Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 17 November 2019

Message To ALL , Albertans its our time to finally end the Corruption "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke

Message To ALL , Albertans its our time to finally end the Corruption "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." Edmund Burke
Problem–reaction–solution. this is how the Gov and their parasites guide us the sovereigns in the direction they desire by creating false problems, which allows them to give their desired solution to the problem they created.
Problem-reaction-solution (WEXIT is TOOL they are using now as many understand they fake elections, and much more who they are ), also known as order out of chaos, has been used in some form for thousands of years. The use of this formula by various governments, groups, and individuals is a historical fact. In its basic form, it consists of using a fictional or real event, such a crisis, to ensure the parasites (Gov and their Agenda 21/30 ) are achieved
Just the mainstream propaganda media CBC, CTV , Global ect are all over this WEXIT - When UNITED WE ROLL NEVER GOT ANY COVERAGE or MYTH IS CANADA - DO not be fooled by these parasites
We have been educating the public about the Solution of Constitutional Conventions - The Myth Is Canada
The logical reason that we and millions support Saskatchewan , Alberta and Western Sovereignty is the simple fact that de-facto Canadian Government has unlawfully foisted a dictatorship regime on every Country/Province of the confederation they say exists. Confederation has never happened! - it's been a Lie and its time to end this LIE
Confederation was a mid-19th-century compromise between Ontario and Quebec, formerly known as Canada West and Canada East. While Ontario’s interest was to protect their political and economic interests, Quebec’s concern was to protect their language, cultural, and religious rights. Atlantic Canada was forced into the pact by the British, who wanted to dump their responsibility for defending British North America. Most importantly, Western Countries such as Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia , were never at the table.
This is reflected in de-facto Canada Inc’s political institutions that give all power to Ontario and Quebec the unilateral ability to choose who governs the other 11 countries.
We in the west have no voice federally through the overwhelming seat count, an antiquated and broken senate system absent of checks and balances, a Privy Council that allows laws to be passed without the consent of the western Countries parliament.
Ottawa, Ontario. Simply put, Eastern Canada will ALWAYS have the power to outvote the west, and the power to expropriate our wealth and our future at their pleasure and in pursuit of their pleasure.
However, the emotional reason that I commit myself to this cause is due to the pain and suffering that Ottawa’s policies have inflicted upon my friends and neighbors here in the western Countries.
This includes:
• The unspeakable legacy of the residential school program, sterilization programs, substandard living conditions of reserves in Alberta, and the racial apartheid under the Indian Act, many of our Indigenous friends and neighbors STILL do not have clean drinking water;
• Through the legislated deindustrialization of Alberta’s Oil and Gas Sector, over 100,000 of our Albertan friends and neighbors have found themselves unemployed, with only a the pittance of aid in the form of repayable loans (with interest). Husky Energy laid off 200 employees the day after Justin Trudeau was re-elected to power. Encana has now relocated to the United States. 26% of homes in Lloydminster, AB/SK are facing foreclosure. Suicides, divorces, alcoholism, and domestic violence are on the rise;
• Bills C-69 (no more pipelines), C-48 (West Coast tanker ban), unfair equalization formulas taking $622 Billion from Alberta since 1957, and the $30/tonne carbon tax that your administration recently imposed are in direct economic opposition to industry, labor, and consumers in Alberta who have done nothing to deserve this level of targeted economic pain, under the fictional pretense of climate activism.
• A crumbling healthcare system that forces Albertans in some cases to spend their life savings for treatment in the United States, so that they can avoid dying while waiting for treatment in Canada;
• An arbitrary classification of firearms by unelected bureaucrats, twinned with a capricious desire by the de-facto Ottawa government to confiscate the property of legal firearms owners, who are in fact the safest firearms community in the world;
• A criminal justice system that allows untreated violent sex offenders, with a high likelihood of re-offending, to be released from incarceration with negligible supervision.
High profile murderers such as Vincent Li and Matthew De Grood have their freedoms, while the families of the victims continue to suffer;
• Addicted and mentally ill Albertans, lining the streets of our inner cities like a battlefield, while privileged politicians discuss a “10-year plan”, and seem only to want increases in “safe injection” sites;
• Finally - an increasing inability or unwillingness for the federal government to control our own borders and stop the influx of disqualified and sometimes dangerous asylum seekers, rejected by the American system, creating the perfect conditions for human trafficking and gang violence to flourish.
