Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 16 December 2018

The UN Migration Pact: Globalist INSANITY

The UN Migration Pact: Globalist INSANITY

(((DIVERSITY))) (((REFUGEES))) Two of the greatest propaganda from the Left 

The UN Migration Pact (UN Immigration Compact) is embraced by Canada & pro immigration Trudeau. But the deal has been collapsing under scrutiny of those critical of migration.

You tube was purchased by Google. And just for your information – Google is owned by two Jews, Larry Page and Sergy Brin. (could just be a coincidence I’m not sure). Page and Brin were also originally funded by other Jews (could just be a coincidence I’m not sure).
They are now removing anything considered “offensive” on You Tube. Any video which reveals a race based truth or a different point of view is considered “offensive” So if you don’t want your videos deleted: Don’t use you tube. It is that simple.
Since they are censoring everything – they are actually creating opportunity for competitor to emerge. They will need to establish “laws” to control the internet and prevent free speech in order to prevent this competition.
Anyways. None of this matters. At some point in time, white people will have to use violence to prevent their extinction. I don’t see that happening as long as life is “good”, and things are “plentiful”. It is like animals at the watering hole in Africa. They all “tolerate” each other because they have plenty to eat and drink.
So once the fake money economy of USA and EU collapses there is more chance of white people taking matters into their own hands. But as long as white people have it “good” they are happy to complacent to collective suicide.
You have chance to survive (for now) in Eastern Europe and Russia but only time will tell.

Jews are very good at covering their tracks. They rarely do their own ‘dirty work’: instead, they find others, “patsies”, to do evil deeds for them. When they wanted to murder Christ, they forced the local Roman governor (Pontius Pilate) to make the arrangements.
Jews financed the slave trade, first with the gold from the Spanish Treasury, and later (after the defeat of Spain’s Armada), with the wealth of England. No Jew ever sailed a slave ship, nor did any Jew ever own or abuse a negro, but they reaped huge profit and enrichment from slavery.
When the Jews wanted John F. Kennedy killed, the Jewish Mafia (which is global — more than 10 times as wealthy and powerful as all other organized crime syndicates put together) financed allies in the CIA and other mafia to do it.

Not all Jews are bad, but many in power sure are. Same with Zionists. And all of them needs to die. I know, I am horrible, but they are worse, they are slowly murdering entire subsets of humanity. Sure, a human ‘race’ cannot be annihilated that easily. Climate and weather has also helped create many ‘different human species.’ Asian, African, Caucasian, white, black, less black… negro if I really have to go there, but you get the idea. And each one has more variations of ‘race’.
I am not racist by choice, I am racist and even a Nazi by being forced to hate the ‘race’ and the ‘civilization’ and ‘religions’ causing all this in Europe and more parts of the world Jews, Zionists and overall hateful people angry over things that have occurred repeatedly over the past 2 000 years. Death of large amounts of people left and right, this will never really stop. Killing off a ‘species’ will make people want them gone more than ever, especially since they’re doing it ‘legally’ from behind the scenes. And the way it is done is in a way worse than the way the Nazi’s did it – because that was JUST the Jews and similar people being slaughtered. Now? It is a LOT MORE. It is an entire CONTINENT marked for death.
This will lead to the ones causing this being hunted by absolutely everyone else on the planet. Like the Jews. They will be hated by everyone for this, and this will happen. The question is WHEN.

ADDITION: It’s funny… the Jews see whites and all other ‘species’ but themselves as corrupt, tainted, foul, monstrous, inferior. They intend to commit genocide against everyone and everything not of their race. That makes them the worst enemy of mankind. They truly deserve extermination for this… and if they succeed, there better be a lot of asteroids heading for Earth, I don’t want our species to survive if only one ‘type’ of it, all of it horrid people, survives…. no, it has to go.
One type of human wanting all other types eradicated are no longer human. They are monsters. And monsters were imagined and invented to be hunted and killed. They will become the hunted. … can someone please invent Skynet?

