Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 8 December 2018

They Did It To Eastern Europe And Germany And They Will Do It To You Next

They Did It To Eastern Europe And Germany And They Will Do It To You Next

What “we” did to Germany, during and after World War Two, was of such bestiality and horror, that it beggars belief, that seventy years on, the only feature of that war, a war which Germany was forced to fight, which is still discussed, is the unproven claims of crimes against Jews,  the very people whom called for the total annihilation of the German people.

This continuing propaganda is used to distract us from the savagery of their own behaviour against civilians all across the region. All of the barbarity of which they accuse the Germans should be laid, where it belongs, at their door.

General Eisenhower, the beast who would soon be the President of the United States, at the opening of the Ruhr drive declared. “Our primary purpose is the destruction of as many Germans as possible. I expect to destroy every German west of the Rhine and within that area in which we are attacking.” Eisenhower, the Swedish Jew, having raped, robbed and destroyed his way across France and Germany, then went on to starve one and a half million German Prisoners of War to death in his Rhine Meadows Death Camps.

The Jew trio of Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, did then at Yalta, condemn millions of the people, of Eastern Europe to a life under the control of the mass murdering Jew, Joseph Stalin, under whose orders untold millions of Christians were brutally tortured and murdered.

In 1933, the declared aim of International Jewry, was the mass murder of the German people, every man, woman and child, for daring to break free from the stranglehold of the Jew controlled, international banking system.

In order to disguise this truth, a tsunami of propaganda had to be unleashed, which was directed against the German victims of those Jews, which turned reality on its head, condemning the German people to be accused and found guilty, of things, which even had they been true, were as nothing compared with what the Jews did to the Germans.

It is now common knowledge, that Jew Bankers funded a coup d’etat in Russia, followed by the incredibly brutal slaughter of sixty-five million Christians, which included the starvation of millions in Ukraine, the Holodomor.

Two decades later these same Jews were initiating a war against Germany, having already laid out their intention to wipe Germany off the face of the earth, by whatever means necessary. In the middle of this slaughter of the Germans, when they had managed to murder a mere twenty-million poor souls, the Jew Morgenthau’s Plan, to murder them all, had to be called off, due to International repulsion at what was going on. As was the City of London Jew’s attempt to starve the Irish to death, when shiploads of supplies arrived from America.

The Jews then claimed to have themselves suffered during this cold-blooded war against the Germans. No shit? Suffering which in the main was due to ‘starvation’ – which is of course the Jews own favourite weapon,- as a result of the murderous bombing of food convoys, which were bringing supplies to the Camps, attacks which were carried out by the Jews own allies and disease, mainly Typhus. Most children now believe that the war was declared to stop Hitler from killing Jews, such is the power of propaganda and the lies of those Jews.

All German cities above 50,000 population and many smaller ones were from 50 to 80 per cent destroyed. Dresden, as large as Pittsburgh, was wiped out and nearly all of its 620,000 inhabitants buried under the ruins.”
The British, whom to this day congratulate themselves for having fought the “Good War,” when in view of what they did to the German people, they should be down on their knees, begging forgiveness for having been duped into an illegal war for the Jews, they instead, to this day, vilify their victims the ‘Krauts’ mainly of course in their Jew controlled media newspapers, hiding the hate speech under the excuse of a football match.

Hamburg, with its 1,150,000 people, was blasted by huge attacks, in one of which the flames rolled a mile into the sky and roasted alive hundreds of thousands of civilians in street temperatures of a thousand degrees.”
The British still celebrate their glorious victory, without regard for the bloodshed involved, while still praising the way they coped with the minuscule bombardment of London, which they call the ‘Blitz,’ and the attack on Coventry, when Churchill left the people to die, under the bombs, when he had known the raid was coming.

So, on April 4, 1945, Kassel (a town which was bombed on dozens of occasions)surrendered, not more than 15,000 of its 250,000 still in the city and living. Thousands lay buried under the countless tons of brick and mortar and twisted steel that had been dwellings and stores and factories.

“That was a year ago and it’s no exaggeration to say that they are still dazed. Only a few have snapped out of their stupor to become real leaders. It is not uncommon to see a person burst into helpless tears, if the conversation turns to recounting the war”(unnamed journalist)
The British and their allies, are now using the same scorched earth policy, across the Middle East, where they are now employing the same terror tactics, this time crouching behind the same Commissars, now calling themselves ISIS, using the same terror tactics which served during the invasion of Germany, rape, crucifixion, torture and beheadings, which, had they been given the chance, would have massacred the German people out of existence. The aim now is in order to reduce the population of the Middle East, to satisfy the dark desires of Israel.

The same thing was done to the ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe, which created the greatest mass expulsion of people in history. This was when ‘hostilities ended’ for the rest of us maybe, but not for the Jews in Soviet Russia, whom carried on their ‘Bitter Harvest’ against White Christians, in all of the States which they had grabbed as ‘booty’ at Yalta.

