Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 28 December 2018

What Is Nationalism, Patriotism and What Does it Mean for Liberty?

What Is Nationalism, Patriotism and What Does it Mean for Liberty?

They are so  important because people have naturally organized themselves into groups with common interests and goals ever since the start of human civilization about 12,000 years ago, and were probably doing it even before that.

People who speak the same language, share the same ethnicity or faith, or happen to be like-minded politically, or any combination of those things, might want to have their own country and a government of their choosing, which represents the things they wish to preserve, emphasize, and grow.

This can happen in any number of ways, for any number of reasons:

A patriot believes in the spirit and principles of his nation, lives by and advocates them, representing his country through his good example and rightful behavior

He feels brotherhood with his fellows who share those ideas, regardless of their geographic origin or ethnicity.
And as a believer in what is good about his land, a patriot only supports a politician or government to the extent that they uphold those principles, and act in a good, just way to represent them
Nationalism -  Devotion, to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state. That nations will benefit from acting in the best interest of their Nation, emphasizing national rather than international goals. (Globalists)
The unrest of people world wide in numerous nations is apparent the world over. With the Yellow Vest Movement recently, it has shown the people have had enough of the corruption, lies and loss of freedom and Liberty. 
To understand what is really happening I will give some insight.

  • The United States of America was formed as a ruthless take over from the Original People (Natives) The powers in control at that time formed a Republic based on the concepts of Classical Liberalism - but this did not last long . In 1913 they were conquered by the Federal Reserve ACT which now controls much of every aspect of Government and Congress and no accountability to the Oligarchy. They  USA is no longer  a Republic or a Democracy. Its a Oligarchy  and are controlled by Globalists. They have generally welcomed people from all around the world who wish to help build a nation on those principles. 
  • Canada was formed by a ruthless take over from the Original People (Natives) It was set up with a Westminster ACT and the BNA ACT which only represents the Oligarchy - for decades the Canadian people have struggled to defeat the Criminal Oligarchy.  From the beginning it has been a Socialist nightmare - with numerous Crime minsters pushing the Oligarchy agenda for Communism, They push a BNA as a Constitution , but in realty its a contract written that gives the Oligarchy all the rights and removes the rights from the people.  -  Video on YouTube -  Canada a Country without a CONSTITUTION  for your awakening to - how you are truly governed  - 
  • One day either Canada will become a Sovereign Nation or ONE of the Provinces will take the initiative and Become an independent Sovereign nation and/or other Provinces will Join or create their own Sovereign Province - Its only a matter of time before the People will rise up against a corrupt political system 
  • The State of Israel i s a FAR -  Right NATIONALIST   it was formed  (Illegally by the Zionist Agenda) as a nation-state for people of the Jewish religion and ethnicity, at the expense of the Palestine's who have lived their for thousand of years -  Israel has committed horrendous crimes against Palatines - theft of Land - genocide 
  • The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was founded as the world’s first nation-state based on Marxist theory by the Bolshevik Jews - Communism.( 60 to 80 million people murdered in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland - Note 75 years later Russia release facts that they were responsible for the mass murder in Poland and Blamed Germany and Churchill and Roosevelt new the facts and hid this information from the american public - research this and find the truth ) When their implementation became a failed experiment after roughly 75 years, the multi-ethnic USSR broke up into various nation-states based on the ethnicity of the people in each region.
  • Between 1859 and 1870, the various peoples of the small states that made up the Italian ethnic and linguistic community all overthrew their governments and united under one, becoming the modern nation-state of Italy.
  • The Republic of Kosovo seceded from Serbia in 2008 on the basis of self-determination for the majority ethnic Albanian population of that region.
Those are just a few examples from world history. I could go on all day and night with this. But there’s one thing that needs to be noted—Nationalism is NOT dying. It is stronger than ever. Kosovo is just one example. When Crimea and Sevastopol seceded from Ukraine to return to Russia, the country that its people identify with linguistically and culturally, that was Nationalism at work. Catalonia’s referendum on independence from Spain, in 1 October 2017, is Nationalism at work. The Scottish independence and Brexit votes in the United Kingdom, same thing.  (The controllers do NOT want Nationalism it interferes with their Globalization or NEW WORLD ORDER )
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. There are something like 204 nation-states in the modern world, counting the ones that de facto exist in Canada to mention, if you watched the video I posted above , but the UN pretends don’t exist. In 200 years, the world will have at least 300 nation-states. The number of sovereign nation-states in the world has been rising for centuries, and it’s not going to stop anytime soon.
And furthermore, we shouldn’t want it to stop. Let me quote from another answer of mine (John Cate's answer to Why are you a nationalist?):
And even more importantly than either of those reasons is the simple fact that nationalism makes sense. Seriously, who knows what is best for France? The people of France, or people in South Korea? Who knows what’s best for Japan? The Japanese, or the Spanish? But globalists don’t get this simple fact. They all dream of a one-world government, but what happens when that one-world government passes regulations that don’t work for some part of the world, and cause a breakdown of the economy or maybe even their entire society? Then you have the mother of all civil wars on your hands.
This problem was solved back in 1648, after various differences, both religious and political, led to the ruinous Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), in which 40 percent of the population of Germany died, in a war that ravaged Central Europe for three decades, ( If you have studied the true meaning of this war you will realize it was NOT about  Germany conquering the world , it was the threat that Germany removed the Rothschild Banking Cartel  and this threatened the Jews Banking Cartel of USURY ) (when the facts become known to the masses there will be justice for their crimes to humanity and the History books will be re written not the lies that have been spewed for years )only to literally end in the same place that it began (Prague Castle). When the madness ended with the Peace of Westphalia, the concept of the modern nation-state was established, and has held to this day; prior to 1618, there were hundreds of semi-independent principalities that were left over from the days of feudalism, with authority in some areas but subject to some King or Emperor in others. The concept of Westphalian sovereignty guaranteed each nation its full and unfettered right to self-determination.
It didn’t save Europe from the likes of Frederick the Great, Louis XIV, Napoleone Buonaparte (jew warlord), Wilhelm II and Churchill  - Roosevelt -Stalin who inflicted millions of deaths to further their object of the New World Order) and their out-of-control militarism, but at least there was never another religious war after 1648. (I shouldn’t need to explain that there are few wars worse than ones where one side is not only thoroughly convinced that they have a deity on their side, but that they’re actively fighting for God’s cause.)
Even with all of the conflicts that have occurred since then, the era of the modern nation-state is the greatest era of human achievement. And when new nations achieve their freedom and have the chance to pursue their own national destinies, good things can happen. Look at Singapore, which became independent  of Malaysia in  1965. Today, Singapore is a First World nation, 10th in the world in per capita GDP, with a Human Development Index that ranks fifth in the world. (Malaysia ranks 50th and 59th, respectively.)
You will never see a One-World Government, and if you do, it will fail and we’ll just go back to Westphalian sovereignty, probably after billions of people die to re-establish it. The route to world peace isn’t through the silly idea that “the world will live as one,” it’s through self-determination for all of the nations of the world, including those currently under unwanted foreign overlordship. When we get there, the world will have an opportunity to live—each nation according to their desires, in cooperation with others if they wish, or apart from others if they prefer that. Only then can there be any chance at lasting peace.

