Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 16 November 2019

De Facto Canada Government in the Making: Sovereign Countries must “ Must take back back their Countries and end the Canada Lie”

De Facto Canada Government in the Making: Sovereign Countries must “ Must take back back their Countries and end the Canada Lie”

It is important that all Sovereigns in de-facto Canadians understand what is happening in the de facto Canada unlawful government of unelected industrialists, financiers, academics, military leaders along with representatives from the corrupt political system they created to ensure they have their selected puppets elected in their governments and government officials including a selected Prime Minister (both Liberal and Conservative) are busy implementing the same insane changes into the nation we have known as Canada Inc.  But Canada is not a Country its a Corporation owned by a few - the lie is up and we the People must and this tyranny and Stop their UN Agenda 21/30 scam
Canadians are affected by the Military Complex - Private banking cartel - UN Agenda 21/30. 
So, please read the important information  Remember Ghandi’s words:

“There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it….always”
Just as sovereigns must and can take back their Countries, Sovereigns must take back Canada. Inc one Country at a time. As Sovereigns we can wring our hands in despair, bow our heads, cow with our tail between our legs, lick boots and whine, turn in our neighbour or friend or family, or we can stand up for what is right and principled. 
We can join the cowards and traitors, or we can say NO.
In de-facto Canada there is still a legitimate mechanism to defend against this complicit conquest. 
To be secure, we must be free. Without freedom there is no security.
The logical reason that we and millions support Saskatchewan , Alberta and Western Sovereignty is the simple fact that de-facto Canada has unlawfully taken a dictatorship regime on every Country - the federation they say- has never existed - it's been a Lie and its time to end this LIE
Message To ALL , its our time to finally end the LIE - We have been educating on a proven Solution of Constitutional Conventions - The Myth Is Canada
We as Albertans, and Western Canadians, will not allow ourselves to be phased out via the UN Agenda 21/30 un-elected government. We will not allow the future of our children and our grandchildren to be phased out. We will not allow our Albertan and Western Canadian Spirit of hard work, decency, and self determination to be phased out.
We THE PEOPLE will not allow Ottawa and Eastern Canada to phase us out. We will create our own Constitution and seat De Jure Government from de-facto Canada.
We THE PEOPLE will survive and we will thrive

Learn More at 

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada

Travelling Truth Tour - The Myth is Canada

Brighteon is Free Speech Video Platform 

Nephalem Films presents The Myth is Canada

Nephalem Films presents The Myth is Canada

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