Mr. Kenney, your proposal for a listening tour followed by a symbolic referendum on equalization simply does not cut it. Mr. Trudeau, and Mr. Harper before him, have openly made statements to the effect that “the oil sands must be phased out”.
We as Albertans, and Western Canadians, will not allow ourselves to be phased out via the UN Agenda 21/30 un-elected government. We will not allow the future of our children and our grandchildren to be phased out. We will not allow our Albertan and Western Canadian Spirit of hard work, decency, and self determination to be phased out.
We THE PEOPLE will not allow Ottawa and Eastern Canada to phase us out. We will create our own Constitution and seat De Jure Government from de-facto Canada.
We THE PEOPLE will survive and we will thrive when we create our own Green Back currency based on our extreme wealth of resources
To that end we say to Mr. Kenney, we are calling on you and WEXIT , Separation Groups and all the grass root parties to educate themselves on Constitutional Committees - or STEP aside and STOP wasting our time on a corrupt system
Kenny, Peter Downing (WEXIT Diversiion to control the and all the Politicians KNOW there is NO Federation Papers - or even a Canada Constitution- They know the Private Banking Cartel control them and they have never ended this FRAUD against the Sovereign man/woman in any of the Countries . So I say to you all you have shown your TRUE COLOURS - You have Been and always been an Enemy to the Sovereigns - by going along with this LIE
We do NOT need to separate - WE NEVER FEDERATED - We THE PEOPLE ARE SOVEREIGN and just need to unite and end the tyranny of de-facto canada Inc.
When I hear nonsense of the Federal Clarity Act knowing this Document created by the Dictatorship is a useless document and also never have the western Countries consented too it.
Assembly (MLA), you or anyone of your 62 MLAs can draft a bill to formulate a referendum on a clear and unequivocal question as to whether the people of Alberta wish to remain a part of de-facto Canada Inc. But before you consider this question, let me make it very clear: Not ever in the Political history any Party - in the west including the Conservative Party of Canada has NEVER EVER truly represented the People.
YOU or anyone With Respect to Sovereignty will NEVER become the Prime Minister of Canada, for two simple reasons:
The increasing trend of voters understand the entire political system is corrupt and a waste of time.
Then Wexit Canada .Inc is giving out disinformation creating another political party to represent Who? - the same corrupt regime
regional interest for the 104 seats in Western Canada.
(The history of the Reform Party's in Western Canada, all show that creating another party will be the same outcome - wasted effort, time - and the millions of dollars in useless campaigns and nothing will change ).
I strongly encourage you to quickly adapt to this new reality and to research The Myth is Canada - Constitutional Committees - Constitutional Conventions - and De Jure Government -
The Myth Is Canada Official Website
Welcome to The Myth Is Canada website - a documentary film about Canada's history. With Canada "celebrating" its 150th birthday in 2017, it's long over due to learn about some very import facts about it's origins which, technically, began with the British North American Act of 1867.
Envision yourself as the founding members who were involved in the greatest Document created
Become part of the drafting of a constitution that means the power can never be held within the hands of the few, but ensures the power is retained by the many. A constitution that creates checks and balances on power in every branch of government. It can also create checks on power in every branch and level of government, not just from the people, but from the branches themselves acting as checks against each other. These are among the many reasons that we must be Founding Fathers and create a Constitution Based on Alberta Republic or Saskatchewan – Manitoba republics.
Alberta can finally control its resources to benefit all Albertans - Create its own Currency - control interest free creation and in some cases issuance, which will mean prosperity to all.
Trillions of Dollars of resource wealth are at our disposal to build the greatest Nation and help our Counties that border us to seat De jure Governments.
We will for the first time in the history of our great nation, create Trade Deals that actually benefit Albertans opposed to the previous corrupt system trade deals of theft of trillions.
Alberta also possesses the ability to unite British Columbia from the evil de-facto canada Inc then help the rest of the Countries under the same unlawful regime in Canada Inc.
Finally, Alberta can benefit - the Sovereigns of Alberta to finally have a bright and prosperous future.
It is only in this way that you can truly fight against Ottawa in the way that Albertans expect and deserve.
Albertans deserve more. NOT another Political Party, and a Useless waste of time on a referendum that clearly states in the Clarity Act - a referendum will be met with beuocracy on such a level that renders it an unviable and extremely unlikely solution.
