Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 30 January 2019

What makes me a Canadian is not something I can easily translate into words

What makes me a Canadian is not something I can easily translate into words

These  examples barely scratch the surface when attempting to define what it means to me to be from Canada. How does  one tell a Canadian how lucky it is to be a Canadian? Simply can’t be done

I wish that I could put forth some profound statement that would delve into the hearts of Canadians and instill pride,  but I cannot. It means something different to each of us, and it is that what will allow Canada to thrive. Find out what it means to you in your heart, and never let that go. For me, today, I’ll try to explain

Our country was founded by immigrants, whether it be by the natives thousands of years ago or by others who followed hundreds of years ago. I believe we who live in this great country are truly blessed. We have the most wonderful species of every living thing there is ... animals, trees, fish, shrubs, flowers and people. We are a melting pot of it all. I am truly blessed to be Canadian, to have raised Canadians and to never take this large, open, magnificent country for granted.  I enjoy living here and am always grateful for my good fortune

I was born in British Columbia  and became part of Canada because I was told I was Canadian from the day I was born

I am Canadian because of what my grandparents did. They traveled to, literally, the great unknown, and struggled and didn't go out of this world with a lot,but they left that set of values which has carried through the generations. I'm not rich, but I have a had hell of a good life.That's Canadian

All my life and am truly proud! When I travel to other countries such as the USA, Mexico, Cuba, etc. I enjoy myself but am always so happy to 'Come Home' to the land of Red & White. I will never forget my roots here like so many have that have moved to other countries. Canada is known for its vast number of different cultures which makes it unique to say the least. No matter where in the world you travel to, if you tell the foreigners you're Canadian, they welcome you with open arms. We are a nation known for our big hearts, compassion, and friendliness. I AM CANADIAN!"

I have taken many people visiting Canada for the first time to see this amazing place. . The beauty of British Columbia, which many on their way to Edmonton, and  they found Alberta to be extraordinary. During the trips to Jasper National Park, where they are awestruck by the splendor of the Canadian Rockies.

Everyone I met we spent hours discussing the differences in our countries - health care, schooling, and housing among other things - and I was thinking how proud I am to be Canadian. Now many have gone home with a better appreciation for us and our many and diverse cultures. I feel they are richer from experiencing Canada, even if it was only a small part.

The men and women who sacrifice their time with their families to ensure that other Canadians enjoy their time with their family and loved ones makes me proud to call myself Canadian. Without those brave human beings freedom might not be something we could afford to take for granted in this country.

Nothing gives me a more satisfying feeling of 'coming back home' than the experience of crossing the border from the U.S. into Canada. Canada friendliness that make one feel so welcome and safe. It's a feeling that many fellow immigrants and even native Canadians share whenever the topic arises. Many immigrants from around the world came to Canada to become Canadian, not to change Canada , I feel so honored and blessed to be a Canadian and proud to be part of a culture that is respected and loved world-wide for years

Being a Canadian is more than most can imagine. We are the friendliest, most loving people in the world. Canada is a country of hope and security, and is beautiful. It is clean, well maintained, and our fellow Canadians make Canada what it is.

I have always felt very patriotic toward Canada, but never more than now since the last 20 years of the political mess, corruption and now with the masses immigration, which was all orchestrated to destroy the very fabric of Canada into pieces. If you think this sustainability and diversity UN Agenda 21 plan is good for our future then YOU are the Problem that needs to educate yourself and step aside and stop doing more damage to Canada and their respective Provinces

I never realized how important it is to feel that sense of belonging somewhere.  When I am at home back in Canada we take it for granted. When we are abroad I feel it's a different story. Being outside of Canada it's such a good feeling when we encounter other Canadians.  

I’m not a Canadian because I live in Canada, I’m a Canadian because I believe in the region where I live! I’m thankful to live in Canada because of the peace and the learning that the children develop every day. I also feel safe and protected because we don’t have war going on where I live. I'm so happy that I live in Canada.

We now have a silent war with mass immigration, and if you do not recognize this threat to our freedom and liberty you are one of two things - you either have to be part of the corrupt person or ignorant to NOT see what is happening 

I am proud of my country, my only country, Canada. I am proud of her from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the Arctic in Nunavut, to the shores of Lake Erie in Ontario. I am proud of her French, and English, and of her many creeds and values. I am proud of her liberty, of her social consciousness, and of maintaining a separate existence from her friendly neighbor to the south these 140 years. I am proud of her history, good and bad, and of her continuing effort to grow as a productive Nation.