Nationalism is the best strategy for nation building and Patriotism.. It will be the binding part to ensure Liberty is enforced for all.

NOTE The Private Banking USURY FIAT PAPER , Gold and Silver are based on fiction, true wealth is labor and one day it will return to real trade based on real goods, and Labor - This will end the enslavement for all man kind. 

The problem is its very uncontrollable. An example is Japan in 1854, the American Captain Matthew C. Perry, led an expedition to force Japan to open to trade. Japan was forced to sign a treaty to open trade by this expedition. To cut a long story short, this led to the collapse of the ruling Shogunate system and the collapse of the Japanese government.

This led to the Meiji Restoration, Japan was rebuilt as a state and nationalism was a key concept in doing so. The country was rebuilt around the concept of the Japanese people and the emperor who had until then been only a figurehead. Nationalism was used to break down what was the previous class system with a four tier society. Wealthy Oligarchs used this to industrialize and modernize the country rapidly.

The long term effects of rampant nationalism was of course what led Japan to militarization and the eventual attack on Pearl Harbor.

Nationalism is defined as a patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.

It helps to keep a country unified and working towards a common goal.

The danger is to much nationalism has to be controlled  by Patriotism which  Leeds directly to Freedom and Liberty and self determination - do not listen to the indoctrinated Left as they have been brainwashed by Jewish indoctrination lies to follow the Socialist agenda of communism which has been a disaster in every nation 

Hitler used nationalism and Patriotism to pull people together and  built the greatest Nation  we have ever seen with prosperity for all Germans while the rest of the world was in chaos, poverty and lining up in soup kitchens all because of the Zionist Jew Bolsheviki Socialistic or communism system we ever seen, THE JEWISH PROPAGANDA machine despised Hitler and his goal for Nationalism and Patriotism - They had one of the best Labor systems created and when you research facts you will be angry -  how mislead you have been and LIED to for years. 

