Citizenship Act,
Consolidation 2018
(Page 7 of the pdf)
(2) For the purposes of this Act,
(a) as above
(b) a person who is lawfully present and entitled to permanently reside in Canada is deemed to have been lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence; and
(c) a person against whom a removal order has been made remains under that order
(i) unless all rights of review by or appeal to the Immigration Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada have been exhausted with respect to the order and the final result of those reviews or appeals is that the order has no force or effect, or

(ii) until the order has been executed.

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