As a Canadian I belong to all of Canada, not just the division they call 'Alberta or Saskatchewan or Nova Scotia, but all of Canada

I am proud to be Canadian because we live in a civilized society and one day a free republic, which I hope will come one day

Mass Genocide of the Original people of this great Land we now call Canada?Multiculturalism? A history of peace and tolerance? A society of warmth and friendliness? People should be reminded that this country's history isn't immaculate. In World War II we imprisoned Japaneses Canadians  and deported people back to numerous regime governments bent on genocide, we enforced taxes on Chinese immigrants and conducted state sponsored experiments on the mentally ill and handicapped. 

However, I am proud to say that we have not remained ignorant in educating our youth about the blemishes in our history.In time our future Generation will learn OUR True History and World History we have Been neglected to learn from a corrupt education system. Near Future more Canadians will learn the truth About Hitler and Germany once the Jewish media and the fraudulent banking cartel are held accountable for there genocide world wide

The majority of Canadians take for granted the privileges and resources that we have and fail to recognize how it affects other parts of the world. Yes, we have many diverse cultures living in this country but it is beneficial as much as it is detrimental. In other words one of our presumably proudest qualities (being diverse) is also one that interferes with the unity of the country. 

Canada In Decay undemocratic policy of mass immigration and racial diversification in Canada. The entire Canadian political establishment, the mainstream media and the academics, are all in harmonious unison with the banks and corporations, in promoting two myths to justify mass immigration.

The first myth is the claim that immigration into Canada “enriches the country”, by demonstrating that mass immigration is not only leading to Euro-Canadians becoming a small minority in their own homeland, but because of the disparity in the birth-rate, the Euro-Canadian population is likely to become almost extinct.

The second myth is the regularly repeated claim that Canada is a “nation of immigrants” by demonstrating that Canada was founded by Indigenous Quebecois, Acadians, and English speakers. also exposes the rewriting of Canada’s history in the media, schools, and universities, as an attempt to rob Euro-Canadians of their own history by inventing a past that conforms to the ideological goals of a future multiracial and multicultural Canada.

Canada In Decay the ideology of immigrant multiculturalism and the inbuilt radicalizing nature of this ideology, and argues that the “theory of multicultural citizenship” is marred by a double standard which encourages minorities to affirm their collective cultural rights while Euro-Canadians are excluded from affirming theirs.

"Canada In Decay is a bold, compelling, and often devastating deconstruction of the Left-Liberal narrative which has dominated Canadian politics since the 1970s.

Both the politically correct Left and the globalist Right not just in Canada but across the entire western world."

Mass Immigration has Increasing health-care costs and a government consisting of politicians who are more focused on pointing fingers than at actual problem solving, and a growing threat to our Liberty and freedom than we have endured in 50 years.

Diversity, sustainability UN Agenda 21 or Zionist Foundation infecting our society are major issues we are currently facing. It's strange that so much effort could be placed into celebrating our nation's birthday yet we drag our feet and remain indecisive when it comes to policy-making and addressing significant societal issues. 

I feel that being Canadian means being able to help realize the belief, that through hard work and integrity we may help Canada to mature and grow to become something better than what it is. Being Canadian means that we make decisions based on how well the country as a whole can benefit, not on how oneself can benefit. 

An individual is Canadian because they do not tolerate ignorance at any level and will acknowledge and learn from mistakes made. A Canadian understands that we need to assist each other when trying to rectify errors and that we may have to make sacrifices ourselves in order to come to the support of others.

Our country our Provinces and our Political system is broken and will take all of US Canadians to correct the mess the Zionist Banking Cartel has created across Canada.

What makes me Canadian? What makes me Canadian is the ability to speak out against what I think is wrong. There are many things about Canada that are right and many things that are wrong. Waving a flag and posting a 'support our troops' sticker on your car is not what constitutes a Canadian. To ignore the injustice is to be unpatriotic

Canadians are different from the rest of the world. We are able to live in a diverse nation, where ethnic conflicts, poverty and acts of injustice don’t go by without action. We stand for values of morality, education, heath care, prosperity, peace and most of all freedom

Canadians work for a better life not only for ourselves but the rest of the world!

What we achieved is now being torn apart year after year - 

The saying is true that a person does not fully appreciate what they have until they loose  it, I am more thankful for Canada and my heritage and I certainly cannot wait for a day that Canada leads the world to peace Prosperity, Liberty and Freedom

Its going to take Unity to save Canada from the Globalist banking Cartel , the corrupt Political system and most of all its going to take You and every  OLD STOCK Canadian to save this Nation .

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