THE JEWISH PROPAGANDA LYING MACHINE  told you lies about Hitler and the German People and created hate and anger and far worse,which we all know led to the 72 million peoples lives lost because of the propaganda machine of the Zionists Jews. They were successful as history has shown you. Never forget what 5 Star General Patton Said "WE FOUGHT THE WRONG ENEMY " he went further to say we have destroyed one of the best races on the earth through Jewish controlled objectives. Patton was later demoted and then assassinated - FACT -  He told Eisenhower (JEW) he was going to warn the American People.

THE Zionist Jews are  doing the same thing they did with Hitler and now with Muslims. They work in stealth - they were able to commit the US , UK  and Numerous other countries to destabilize Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya , Jordan and  Syria , (Now IRAN) Millions killed, with millions of refugees to implement their planned immigration policy to destabilize Canada ,Europe  and Australia (DO NOT FORGET) Vietnam, Korea, and the other major military conflicts they used to destroy numerous nations into mass murder and poverty. 

The problem is most humans are smarter now and will not fall for it, this is my hope. I am not against immigration, I am against Illegal mass immigration and the UN criminal activity

The Bottom Line is that  Patriotism is great  for any country but the sad truth is,  history has proven time and time again, its loathed by the perpetrators of the New World Order agenda - it stands against their plans of world domination - It wasn't Hitler and Germany that wanted to conquer the world it always has been them.

This is patriotism. It is loving your country and the people in it.  It is accepting its flaws, but because it is your homeland you work to ensure its going to be better for the next generations to come.
Patriotism is needed because without support from its citizens a country cannot prosper.

People leave their countries  for many reason , many come to Canada  and other Nations because they see it as better life for themselves and their children, that is  great.  Years and years we had immigration and their children born in Canada/like other nations respecting their Nation -  Canada flourished and we were a leading example around the world for freedom, prosperity and Liberty. Canadians all thrived to build a better Canada. Canadians worked for the same goals. 

But lately with the mass immigration it has become apparent it is dividing this Great nation of Canada, and a divided nation will collapse into poverty as it is apparently very clear that all across Canada the poverty , homelessness,  crime, and increased drug use reflect the collapse of Canada. 

The perpetrators of this mass immigration are well into their plan for total chaos. Only an educated and informed society can stop their EVIL plan

Communism causes war, genocide and violence, as history has proven, World War One and Two are just two examples

Researching for years on this subject I have seen their  evil force leading us into conflict year after year.  When I stumbled on to Albert Pike ideology I was shocked how they planned this years in advance -  What confused me the most is our so called elected Politicians have played right along with this insanity. This is a clear indicator we have been infiltrated by traitors.

Below is a great list of the early warning signs of Bolshevik Communism and if you look at each one you will understand that Canada,  America  and EU and Australia are all leaning heavily towards becoming Socialist \Communism countries.

This is Albert Pike's  idea of thinking that they are  superior to every other one. It creates ethnic divides like the ones we see growing  today.

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nationalism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

When taken to its extreme we all see the horrors that nationalism creates, such is the case with every ideology. However, without some degree of it, the social cohesion and belief in institutions necessary for a functioning country are near impossible to achieve

Here is an excerpt from Rabindranath Tagore's essay after his japan trip 
He emphasized the fact that whatever japan has achieved and is going to achieve in the future is exceptional because of the spirit of nationalism in the masses of the country.

