Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 18 February 2019

Behind the Green Mask - Agenda 21

Behind the Green Mask - Agenda 21 

You know, Native North Americans , Americans and African Americans have been saying DO Not Trust the Government! The Government is YOUR Enemy for over two hundred years. All of sudden, it's White Canadians and Americans fearing for the Rights and Freedoms.

Complaining about the lack of jobs, being told where to live, how to live, and barely live. People fear the Government taking their guns and ammo. Preppers are on the rise.

They fear new legislation restricting their rights. HELLO!

This is not new! The difference is, the shoe is on the other foot. Now the Native North Americans and African Americans don't seem so paranoid and anti-Government.

We should have come together long ago, to keep tabs on the Feds. Especially us citizens who work hard to make ends meet. As long as the Feds weren't stepping on your toes, your neck, your back and your ass, there was no reason to FEAR or DISTRUST the Government. WOW! Times have changed.


Here is a Video to watch and Share

Behind the Green Mask Agenda 21 Rosa Koire

Have you wondered where these terms 'sustainability' and 'smart growth' and 'high density urban mixed use development' came from?
Doesn't it seem like about 10 years ago you'd never heard of them and now everything seems to include these concepts? Is that just a coincidence? That every town and county and state and nation in the world would be changing their land use/planning codes and government policies to align themselves with...what? Click here for more:

http://www.democratsagainstunagenda21... Who are we? We are engaged in educating ourselves, our peers, and our country about UN Agenda 21, ICLEI, Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, Form-Based Zoning, Green Energy Mandates, Carbon Offsets, Cap and Trade, Redevelopment and other programs that restrict our land rights and civil rights. This vitally important information transcends party lines and illuminates much of what we have witnessed over the past two decades. This is not a left or right issue. It's an American issue. The information on these sites will help you to identify what is happening in your town and to stop it. Need a DVD, submit a request at: We the People Radio interview:
EXTRA - Visit where you will find several 2 hour shows featuring Rosa Koire Do you need a disk to show to a group? Contact Rosa Koire.

I think that Canada United States of America and Other Nations should cut off funding to the UN and deport all diplomatics out of every respective Nations such AS CANADA and the United States

Shut down all immigrants all visas and close this country and heal it

"Where Utopians are in charge, expect tyranny." (from the book, 'Crimes of the Educators' Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman).  Under Agenda 21 we are headed to Totalitarianism. The EU is already there. Now the Final stages are coming to Canada.


The only thing scarier than all this, is that most people wont have the balls to reject/fight all of this. being "awake" is one thing...but doing something to seriously stop it is a whole other matter...which most people probably wont go through with.

Come on in government...anything to stop the "terrorists"

In new Zealand the government is dropping poison called 1080 in mass loads throughout the lands to poison every living thing so people can't live from the land/ in the forests... they are saying it is pest control, which is a lie.

This woman is a national treasure! What great delivery.

Let's all admit it... we hate the vicious idiots who run our government. They think they are better than the rest of us. I used to work for them and now regret it. God will reward them with a permanent stay in Hell if they suppress us like they plan to do under Agenda 21. Hell is real and so is Agenda 21.

In order to stop being an alcoholic you have to admit your an alcoholic in order to stop letting the banksters mafia  rob us of everything we own. you have to admit that the banksters are taking everything you own. google the history of the family Rothschild, Rockerfeller, timeline . Know your enemy.

Global warming, Climate Change is a new wrinkle on Chicken Little's "The Sky is Falling in!"

What I don't understand much is how could what seems to be an overwhelming number of people in government and groups around the whole world be in on this Agenda 21 enslavement?  I guess this is a testament to how cunning and powerful the masters are.  I guess the masters have had quite a bit of years to do this with tons of money to buy off government, and with other cunning methods such as creating propaganda, and no doubt with taking advantage of high tech to implement this policy.

What needs to be done to fix this diabolical Agenda 21 is to get rid of the Private Banking Cartel - RE- Enact Bank Of Canada - FED and all the central banks that are in all of the countries, and to have public banks owned like they use to be by the People - The U.S. was lost way back in 1913 when the government brought the FED into existence that Thomas Jefferson opposed. All the central banks and the FED are not government or federal banks, but are private entities.  A way to get rid of the FED and all of the central banks is by everyone usin gLabour dollars based on real things.  

The Banksters are the corptocracy, Zionist Jews, and communism Country Canada and the state the U.S. has become

The people behind this are insane enough to propose it, think about that.

The dollar will not collapse under it's own weight. The government's world wide insane printing of more and more currency backed by NOTHING will cause the collapse. The government has always been behind all of domestic crises.

I think one of the biggest delusions right now is the feeling that the average Canadian and Americans are really able to decide much of anything important for themselves.

So much of everything thing we do is dependent on the stability of the $. Either the dollar collapses under its own weight, or we force the entire world to be slaves to the dollar through war. Big changes will be happening and sometimes not gradually. My only hope is that these changes will happen in a nice way. Odds are they won't

Scarcity, change, etc. etc. is the nature of just about everything. That people have delusions is also a well-known phenomena.

What is also well-known is that elites have always tried to screw the common man/woman.

What Canada is de -facto - We must defeat it.

The average person in western society lives a privileged life of illusion, but it is slowly coming to an end. There are so many things that we take for granted that the average person in the world can't. If we continue down the path were on, once the system crashes, Good luck when that happens.

Agenda 21 refers to corporations many times. It is not taking ownership of the means of production at all. What's ironic is that, in all Nations including Canada, the top 1% own half of everything already.

The average person is a slave to the system now. People have been working harder and getting less in return. Corporate welfare is much larger than welfare for people. Most of the 99% have blinders on and think the system we currently use can run indefinitely. The 1% will still be fine after all this goes down

The elites are the rich, or working for the rich. Therefore, what they propose is de - facto victory for them.

What Ms. Koire (I believe) is saying, to which I agree, is that we must take control locally of our community and resources in a democratic fashion to wrest control from the elites/rich.

Basically, I do not believe or want these unelected so-called representatives making allocation decisions for me.

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