Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 25 August 2019

The Canada Inc Scam - Pension Plan

The Canada Inc Scam - Pension Plan

Angel Lee

Allan Scott’s daughter died this year at the age of 34 and When he inquired about her CPP he was told that because she was not married and had no children, the money now belonged to the government. Nobody else was entitled to it.

On Sunday, November 6, 2016, Scott wrote: “When the CPP was put in place by the government of the day in 1965 (under liberal Lester B. Pearson) it was meant to assist people that did not have a pension.

Employees put in a percentage and the employer doubled the employee's input. There is no money in the CPP from the government of Canada. For a fee from the pool the government was supposed make the pool grow. We Canadians are getting less than half of what that pool
should be paying out every month. We are being cheated out of something that is legally ours, the 


This should be investigated by the Supreme Court. Good information for our families and friends and it should be passed around until everyone has read it.

Those who went before — one major thing wrong with the government's calculations of 'available CPP funds is they forgot to figure in the people who died before ever collecting CPP cheque. Where did that money go?

Also, ponder these additional points:

●The math: remember, not only did you and I contribute to CPP but your employer did too. It totalled 15% of your income before taxes so if you averaged only $30,000 during your working life of, let’s say of 45 years, that's $202,500. Read that again. The government paid nothing.

●Interest on the month you and your employer sent to the government was to ensure you would get a retirement cheque from that money you “invested” (not the government). If you calculate the future invested value of $4,500 a year (yours and your employer's contribution) at a simple 5% interest, after 49 years of working you'd have $892,919.98.

●The scheme: if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $26,78760 per year and it would last more than 30 years or until you're 95, if you retire at age 65), and that's with no interest paid on that final amount on deposit!

● If you bought an annuity and it paid 4% per year, you'd have a life-time income of $2,976.40 per month. Those in Ottawa have pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever did! They call CPP an “entitlement” even though most of us have been paying for it all our working lives. Now that it’s time for us to collect, the government is running out of money! Why does the government treat the fund as its general piggy bank?

The government is now calling CPP payouts an “entitlement,” but we paid aid cash for our CPP and just because the government “borrowed” it for other “programs doesn't make our benefits some kind of charity or handout!

Think about the entitlements of senators! We pay for their health care, outrageous
retirement packages, 67 yearly holidays, three weeks' paid vacation and an unlimited number of paid sick days. Now that's welfare. Yet, they have the gall to call our CPP retirement payments entitlements.

The latest estimate (as per Global news) is that it will cost us $600-million to bring in 25,000 refugees. The government (according to the Public Accounts Office) is already $5-billion in the hole. How much more will they take from our CPP to cover that expense? Former Immigration Minister, John Mccallum stated in a Global TV interview, that he would present his plan to Cabinet shortly, but he could not be pinned down as to cost. Will they write a blank cheque on our CPP account? The new philosophy is, refugees first, Canadians last.

One final thought on this. The military pays into CPP as everyone else does. Yet, when it comes time to draw on this “entitlement” an amount similar to CPP is witheld from their military pension. Who stands on guard for them? Sad isn't it? Get used to it as 99% of us won’t send this on.

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