So dear readers, what is going on in the Middle East today, can be traced all the way back to the shenanigans after the Great War, the Russian coup d’etat, the downfall of the Ottoman Empire, the dismantling of the Austro Hungarian Empire, and the handing over of an already populated Palestine into the hands of the Jews. The next step in this grisly history is the installation of Greater Israel and then The New World Order, which will insist on a mass genocide i.e. according to their own scribblings, they would prefer there to be no more than five-hundred-millions of us.This genocide will include the ‘good Jews’ and there are many of them, along with the rest of us. We are all in it together.


Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals.

Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Red Army soldiers would mass rape German women as a kind of revenge against their enemy: The German army. They felt that it was their earned right to do so as the German army had ‘violated’ their motherland by invading it. In addition to not being in contact with women for long periods causing their animal instinct to be heightened.

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

“Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


     Bandits in Uniform' The Dark Side of GIs in Liberated France

US soldiers who fought in World War II have commonly been depicted as honorable citizen warriors from the "Greatest Generation." But a new book uncovers the dark side of some GIs in liberated France, where robbing, raping and whoring were rife.
May 29, 2013  
The liberators made a lot of noise and drank too much. They raced around in their jeeps, fought in the streets and stole. But the worst thing was their obsession with French women. They wanted sex -- some for free, some for money and some by force.

After four years of German occupation, the French greeted the US soldiers landing in Normandy on June 6, 1944 as liberators. The entire country was delirious with joy. But after only a few months, a shadow was cast over the new masters' image among the French.

By the late summer of 1944, large numbers of women in Normandy were complaining about rapes by US soldiers. Fear spread among the population, as did a bitter joke: "Our men had to disguise themselves under the Germans. But when the Americans came, we had to hide the women."

With the landing on Omaha Beach, "a veritable tsunami of male lust" washed over France, writes Mary Louise Roberts, a history professor at the University of Wisconsin, in her new book "What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France." In it, Roberts scrapes away at the idealized picture of war heroes. Although soldiers have had a reputation for committing rape in many wars, American GIs have been largely excluded from this stereotype. Historical research has paid very little attention to this dark side of the liberation of Europe, which was long treated as a taboo subject in both the United States and France.

American propaganda did not sell the war to soldiers as a struggle for freedom, writes Roberts, but as a "sexual adventure." France was "a tremendous brothel," the magazine Lifefantasized at the time, "inhabited by 40,000,000 hedonists who spend all their time eating, drinking (and) making love." The Stars and Stripes, the official newspaper of the US armed forces, taught soldiers German phrases like: "Waffen niederlegen!" ("Throw down your arms!"). But the French phrases it recommended to soldiers were different: "You have charming eyes," "I am not married" and "Are your parents at home?"

After their victory, the soldiers felt it was time for a reward. And when they enjoyed themselves with French women, they were not only validating their own masculinity, but also, in a metaphorical sense, the new status of the United States as a superpower, writes Roberts. The liberation of France was sold to the American public as a love affair between US soldiers and grateful French women.

On the other hand, following their defeat by the Germans, many French perceived the Americans' uninhibited activities in their own country as yet another humiliation. Although the French were officially among the victorious powers, the Americans were now in charge.

'Scenes Contrary to Decency'

The subject of sex played a central role in the relationship between the French and their liberators. Prostitution was the source of constant strife between US military officials and local authorities.

Some of the most dramatic reports came from the port city of Le Havre, which was overrun by soldiers headed home in the summer of 1945. In a letter to a Colonel Weed, the US regional commander, then Mayor Pierre Voisin complained that his citizens couldn't even go for a walk in the park or visit the cemetery without encountering GIs having sex in public with prostitutes.

"Scenes contrary to decency" were unfolding in his city day and night, Voisin wrote. It was "not only scandalous but intolerable" that "youthful eyes are exposed to such public spectacles." The mayor suggested that the Americans set up a brothel outside the city so that the sexual activity would be discrete and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases could be combated by medical personnel.

But the Americans could not operate brothels because they feared that stories about the soldiers' promiscuity would then make their way back to their wives at home. Besides, writes Roberts, many American military officials did not take the complaints seriously owing to their belief that it was normal for the French to have sex in public.

But the citizens of Le Havre wrote letters of protest to their mayor, and not just regarding prostitution. We are "attacked, robbed, run over both on the street and in our houses," wrote one citizen in October 1945. "This is a regime of terror, imposed by bandits in uniform."

'The Swagger of Conquerors'

There were similar accounts from all over the country, with police reports listing holdups, theft and rapes. In Brittany, drunk soldiers destroyed bars when they ran out of cognac. Sexual assaults were commonplace in Marseilles. In Rouen, a soldier forced his way into a house, held up his weapon and demanded sex.

The military authorities generally took the complaints about rape seriously. However, the soldiers who were convicted were almost exclusively African-American, some of them apparently on the basis of false accusations, because racism was also deeply entrenched in French society.

A café owner from Le Havre expressed the deep French disillusionment over the Americans' behavior when he said: "We expected friends who would not make us ashamed of our defeat. Instead, there came incomprehension, arrogance, incredibly bad manners and the swagger of conquerors."

Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan 

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