Canada A Country without a Constitution

Tuesday 5 February 2019


Puppet Government of the Corporation of de-facto Canada

Watching Trudeau read his prepared generic statements as answers to specific questions, to do with the laws and policies that protect our sovereignty, and electoral processes, just tells me that the guy is completely controlled like a puppet. I would just like to know who exactly it is giving him his marching orders.

Here is what been offered for years Lieberal, Conartists,- facts prove points

It sure isn't the Canadian people.We have another Globalist Crime minister ( Harper, Mulroney, Martin, P Trudeau, Chretien- All of them

Andrew Scheer - Just another Globalist Puppet - Do your research

Jason Kenney same Globalist puppet - Do not be fooled - His immigration Pact is the Same -

They all have done everything in their Zionist power to destroy Canada’s economic competitiveness, drive investment south of the border and punish our most profitable industries with crippling taxes and regulations.

Fake Global warming Scam - Carbon Tax, GST scam ect

Pierre Trudeau sold us out in the Great Fraud - removing Bank of Canada -

Then Jean Chretien, a failed former Lieberals Prime Minister, . ... Chretien is a globalist elitist, and they stick together. ... doing things to destroy Canadian citizens, that's against Chretien's puppet masters' desires.

Brian Mulroney - Why Hate him - He left Office in 1993 and his list of damages to Canadians are still being felt today -

Now there is Maxime Bernier - says many of the right things - but we been fooled by the Zionists Political controlled system since 1931

“I have come to realize over the past year that this party is too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed,” Bernier said in his exit announcement.

Well he said it -- IT CORRUPT - why is no one being arrested - because the criminal system in de-facto canada does not charge these Zionists Puppets- they can do what ever they want - Lie to get elected and NO Accountability -

Now do canadians VOTE for Maxime Bernier - lets look at the History of Voting in Canada and options below you may be interested

Immigration and Multiculturalism

In recent months, Bernier has made a point of criticizing both the Trudeau government and the Conservative Party’s embrace of multiculturalism. Aivalis predicts that the immigration policies of his new political party could resemble the current Trump administration more than it does any current Canadian political parties at the federal level.
“In terms of multiculturalism, it’s sort of a third rail in Canadian politics. You can’t really be against it. Bernier seems to be saying that this extreme multiculturalism has become something unpalatable to real Canadians if you will " 
The Plan is simple divide and Conquer -  The Canadians will Vote - Lie - berals will get their fake democracy consent from the fools again - Con-artists will loose saying Bernier divided the votes
After all said and done - business as usual - they put on another propaganda acting show in the de-facto corporation of canada - arguing for another 4  years - then another Fake Election 
This is how you Political Slavery Works 
I have added some Information Below for your Consideration

Now here is some information that Might interest you 
Stephen J Garvey

National Citizens Alliance
November 25, 2018 ·
Canada is being radically, rapidly transformed into a post national globalist village.
MASS immigration is the rapid organized replacement of Canada's traditional population.
The National Citizens Alliance will END MASS immigration to Canada.

A New Canada - Video Below 
It's time for a paradigm shift in gov't. It's time to turn the tables on the tax man, on greedy corporations and put the power back into the hands of the people.

How to save Canada and the Nation (Provinces of the Corporation of de-facto canada

The Myth is Canada: Update 2019 with Doug Force

Doug Force ( explains some of the legal and lawful background information that explains how Canada doesn't really exist and doesn't have a constitution. The Statute of Westminster (1931) means that it's up to PEOPLE in the provinces and territories to hold their own constitutional conferences and reinvent Canada from the ground up for the first time ever. A great opportunity for freedom and to turn back the globalists, no matter what party they belong to in Ottawa's unlawful government. Subscribe to @themythiscanada on Twitter to get update tweets.

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