Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 18 November 2019

How was this passed into law without any input from the general public?

For those with CV’s, explain the following 3 paragraphs.
How was this passed into law without any input from the general public?
1. Crown Corporation collects 100% of the revenue.

2. Crown Corporation Representative has authority to borrow half a billion dollars.
3. Crown Corporation Representative has approval to have the government guarantee the above borrowed funds meaning the people.
Imagine borrowing money and never having to pay it back. We’d all be living in castles.

  • Scott Carleton Whoa. Just read the previous comment and understand mine will pale in comparison, lol.

    Why the focus on CV’s?
  • Scott Carleton I believe you mentioned something similar in a previous post.
  • Craig Blacksmith CV’s are a fancy term for a resume and stereotypically belong to people with “higher” education and experience.

    There are those types and the Carlos Vangrinder types who believe everything is a conspiracy.

    There are 3 simple paragraphs.

    Show these to someone and watch their reaction.

    I’ve witnessed lawyers who don’t understand the meaning behind it.

    Why? It goes against everything they’ve been told.

    “Our beloved Queen wouldn’t do that to us”.

    “The government owns Manitoba Hydro”

    Try it and see for yourself.
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  • Greg Twoyoungmen ‘The more corrupt the state, The more numerous the laws ( - Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome)
    • Craig Blacksmith Greg Twoyoungmen yes sir. And trying to educate these professionals is like talking to a parrot. They mimic sounds but have no comprehension of the language.

      And the crazy part of all this, is this is their language. We learned it no problem, wh
      at’s their excuse?
      also called Coercive Persuasion, is a systematic effort to persuade nonbelievers to accept a certain allegiance, command, or doctrine.
      A colloquial term, it is more generally applied to any technique designed to manipulate human thought or action and to develop loyalty and unquestioning obedience to the ruling party.

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  • Craig Blacksmith “Queen good...Indian bad”

    “Must keep Indian Act”

    Sounds like a scene from George Orwell’s Animal Farm.

  • Maureen Weeres Craig what does the content from the Parliament Act of Canada 1985 mean to you?
    No photo description available.

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