Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 19 August 2019

Resolutions from Assembly No. 2, Native Sons of Canada

Resolutions from Assembly No. 2, Native Sons of Canada

Adopted September, 1926 - Preamble Omitted

BE IT RESOLVED: That, this Assembly do herewith submit its views to the Right Honourable, Prime Minister of Canada and his colleagues on the following matters of national, namely:


Recognizing this question as being of outstanding and paramount importance, this Assembly urges upon the Government of Canada the necessity of elevating CANADA constitutionally to the dignity and status of a NATION, with international recognition, enjoying SOVEREIGN RIGHTS AND POWERS, under the CROWN, and thereby confer on Canada an equality of Status with Great Britain, together with all the advantages incident thereto now exclusively enjoyed by Great Britain as the only sovereign nation in the British Commonwealth. No subject that may come before the conference can possibly approach this question of status in importance.

Our objective should be clear an unambiguous, an absolutely equal and independent sovereignty under the Crown of Canada, internationally
communicated and internationally recognized.


This Assembly is unalterably opposed to assisted Imperial immigration in any form, and in particular is opposed to a Policy designed to unload on Canada immigrants from Great Britain as alleged settlers, who are mentally, morally and physically unfit, thereby tending to lower the high standard of Canadian Citizenship.

We hereby urge on the Government of Canada the need for closer restriction rather than relaxing the tests and standards for admission
to Canada.

In this connection, this Assembly respectfully begs to draw the attention of the Prime Minister and his colleagues to the pernicious and incessant Imperial propaganda constantly issued both in Great Britain and in Canada,
which is aimed at unloading deserters and other undesirables into Canada, with the designed object of relieving the British taxpayer at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer.

This Assembly CONDEMNS such anti-Canadian propaganda as being distinctly inimical to the national welfare of Canada.

We emphatically declare that the question of Immigration into Canada is, by terms of the British North America Act, exclusively CANADA’S OWN BUSINESS, that is not an Empire matter, that it is not a partisan or political
matter as the Bishop of London suggests, that it is entirely a matter at present of administration, and that all CANADIANS, irrespective of party, approve of the intent and purpose of the present Canadian Immigration Act in respect of its broad principles. We declare our resentment and indignation at the persistent anti-Canadian campaign, emanating from Imperial quarters, to offset, and overcome the present rapid growth
of Canadian NATIONAL feeling by schemes of assisted Immigration of types that are unsuited to this country and foreign to its history and background.

We believe that the time has come when the long brooding sense of NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS is about to be realized, and that
it is vital to the National interest that our national bloodstream should be conserved, and not diluted by the admission of elements that will weaken or delay our national unity or foster a divided loyalty. The present Canadian
stock should be the basis in selection of all applicants for privilege of admission to Canada.


This Assembly is emphatically opposed to involving Canada in any schemes of Imperial commitments or engagements, which tend to
devolve upon Canada any part of cost of any alleged obligation of so-called Imperial Defence.


This Assembly is further opposed to any Imperial Scheme, proposal or policy, which would seek to appropriate Canada’s great natural resources as an Imperial asset, but on the contrary, holds to the view that such resources are exclusively the property of the Canadian people and should be at all times developed on broad lines of national policy for the primary
benefit of Canada, and Canadians.


This Assembly re-affirms its attitude previously expressed that the method of appointment of the Govenor-General is ripe for a radical change more in consonance with national dignity; the appointment should be the completely unfettered act of the Government of Canada. The appointee should be a distinguished citizen of this country. In respect of personnel, and in respect of initiative of nomination, the present procedure is an expression of colonialism which should no longer be permitted to survive.
Further, the channels of communication between the Government of Canada and any other country should be direct, via our Department of
External Affairs.

We particularly object to the suggestion that in respect to the future appointments of Governor- Generals, the unanimous approval of other
Dominions must be obtained before there be any change in policy.


The decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in Rex vs. Nadan is fraught with humiliation for the people and Parliament of Canada.
We cannot think it possible that Canada will rest satisfied with a decision that prevents her from dealing exclusively with her own laws, particularly in a matter of CRIMINAL PROCEDURE. Canadian statesmen who make speeches about Canada’s “PROUD POSITION” as a “self-governing independent nation” cannot be aware of the terms and implications
of this judgement.

This Assembly expresses surprise and regret that during the past Session of Parliament this matter was not even referred to by any Member of the two great parties in the House. That decision stands as an effective barrier
to the full development of Canadian National consciousness. We favour the entire abolition of appeals to the Privy Council.


This Assembly is convinced that so long as the present anomalies of Canada’s status continue the advantages to Canada from participation
in Imperial Conferences are largely negative.

The Conference is built on a Constitutional fiction, that all the representatives meet as equals. The test - “What is Canada internationally?” is the true test. And until Canada, either by her own act, or
by Imperial concession, attains SOVEREIGNTY as an independent nation under the Crown, with international recognition, her position in respect of Britain’s Wars, neutrality, and her international relationships in general, will
remain clouded and obscure. That position will be and remain, both constitutionally and internationally, that of a colonial status. Mere rhetoric
cannot overcome this inescapable fact.

/s/ R. R. SMITH

Note with Reference to Resolution Sent to the Prime Minister Prior to the Imperial Conference of 1926

Extract from Executive Minutes of September 1, 1926.