One morning the whole world looked up in surprise, when Japan broke through her walls of old habits in a night and came out triumphant. It was done in such an incredibly short time, that it seemed like a change of dress and not like the building up of a new structure. She showed the confident strength of maturity and the freshness and infinite potentiality of new life at the same moment. The fear was entertained that it was a mere freak of history, a child's game of Time, the blowing up of a soap bubble, perfect in its rondure and colouring, hollow in its heart and without substance. But Japan has proved conclusively that this sudden revealment of her power is not a short-lived wonder, a chance product of time and tide, thrown up from the depth of obscurity to be swept away the next moment into the sea of oblivion.
The truth is that Japan is old and new at the same time. She has her legacy of ancient culture from the East, - the culture that enjoins man to look for his true wealth and power in his inner soul, the culture that gives self-possession in the face of loss and danger, self-sacrifice without counting the cost or hoping for gain, defiance of death, acceptance of countless social obligations that we owe to men as social beings. In a word modern Japan has come out of the immemorial East like a lotus blossoming in easy grace, all the while keeping its firm hold upon the profound depth from which it has sprung.
And Japan, the child of the Ancient East, has also fearlessly claimed all the gifts of the modern age for herself. She has shown her bold spirit in breaking through the confinements of habits, useless accumulations of the lazy mind, seeking safety in its thrift and its locks and keys. Thus she has come in contact with the living time and has accepted with eagerness and aptitude the responsibilities of modern civilization.
This it is which has given heart to the rest of Asia. We have seen that the life and the strength are there in us, only the dead crust has to be removed. We have seen that taking shelter in the dead is death itself, and only taking all the risk of life to the fullest extent is living.
I, for myself,  cannot believe  that Japan  has become what she  is by imitating the West. We cannot imitate life, we cannot simulate strength for long, nay, what is more, a mere imitation is a source of weakness. For it hampers our true nature, it is always in our way. It is like dressing our skeleton with another man's skin, giving rise to eternal feuds between the skin and the bones at every movement.

Nationalism and Patriotism must be used in the same manner

Man is a social animal by nature because he is weak as a single being. Being in groups and tribes gives him more strength and power for survival. With the advent of civilization man becomes more and more organized in terms of society. First there is a unit of family,families turn into tribes,tribes into more bigger tribes and this organization goes on.

The strength of a civilization lies in how much well organized it is as a society.

In pre modern times the biggest organized entity of a society was nothing more then an advanced form of a tribe. The monarchies and empires consisted of a number of tribes from few to hundreds in case of huge empires. The monarchs and emperors whole politics was around managing and harnessing this power of the tribes. Feudalism was an advanced form of it. Although people did not belong to same family tree or race area etc but they were basically loyal to there Lords and Barons. These Lords and Barons were then under the King.

This form of government was inefficient as a whole because it lead to revolts and disorder in the long run. It was difficult for a King to manage the Lords in an effective way for common interests.

The idea of nationalism in the Modern era solved this problem very effectively. The idea to make people loyal to the central government with their whole heart on the basis of race created a nation.
Nations were more organized and more efficient in action because they used the physical power as well as the soul of the people to drive the wheels of a united country. No ancient form of monarchy could stand in there way.
One of the reasons the west was so successful in colonizing huge empires such as the Mughal and the Ottoman empire was this national spirit. The empires stood no chance because although they had huge armies but they had no cohesive force inside them to counter this nationalism.
The reason China and especially Japan bore the burnt of this nationalism way better was because they were already in a semi-organized state, a nation.
The History of the colonial era looks like the survival of the fittest where a beasts rise from the ashes of the the Papacy to prey on all the weaker animals and old weak beasts on the face of Earth. After they are finished feasting and there is no more prey in sight they start feasting on each other :) and that starts the first World War.
The idea of nation state is old now and World is looking forward for Global culture i.e A kind of a super Nation. The Globalists New World order is the next step in this direction.
So its going to be a battle for freedom.liberty and more so the right to exist - these words are not to frighten you but when you research these sociopaths you will discover their plan for for billions.

Nationalism is important is because it is use for nation building it helps people to be loyal to you there county. 

Many individuals are not loyal to there county because they  do not recognize nations - they consider the world is theirs and theirs to run, operate and do as they please without consequences.
We see it more and more today Corporations have the same right as a human, How ever idiotic this insane idea is, the ruling elite think they can do what ever they feel. To achieve this they need their Globalization, their UN or Globalization army ,police army to enforce their demands without impunity
Nationalism was an effective tool when securing one's sovereign nation. It was important; however, it simply isn't as important anymore with globalization. 

Further, Nationalism has been taken in misguided directions(mass Propaganda ) without control, making it seen as a more negative social aspect rather than the one you would want to promote. 

Nationalism nowadays is a utopia that we cannot afford in a global world. It is many steps backwards, a form of nostalgia or brain washing. We should be proud of our country but not at another’s expense. We all need one another.

It is important because it can affect you in a very negative/positive way depending on where you stand. For instance Nationalism  was a threat to the Bilderberg Group Globalists
Stalin/ Churchill


Rothschild/ Morgans/ State of Israel and  GLOBALISTS which  Hitler knew to be One World Government and they killed over 100 million people and raped 2/3 of the women in Berlin. 

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