Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 1 April 2019

To discuss Freedom 2017 Nick Greco and Nicole LaBrasseuand - AND also Paul Chavaun promoting proclamation by creating a King

I am Posting this to clear up some confusion to discuss Freedom 2017 Nick Greco and Nicole LaBrasseuand - AND also the Other de jure group (Paul Chavaun ) promoting proclamation by creating a King and also hoping to unite on the solution to work together:

These “groups” believe the de facto isn’t, that it’s somehow de jure and they can somehow negotiate with it via a referendum or in their bureaucratic offices aka courts and the will agree to the outcome when they “win”, this is beyond ridiculous.

If the Mandrines in Ottawa wanted a de jure government in 1931 they would have informed the provinces to hold a constitutional convention to create the de jure federal government, but they didn’t, why?, because they wanted to retain their power and wealth, simple.

Today we have a Maritime incorporation masquerading as the “Government of Canada” (Inc.), they are not sovereign, as they own no land. What they are is a criminal organization committing fraud and treason on the sovereign people of the 10 sovereign nations aka the provinces. As Duke Willis says, you can’t negotiate with Al Capone to stop his criminal ways. This entity only exists in “color of law” via our consent, these groups are consenting to their criminal ways by doing what they are doing. “Extreme Danger, Will Robinson.” Run away quickly in the opposite direction.

As for the Grand Jury, it’s simple, what they are proposing as de jure ceased to exist on December 12, 1931. No more Dominion of Canada, no more Governor General, no more corporation sole, no more letters patent all nullified by the Statute of Westminster and no more Central Legislature of the Unified Colony aka “Federal Gov’t”, it literally ceased to exist. So how can you seat a de jure government in something the no longer exists.

With the above information above - This must be enough information to understand their solution will NOT work. Our hope is to bring us all together and work on the Solution that will work - and that has been proven to work many times before. The solution to the de-facto canada is The Myth is Canada - is the Solution - once you educate yourself.

Members from all groups please spend some time to review the information So we all can work together working on this project together

This Group has many educated individuals on this topic

The British North America Act is not, and has never been, legal and valid as the Constitution of Canada. Canada has no Constitution.

De Jure Government
De Jure members welcome you to be included in being recognized as A Sovereign and the creation of a Constitutional Convention 
De Jure Government
Please add your email to our emailing list to keep up to date for important information on Constitutional Conventions

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We Will add you to your Country , City Group

Also if you want to be involved in Educating/ or any skills you may offer to be involved

There's a way that you can be involved with De Jure Government. Learn how you can help us Create a Constitutional Conventions
Your Email will be be added into Country /City for Networking and Uniting you and others Locally to Work together forming Your De Jure Government
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Newfoundland and Labrador
Yukon Territory
Northwest Territory

Constitutional Convention For Each Country - Educate Yourself on the Myth Of Canada to Save Your Country (Provinces \Territories )from the UN Globalist Agenda 21/30 and the de-facto corrupt political system - THE MYTH IS CANADA - A MUST SEE FILM FOR CANADIANS

Please forward Email to Family and friends and other Patriots to further our message of the Solution we are working on
Thank You

Here Is a few of our Informed Speakers Educating the De jure Government and Constitutional Conventions

British Columbia.
Saskatchewan .
New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Northwest Territories

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