On motion of Conlin Reid, a resolution presented on behalf of Brother R.R. SMITH was referred to the Resolutions Committee.

The Assembly sent, on September 24th the following wire to Prime Minister King:

“Native Sons of Canada, Assembly No. 2, begs to tender congratulations and to express its satisfaction that for the future relationship of the Crown, in Canada, to its Ministerial advisers shall be identical with its relations to its ministry in England. Forwarding by mail our submission on opinion of subjects likely to be considered as forthcoming Imperial Conference.”

The original of this paper is to be found in the Parliametary Library, Ottawa.

Compiled by D.H. Elliot, Custodian of Records, Assembly No. 2, Native Sons of Canada, 1212 Melville Street, VANCOUVER, B.C.

Native Sons of Canada

Native Sons of Canada . This organization originated in British Columbia in 1921, and was incorporated in 1922. Its aims were to foster Canadian national spirit, the creation of a Canadian nationality, the adoption of a distinctly Canadian flag, and the abolition of such shackles in Canadian autonomy as appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. It also urged the employment of Canadians by Canadians, and opposed Oriental immigration. It was, in fact, a nativist movement, somewhat less compromising than the "Canada First" movement of the seventies. By 1925 it had invaded eastern Canada, and had a Grand Council with nearly 100 Assemblies. During recent years, with the partial achievement of some of its objects, its importance has somewhat declined.
Source: W. Stewart WALLACE, ed., The Encyclopedia of Canada, Vol. IV, Toronto, University Associates of Canada, 1948, 400p., p. 384.

What happened to the Native Sons of Canada?

Agent 3 wrote that he was surprised that the Native Sons of Canada hadn't weighed in on current issues of multiculturalism, "Islamicization" (pace Steve Harper), Muslim prayers in the "public" schools, etc, ad nauseam. Since Walt wasn't familiar with that group, he checked it out on Google, and came up with this:

This organization...was incorporated in 1922. Its aims were to foster Canadian national spirit, the creation of a Canadian nationality, the adoption of a distinctly Canadian flag, and the abolition of such shackles on Canadian autonomy as appeals to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. It also urged the employment of Canadians by Canadians, and opposed Oriental immigration. It was, in fact, a nativist movement, somewhat less compromising than the "Canada First" movement of the seventies.... During recent years, with the partial achievement of some of its objects, its importance has somewhat declined.Agent 3 says he (being almost as ancient as Walt) can remember the Native Sons campaigning hard on the flag and national anthem issues in the 60s. When the Liberal government of the day gave Canada the now-famous maple leaf flag, and gave official status to O Canada, over the objections of the Tories, the IODE, and the Orange Lodge, the Native Sons' work seemed to be done. And yes, it seemed that they faded into obscurity.

But there's more to the story. The Native Sons of Canada were, like Amos 'n' Andy in the USA, among the first victims of political correctness. Think about it...

The First Nations (formerly known as Indians) didn't like the appellation "native", saying that they, the aboriginal people, were the only true natives of Canada.

The wimmin didn't like "Sons" because that term is misogynistic, sexist and exclusionary.

Immigrants objected to "Sons of Canada" because it represented the policy of the Native Sons that only those born in Canada could become members. Someone born in London, England could be just as much of a Canadian nationalist as someone born in London, Ontario, they said.

And of course there was the predictable ranting, in the era of civil rights, that the Native Sons were anti-Semitic, anti-Negro (as African-Canadians were then called), and anti-French. (There was already an organization for the pure-laine canadiens. That would be the Société Jacques-Cartier, otherwise known as La Patente.)

Since the hippy-dippy 60s, it is politically incorrect to be anti-anything. We're supposed to be pro-everything, eh. Strength in diversity, multiculturalism is the future, and all that bullshit.

These days, supporting (publicly at least) the ideals of the Native Sons of Canada makes about as much sense in Canada as supporting the ideals of the White Citizens Council in the USA. So such organizations no longer exist. They have been silenced. But, as the Jesuits say, just because you've silenced a man doesn't mean you've converted him.

Native Sons of Canada Letter
Native Sons of Canada

P. O. BOX 903 
April 5, 1925.
The Honourable
The Premier,
Victoria, B.C.

Dear Sir -
Following is copy of a resolution passed by Cranbrook Assembly No.22 on recent meeting, for your information, please.


“WHEREAS, in the matter of administration of educational affairs in the Province of British Columbia, it has become known to the Assembly, No.22, Native Sons of Canada, that a certain element in the population of this Province has become suspected of being antagonistic to, and, apparently, is using unlawful means of interfering with the proper administration of general educational problems insofar as the peculiar beliefs of this element is concerned to the extent that teachers and officers are unable to properly function, as such, and, further, that school buildings are being burned — evidently as a direct result of such antagonism;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Assembly No.22, Native Sons of Canada, place itself on record and solicit the cooperation of the Grand Council towards impressing upon the Government of British Columbia the necessity of prompt and strict administration of the existing laws in regard to exucation, regardless of whom it may displease.”

Yours truly,
(signed) Robt. D. MacLachlan
Grand Secretary


Source: BC Archives, GR 441, Vol. 246, File 7 Premier 1925 Doukhobors, , Robin N. MachLachlan, "Letter From Native Sons Of Canada," April 5, 1925.

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