Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 20 February 2020



There comes a time in the affairs of flesh and blood sentient beings, when it
becomes necessary to throw off the yoke of tyranny which has insidiously taken
over the governments of the world. That moment has arrived, as this still new
millennium has ineluctably placed demands on We The People to stand in our own
truth and take back our power. Herein lies the demands that We The People speak
to power with indomitable conviction and undeterrable resolve.

We The People of the Republic of Alberta, inaugurate this global
civil enterprise through these uncompromising demands made directly to the
Legislative and the Federal Government.

As but a single representative of the world body politic, we implore
the community of nations, and all peoples everywhere, to undertake this same
endeavor wherever the need has become self evident.

We The People of Alberta, do solemnly take back our rights, liberties and
powers, which are considered by all righteous governments to be unalienable,
from an unlawful and tyrannical Canada Government, that has
wrongfully and systematically encroached upon the inherent rights of the
sentient beings of this land and world.

We The People acknowledge the wrongful usurpation of powers, as well as
jurisdictional and legal necessities originally possessed by Canada to be released to rightfully what they are : Sovereign Nations -

Through a longstanding pattern of legislation of  unconstitutional law, these inherent powers have been unlawfully stripped from these Sovereign provinces. Each Province is now fully empowered to retain their original sovereign status and establish  their organic Constitution.

We The People demand that the  federal Canada and Provincial Government immediately cease and
desist from legislating, executing and adjudicating all law which is not in  strict compliance with natural law, common law and constitutional law.

Furthermore, we demand an expeditious review of all Federal Statutes in order  to determine their fitness in this regard.

We The People demand that the Federal Government immediately cease and  desist from all illegal enforcement actions against flesh and blood sentient  beings, as well as flesh and blood sentient beings of other nations, which are  in obvious contravention of international law, scriptural law, common law and constitutional law.

We The People demand an immediate and permanent suspension of each and every  law, statute and rule/regulation that is in violation of divinely ordained  rights, civil rights, and constitutional rights. Especially where these rights  are violated in the course of the repugnant state-sponsored administration of  torture by the Canada Federal Government and its proxies in safe national havens
around the world, we demand immediate termination of such inhumane and  unacceptable conduct.

We The People demand an immediate cessation to all war-making activity around  the world. This demand also includes the many wars being waged by proxy through  covert agencies (CSIA), as well as by all corporate, mercenary entities such as Wackenhut and Xe Services (Blackwater).

The Canada Government will immediately end the illegal and abhorrent practices of rendition, as well as the extrajudicial  killing of foreign flesh and blood sentient beings, by drones and any other
means utilized in foreign lands.

We The People further demand that all economic and financial warfare being  waged against the perceived enemies of Canada, be permanently ended. The  relentless manipulation of the financial/economic markets of the world, to  include equity, bond, commodity, real estate, derivative and currency, must  cease without exception.

Furthermore, the Bank of Canada  must be AUDITED by an independent agency, not affiliated with or drawn by the Federal  Government and then SHUT DOWN! The CRA MUST show the LAW proving to the People  that our tax system is mandatory and show the people where their taxes go.

We The People demand that the aerosol spraying of chemtrails in our skies, fluoridation of our water supplies, and the irradiation and chemical poisoning of our food be stopped. The EPA, FDA and NIH will be re-chartered, as will all other agencies and departments which have profoundly violated the public trust.

The Royal Canadian Police Force will cease and desist which is an order and  request to halt all activity (cease) and not to take it up again later (desist);  or else face legal action. Treasury, Energy and Interior will be subjected to an  immediate review and reorganization in the interest that the People will be  served first, not the corpocracy which has been unduly enriched for many  decades.

We The People demand a planned and orderly dissolution of the current Federal and Provincial
Government. It has become apparent to all Sentient Beings, that there  has been a multi-decade and ongoing pattern of conduct throughout  legislative and judicial branches of the Canada Government, which has been deemed to  be in profound and fundamental violation of both the Public Trust and Social Contract.

Through this intractable behavior, the sacred and inviolable Governing

Documents of this once great nation have been left in tatters. We aim to see  them restored to their rightful place and, over time, greatly improved upon to  reflect the evolving realities and emerging needs of a rapidly changing  world.

We The People demand the planned election and appointment of a law-abiding  transitional government, which will assume the proper, timely and thorough  administration of all duties and responsibilities starting with strict  compliance with the Alberta Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Finally, We The People demand that a TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION be
established for the release of the suppressed truths regarding ALL matters  that  have taken place without the Peoples knowledge and consent like, THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL WITHOUT A LICENSE, THE TRUTHS WITHIN THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM and how it is only run for monetary gain and not to help the people and all the hundreds and hundreds of secrets and lies which have unduly put the sovereign people at great risk and in substantial jeopardy, be given a full airing within the body politic.

We The People have spoken, and we expect a substantive response to these  demands in the immediate future, whereupon the appropriate establishment of  this Constitutional Republic of Alberta may proceed forthwith.

Bless Alberta.

Concerned Flesh and Blood Beings of Alberta Sovereign States

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