Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 4 January 2019

Years ago I hoped that Direct Democracy and True Constitution would end the corruption

Years ago I hoped that Direct Democracy and True Constitution would end the corruption

Hmmm…on the subject of rights, it seems to me the question to be asked is if we have them, and if so are our government masters obligated to recognize them.

The answer to both questions is NO.

Should we be fighting against the intrusion?

The answer is most unequivocally YES, but in order for us to truly achieve the victory and reward of being a free and just society, we’ve got to know ALL the facts so as to be able to properly address the problem which is... we don’t have all the facts.

The evidence of that is we still seek redress of grievance through our public officials/public servants, which are the same group of individuals we believe; swear an oath to uphold all the rights listed in the constitution.

However, everyday we hear of public servants violating the constitution, and then getting of the hook.

“How can this be?” we ask ourselves.

Well it’s because the liability of the public servant to uphold and obey the constitution has been removed.

Look at the history of the oath.

The oath they take today is not the same oath they took at the birth of the nation. In point of fact, they effectively change ONE word to achieve this deception. 

Prior to the alteration they swore an oath to be "in agreement” with the constitution.

In today’s oath, they swear to be “under” the constitution.

To the average person it may seem to be simple word games, but I assure you this minor alteration has drastic and devastating consequences.

 “Agreement” meant all words encompassing, “under” effectively means a certain body within.

Once you ask what it is they are acting “under” you’ll eventually find it’s under

“The Commerce Clause”. Any and all things dealing with commerce finds itself under the jurisdiction of ADMIRALTY.

In admiralty jurisdiction, your constitutional rights have no standing.

They effectively move your rights off the land (common law courts) into the jurisdiction of the law that governs bodies of water (admiralty courts.)

Do a research on what jurisdiction all courts are acting under, and you’ll find some startling information.

You’ll find all common law courts have been removed from existence, and that all courts fall under the jurisdiction of admiralty, which is why a judge can hold you in contempt of court for simply quoting the constitution.

It’s also my understanding that some folks win on constitutional grounds, but it’s only my opinion that the courts will allow it so as to keep us from the deeper deception.

After all, if you look at it from a business perspective, it is considered damage control.

Seeing how all courts are registered as being businesses for profit, if the people knew they had no rights in court, they might rally in such a way that would force the reinstatement of common law courts.

That would be bad for business.

Read the book by Ronald Mac Donald (no relation to the fast food clown)

 “They Own It All, Including You!!!”.

Very enlightening. 

Also important information below on how to get your rights back


New political party in British Columbia ----This has never before been seen in Canadian history – it is such an honest movement 
that some...people may not be able to believe in it, 

Citizens concerned that "representative democracy" has failed the people Principle, by what the BC Refed Party will change this.

 This is a party of the people, for the people. 

We do have rights, we just need to take them back

Forward to family and friends they also may be intrested in getting their rights back

I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave.

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