Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 31 March 2019

There’s a solution to all these scandals and rip offs

There’s a solution to all these scandals and rip offs.
In 1931 the UK Parliament passed the statute of Westminster, which literally dissolved all government in Canada, it dissolved our dominion and made each province its own sovereign nation. The Myth Of Canada

It gave the land to the citizens and told them to design laws and each sovereign nation to create its own type of government, and after that, if it was desired, to create its own dominion or union to create a big nation.

But the politicians of the day knew, it was 1931, and there was no way the people would know what happened, so they started a lie, a lie to keep not only their jobs, but to gain power.

They robbed Canadians of forming their own destiny. That day in December when the UK pulled the highest power in the land, the Governor General, lying politicians decided to lie and say they had the power to assign their own Governor General.

There was a book written on what had happened, it’s called “Ho Canada”’but the lying government (herby referred to as the de facto) banned the book from within Canada!!!

But here we are in 2019, and we have the facts about what was done, and we know how to fix it, we have the lawful right to claim (de jure) our destiny, we can unseat this de facto governmental system and seat our own de jure government.

All the debt the de facto incurred, will remain the politicians in the de facto’s debt, each responsible for his/her fair share!!!!

We are prepared to gather the citizens of each province/sovereign nation (Country ), to write and vote on lawful constitutional articles of convention that will govern us and our representatives in the new lawful governments. We are unique in the world to be able to do so. Join us!!!!

SOLUTIONS Constitutional Conventions Learn more here

The Myth Of Canada

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