The problem was not started with the female suffrage movement. If European women were honored equally as complete humans, this movement would never had occurred. This is the type of ignorance that has kept our beautiful race in the gutter, and defenseless against the Jews for centuries. See, this is why the Jew will always be victorious; because all of their daughters (and sons) are educated, can inherit, and are capable of running a business. Their women raise intelligent, respectful, and successful sons/daughters. The more intelligent the mother, the more intelligent the son. Case in point: Look at the Muslims/Middle-East and Africans — their women are deprived of an education, wrapped up in rags, and kept in a sty all day long. Yes, they produce 15 kids, but they can’t read, can’t inherit, and are horrifically tempered mothers. Their children can’t read, are violent, ignorant, and unrefined beings. They don’t even know how to use a toilet! I was blessed with a wonderful Father who wanted me to be educated and valued as a human being. I have a JD degree, and both of my sons are medical doctors. The crux of the problem is that the Jew wants to divide our men and women so we hate one another. Do not fall into this trap! I support and respect our European men, because they were/are the best men the human race has ever produced. So, next time, think before you make such an uninformed argument. Ask yourself, how educated and psychologically well-adjusted is my mother? If you marry, and have children make sure they have the best chance for success and survival in this time of impending genocide of our European race.
Note: The insane women you see on the streets wearing pink pussy hats with dyed blue hair, and wearing Birkenstock shoes are brainwashed leftist that don’t know the first thing about critical thinking, equality, or mutual respect. They are mostly paid Soros-Jewish women creating anarchy between the sexes and Hell bent on the destruction of our European Heritage and race.


Death to MOST people currently in power! This includes every single jew, even the nice ones, in power in any government or ‘big company’ everywhere. I want hardcore nationalism and militarism back! F*CK political correctness, death to forced multi culture, DEATH TO ISLAM! And EXTINCTION to Judaism! Read the Talmud, it is a book made of nightmares!
QUOTE: “Only the jew is human. All others are goys. And the goyim are animals to be slaughtered and discarded like used cattle.”
That alone is freaking horrible. Even ISLAM is nicer, at least Islam sees all people as actually HUMAN! Unworthy perhaps, but they see every human race as an ACTUAL HUMAN RACE.
PC and greed and lack of education, ignorance…. tolerance? …. This is death for all in the long run. Stop this damned madness, rise the hell up, or you are only helping the entire world burn down faster.

All humans are tribal by Nature. The Jew would say otherwise but he is a lying and conniving ruthless and evil hypocrite by nature. The Jews are more tribal than anyone. Just take a look at how they consolidate their power and run Israel like a fortress. They operate by virtue of parasitic tribalism. As long as there is another race of people to bloodthirsty after, Jews will have each other’s backs and operate in unison like a well oiled killing machine. Like the commenter states above, they are parasitic and can only destroy. When there is nothing else left to destroy they will destroy themselves. The only solution to this problem is for other races to wake up and crush the parasite. White people are the great warriors and inventors that the world has ever seen but they have fallen victim to the propaganda machine instilled by the Jews. It is up to People Like Us who are wide awake, to valiantly try and wake up the other sleeping whites. It is our duty to our race to save our race. Our future Offspring will thank us for it. I wish everyone the best. Survival by sticking to your race! Race traitors should be devalued and excommunicated. March on White race warriors!


Evil Jews want to race replace whites with nonwhites as the new slaves. I’m not white and most Jews I've met hates white people --All stupid goyim shall perish. We slaughtered millions in Germany, Ukraine and Russia. We shall use migration and slaughter and starve to death all whites and Christians. You do not resist so you all deserve to perish. Then we shall enslave all humanity for eternity. We Lucifer’s chosen people will all have 2500 servants. We will consume the adrenalized blood of your sacrificed infants for Passover. We relish burning goys alive and slowly starving the stupid inept goys to death. Resistance is futile we control your governments homeland security everything. Your demise is inevitable.

