Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 5 April 2019

Globalist de-facto canada with their next selected - Trudeau’s is Dangerous “Post-National” Agenda Must Be Stopped

Trudeau’s Dangerous “Post-National” Agenda Must Be Stopped

A country without a nationality will not survive

Globalist - selected  Justin Trudeau has said he wants Canada to become the first “Post-National”state. (DESTROY THE COUNTRIES across de-facto canada.Inc He wants us to be a country without nationalism, replacing a shared national identity with his “diversity is strength” rhetoric.
This is dangerously misguided.
For both moral, and practical reasons, it is not possible for a country without a nationality to survive.
Here’s why: 

De Jure Canada   Main Page To Meet All Involved -

The moral dangers of Globalists post-nationalism:

Every nation is nationalistic. While the elites have tried to make nationalism into a negative word, it is the very core of why a nation exists. Countries are not simply land and territory. They are shared mental concepts. We share a common sense of being  an Albertan,  Saskatchewan or any of the other Counties - spread across de-facto canada.Inc  - We love to say I am a BC"er  or a Saskatchewan boy, and when you ask a newfee he say Proud of may Country Newfoundland 
This shared mental concept is nationalism. It pushes us to defend and strengthen our country. It encourages us to feel a bond with our fellow citizens, to protect each other in the case of war and conflict, and to build a nation where all of us have the opportunity to succeed.
Nationalism (which I prefer to call Patriotism) also explains why everyone across de-fact are being robbed by the Globalists fake government.  We are forced to pay slave taxes, even when we are overtaxed and hate how the de-facto government spends our money.
We also abide by the laws – in large part because we respect our nations  – even when we don’t respect the fake government. This is has changed the corruption and educated people are teaching solutions to end this de-facto system - by Uniting in Across every Country in the de-facto canada to regain their sovereignty 
And finally, contrary to the “diversity is strength” mantra, it is Unity that makes Us Strong. A shared national identity can overcome differences of background and belief, forging all of our citizens into one Unified family in every Country across the de-facto canada.
The de-facto Inc has reached the end of its time and now the Sovereign people are not asking they are Demanding to end slavery in their respective Countries 
The process has started in Every Country to  start to build constitutional committees - then and the process of constitutional conventions to create a pre-constitution for the citizens of each Country.
This will allow the citizens to critique  the Pre-Constitution and then to be involved in the Creation of being involved in final Constitution  - then to be ratified by the People in every Country how they want to be governed be governed as Sovereign  with a TRUE Constitution Placing the People the Supreme Authority - 
For The People Of  The People  By The People - 
Without unity, without a shared national identity, our Countries will be broken up into every individual ethnic and religious group. We will be hopelessly divided. We won’t really be a country at all, just a collection of people temporarily living in the same space of land – which is not the same as sharing a sense of being a Proud Ontarian, Albertan, Manitobaian or a Yukonite and so on .
Without a shared national identity, we are left with dangerous identity politics. That would destroy any hope of a shared national morality based on shared values and citizenship. We wouldn’t look out for each other, or support each other, or feel loyalty to each other in our Counties. Instead, everyone would break off into their little groups based on the grievances of the past, instead of coming together as Nationalist to build our future.
That would be disastrous if we do not stop the Globalists Un Agenda 21/30 
The Countries are an incredibly diverse across this continent from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean . It is our ability to forge a New beginning  that each of our Countries identity that makes us a strong country. Forging that identity cannot be done without nationalism for each Country - British Columbia,  Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Yukon territory and Northwest Territory.  
The value that nationalism is the most important role we have to protect our Counties from the Globalists UN Agenda 21/30 - open borders - inflicting  harm on each of everyone, and the pride we feel in being Sovereign citizens, builds an identity that can supersede all the differences and divisions that exist in our country. People of different backgrounds and beliefs can be brought together in our common national identity.
Identity politics does the opposite. It degrades nationalism, instead focusing on every little difference people have. Inevitably, this leads to societal breakdown, conflict, hate, and even violence.
What the Pre-selected Globalist Puppet Trudeau - like the previous puppets either doesn’t understand, or – disturbingly – understands all too well, is that every Country will either have a national identity, or none at all if we allow the de-facto canada Inc.  If we reject nationalism, our Countries may as well cease to exist. There may still be a patch of land on a map called “de-facto - canada Inc” but people won’t feel any loyalty or love for it.
The defeat of nationalism would be triumph of the Globalists NWO order.
If we want to save our countries, we can’t let that happen.

