Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 8 August 2019

To understand why the BNA Act and the Canadian Federation is Fake

To understand why the BNA Act and the Canadian Federation is FAKE here 
is a quick, nutshell explanation of how and who properly creates 
constitutions and sovereign democratic countries.

The "infamous socialist agenda" The creation of a democratic nation is for sane 
people simply a matter of common sense and decency; for the established elites 
it's a leading cause of apoplexy and a matter of subversion, terrorism and 
communism...if not downright chaotic. But assuming that a sovereign democratic 
federation is socially desirable - in other words, liberal rhetoric transformed into 
actual reality – no supernatural abilities or special law degrees are necessary to 
create it.

It requires merely a public consensus about the purpose of the nation and how to 
best achieve it.

a) First, there has to be a territory (like a Canadian province) whose people 
desire to be a sovereign and democratic nation.

b) From among themselves the people select, by vote or appointment, a 
temporary assembly and charge it with the formulation of a constitution.

c) The assembly to the people for review and public debate, to provide an 
opportunity for changes, submits a first draft of the constitution.

d) After a first public debate the assembly retires to work out the changes, 
after which it is submitted again to the people for review and further 
changes, if necessary.

e) This process is repeated until the constitution has become a formula 
acceptable to a substantial majority of the people.

f) Now the people vote in a referendum to accept (or reject) the constitution 
with a pre-determined majority (95% for example).

g) If the required majority cannot be achieved, further changes must be 
made until the formula becomes acceptable to the required number of 

h) The entire process is recorded and documented as proof of the 
constitution's authority.

i) On the basis of the constitution a government is then formed, which is 
contractually bound (Constitution is the contract) to respect it and conduct 
itself in accord with it.

j) Now this sovereign nation can form a federation with other nations, if it 
wishes to do so.

Note; that no consideration has been given to the manipulative interference from 
privately owned media monopolies.
Note; that the constitution is created first, then the government. To create a 
democratic nation for the people, by the people, of the people, it cannot be any 
other way.

Note; no foreign government can formulate (or create) the constitution of another 
country. It has to be created by the people themselves and becomes thus, for all 
intents and purposes, their protective property. It's not only the law but is a 
contract, which subjugates the government to the people. The government 
derives a limited authority to govern from it, always subject to the people's 

example, a dominion is the subject of an empire, un-free, and cannot determine 
anything, much less federate, without the empire's approval. A SOVEREIGN 
NATION IS NOT SUBJECT TO ANYONE. In other words, it is free to design its 
socio-economic organization or enter into federations  in any way it wants.

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