Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Harper government gang introduced legislation that will turn reserve lands into individual holdings called fee simple

The assimilation of First Nations continues, Harper government First Nation Property Ownership Act is a modern Dawes Act. The FNPO will be a land grab by resource exploitation companies.

"By now most of you have heard about the Harper government gang introduced legislation that will turn reserve lands into individual holdings called fee simple. The legislation has been referred to as the First Nation Property Ownership Act (FNPOA). Some media outlets have referred to it as "privatization" but what the legislation would really do is turn the collective ownership of reserve lands into small pieces of land owned by individuals who could then sell it to non-First Nations peoples, land-holding companies and corporations, like Enbridge for example." - Pamela Palmater, First Perspective. -b

Flanagan National Petroleum Ownership Act: Stop Big Oil land grab:

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