The practical dangers of the Globalists post-nationalism:

In addition to the moral consequences we’ve looked at above, there would be serious practical consequences of a post-national state.
Nationalism brings millions of people together to achieve a critical mass. That critical mass enables our countries to speak with a unified voice on the world stage. That unified voice gives us authority and credibility, it is what lets us field a military, stand up for ourselves in trade deals, negotiate with other nations, and protect our interests and our people. 
All these combined Countries must end the de-facto canada and their Globalist UN Agenda 21 New World Order plan of slavery.
Our Countries are is a vast area , abundant in natural resources and wealth. Only a cohesive, focused, and organized group of people – citizens – can defend the incredible gift that is our country.
But to defend something, it must first have value to you. A post-national state is a country where citizenship and a national identity have been stripped of value.
If we stopped feeling a sense of national loyalty to our Countries, why would any country respect us, or listen to anything we say? 
What would stop massive foreign Globalists corporations from trying even harder to monopolize all of our resources and leave ever Country blocked from any benefit? And what would stop other nations (acting cohesively in their national self-interest) from seeking to bully us into submission, or worse?
We can see how a post-national state would be completely unequipped to defend itself. We would be too busy fighting the identity politics wars in every city, town, and campus across our country. Meanwhile, our internal weakness would be a signal for every powerful organization and government outside our country to try and take advantage of us.
As a practical matter, without nationalism, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and the other Countries will be eaten alive by other powerful forces. History has clearly shown that countries that lose the will to defend themselves pay a swift and brutal price for being weak.

“Global Citizenship” is meaningless, only Country Citizenship matters

As we have seen, if our 10 countries became a post-national state we would cease to resemble a real country. We would be hopelessly divided, and thus extremely vulnerable to dangerous outside forces.
This is already happening.
Globalist -Justin Trudeau calls himself a “Global Citizen,” which is a very disturbing thing to hear but in fact all these previous de-facto puppets have always been working on the UN Agenda 21 plan . 
Justin Trudeau has no power to make decisions for us once we are united in  our Country, and he was not elected - by us  - he\she was selected by a corrupt political system controlled and owned by the globalists New World Order World. 
They work against every Country  - There job is to further their agenda with no  interests for any of our countries and the people across these 10 countries being dismantled under their plan for world communist agenda.
And yet, he has been pushing this dangerous globalist agenda throughout his time in office as other before him have.
He has stolen billions more to other countries while our own people suffer in every 10 countries .  He has as others before him with mass immigration or invasion to destabilize every 10 countries with a welcome mat to let everyone into each of the 10 countries, and then refused to secure the border as the consequences of his actions manifested themselves.
Trudeau loyalty to the “globalists” , which is what we would expect from someone who wants us to be a “post-nationalist state.”

We have now seen how dangerous Trudeau’s post-national agenda is, and the devastating consequences it could have for Every 10 Countries.

That’s why we must push back against it. We must be unafraid to speak of patriotism and nationalism, and argue forcefully that the interests of our own countries must be put first.
The job of the De Jure Government – and each of us – is to show loyalty and respect to our Countries, and take pride in the meaning of Nationalism. We must ensure that our shared Country identity is never destroyed by the divisions brought on by the corrupt de-facto canada Inc.
Our National identity is worth protecting, no matter what globalist fools like Justin Trudeau may say.

De Jure Canada   Main Page To Meet All Involved -

With more and more becoming aware of The Myth Of Canada

These pages below is the Beginning of What will be the Founding of Constitutional Committee to bring people to educate in each community about De Jure Government - and a understanding the process to eventually to hold a Constitutional Convention For All Countries - Your Sovereignty and the Future for Generations to come - Be Part of the History by working together to Free Your Country from the de-facto canada

Constitutional Convention For Each Country - Educate Yourself on the Myth Of Canada to Save Your Country (Provinces \Territories )from the UN Globalist Agenda 21/30 and the de-facto corrupt political system - THE MYTH IS CANADA - A MUST SEE FILM FOR CANADIANS

Constitutional Committees in each community to educate and to eventually create a Constitutional Convention for all Countries

Duke Willis

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