The only viable and time sensitive Solution is Constitutional Committes, Constitutional Conventions and finally an Alberta Constitution ,Written By The People, Of the people, For the People that fosters stability and the Self-Determination for ALL Albertans.
Inevitably this is a viable solution to finally end the LIE -
You need to face the reality that, as evidenced by past administrations and since the results of the October 21 election, that this out dated BNA Act - they call a Constitution Act has harmed us enough during the past 88 years of corrupt political system and unaccountability to any any unlawful actions by representatives and government agencies.
We are now looking to you to bring life back to Alberta by educating every Albertan we are taking our country back from the Criminal Political System.
Once we seat De Jure Government - During this transition we will move slowly from the previous fictional government to a Sovereign De Jure Government to maintain important services.
The New Sovereign Government of Alberta employees, retirees, small business owners, labor interests, indigenous voices, public servants, and captains of industry, who will contribute to a new mechanism through which we can immediately and unilaterally protect the interests of Alberta.
This Solution MUST be our Highest Priority before more harm is inflicted upon us via federal legislation and regulation.
We ask you all to understand what Constitutional Conventions are and what this means for our future.
Immediately end Alberta’s policing contract with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Implement a transition period in which all provincial policing duties are to be transferred to the Alberta Sheriff’s Department.
Commission an Alberta Bureau of National Investigation for federal investigations in Alberta that are currently assigned to the RCMP. Instituted with transparency and backed up with public oversight.
Safeguard each individual Albertan by reclaiming all Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) contributions from Ottawa, and commission a profitable and properly funded Alberta Pension Plan to protect and enhance the retirement savings of all Albertans.
Terminate Ottawa’s encroachment on exclusive provincial jurisdiction by prohibiting federal payroll deductions. (Direct taxation in the jurisdiction of the Albertan Government.)
Assert full provincial control over immigration, as Quebec currently does.
Assert full control over firearms regulation, as policing is a provincial matter.
Withdraw from the federal Employment Insurance (EI) program and create an Albertan equivalent.
Withdraw from Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) as the financial guarantor of home mortgages in Alberta. This responsibility must be transferred to the Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB), newly instituted Bank of Alberta or the Treasury of Alberta.
Require itemized invoices for all federal services rendered. No monies are to be paid to Ottawa unless proof of service is validated.
By following these steps, your government can ensure that the best interests of ALL Albertans are protected, and that we have just as much of a right to self-determination as Quebec does . We cannot remain passive spectators in the propagation of our own economic and political destruction. This is not about anger, It is about prosperity and survival.
We in Alberta can no longer leave the fate of our spouses, children, and grandchildren in the hands of people who would engage propagation of a system that undermines the best interests of the population , despite all of the scandals, violations, and abuses that it has engaged in over their many years in power. We cannot survive another four years of a government that has abused us so badly and promises to abuse us further. And we also know that seating a De jure Government is lawful and legal as Alberta has never federated into de-facto Canada Inc and this Lie has continued for 88 years and MUST Be Stopped
We will keep our $50 Billion in taxes right here at home, making life better for the sovereigns who live here.
We know that through joint cooperation with the Government of the United States on the development of viable business solutions, we can deepen our economic, diplomatic, and security relationship with our largest and most important ally.
We will have Albertans governing Alberta for Albertans. By all of us banding together with one another as we did during the Slave Lake Wildfires, the High River Floods, and the Fort McMurray Fires, Alberta will once again be one of the best places on planet earth to live, work, play, and retire.
Alberta could be an oasis of economic liberty, social stability, and self-determination amongst a growing push for socialism and stagnation.
Alberta will be like a city shining on a hill. Alberta will be a light to the nations. Alberta has the potential to make this world a better place.
Simply understanding the ONLY SOLUTION is Constitutional Conventions - Constitution - and Finally seat a De Jure Government.
The alternative is political irrelevance.
I reflect the sentiment of 4.3 million Albertans, in that, I am very proud that Alberta is the only rat-free jurisdiction in the world. Now it is time to make it leech and political parasite free as well.
Let’s end our relationship with de- facto Ottawa. Let’s Make Alberta Great - Doing So will Help other Countries to do the same - That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for man/woman


  1. Wonderful Wonderful. When this comes to pass, and it will, I can go to rest knowing that my children and grandchildren will have a safe, clean country to live in and become productive Albertans. Caring and sharing this struggle to become a nation for the people, by the people. 🍁