We Won’t Be Jewed Again: 5 – White Genocide Designed by Your Friendly Neighborhood jew Terrorist – de Hewitt House of Publications

The UN Zionist Agenda supports national sovereignty in the same way Facebook, Youtube , Google , Patreon and Twitter support free speech

A wise Asian man once said  a bowl full of healthy rice only needs one grain of arsenic to kill you!  I translate it this way .  One deadly lie 

in a 29 page document of truth can bring your downfall!

Them: "Only a small number of migrants are criminals and rapists." 
Me: Only a small number of my M&M's are laced with cyanide. How many do you want?

Globalism is Inevitable under the Zionsit controll of thre UN, Zionist foundation who is the Deep state Governemnt - and elections are useless 

under his current system -. However it's being done wrong. The third world shouldn't be Imported into the First World (Western World). We slowly 

develop the Third world Into First World, one Nation at a Time until the Entire planet is Prosperous. To the point where people want to stay put 

rather than Run to a More Prosperous Nation.
I know someone else could have said this much better than me.

STOP! Do not fall for the same old trap. Stop calling migration "immigration," or "Refugees. This pact gives Migrants the same status as 

Refugees, like immediate asylum, expedited processing,  access to all welfare programs, and special additional programs, not available to 

Canadian Citizens, or Legal Immigrants. It also makes it Illegal to criticize Migrants, Refugees, immigrants,and all minorities, as well as 

criticizing the Migration Pact, itself.

Ah yes the global suicide pact. Thank goodness we didn't sign it. 

P.S. this is only more evidence that Australia is in fact our greatest ally

Globalist: "Your country can be sovereign, so long as it does what we demand."

SJW/NPC: "You're free to think what you want, so long as you say exactly what we tell you to."

Frau Katze

I just sent this to the Liberal of Canada:

“I am furious over your decision to sign the UN Immigration Pact.

Guarantee them all healthcare? Do you know how stressed the medical system is in BC? 

There are no, zero, zip General Practitioners taking new patients. My son is forced to go to walk-in clinics. It’s been like this for some time 

and we’re told it won’t improve any time soon.

But you’ll find GPs for anyone who applies for asylum., This is a total and complete disgrace.  Total strangers who have never a penny of tax.

You should be ashamed of yourselves. It goes without saying I won’t vote Liberal ever, for the rest of my life.”

Israel  does not support none unless the are Jewish and a certain colour - well documented - They are the chosen satanic group - numerous 

stories available if your a black Jewish your not allowed to stay - Now on to the Real Nations - defending themselves again from the Zionist 

extermination project of the white race 

The Zionist UN migration pact is the next bomb in the war on the White race as they did in World war 1 and world war 2 - when they exterminated 

175 million Christians or Germanic tribe .

Countries refusing to sign the UN Migration Pact (GCM):
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
New Zealand
United States
Diversity is our strength. Funny that.....I thought strength came through a common goal based on common values and beliefs within a country’s 

populace, diversity only seeks to weaken and divide us, as different groups believing in different values pull for their own side. The UN is 

corrupt and globalist. Our planet is not ready for this, reject this pact or pay the consequences when it all goes wrong.
Kalegari Plan. Look it up, white genocide is real.

"The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of 

frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of 


"In this New World Order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different 

peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to 

abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is 

said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands." - Baruch Levy, in response to 

Karl Marx, 'La Revue de Paris', p.574, June 1, (1928-print).


"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for 

centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. 

While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the 

Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. 

With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause."

Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for he Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957


"The man of the future will be of mixed race. The races and classes of today will gradually disappear due to the elimination of space, time, and 

prejudice. The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and 

the diversity of individuals. Instead of destroying European Judaism, Europe, against her will, refined and educated this people, driving them 

to their future status as a leading nation through this artificial evolutionary process. It’s not surprising that the people that escaped from 

the Ghetto-Prison, became the spiritual nobility of Europe. Thus, the compassionate care given by Europe created a new breed of aristocrats. 

This happened when the European feudal aristocracy crashed because of the emancipation of the Jews [due to the actions taken by the French 

Revolution] "-

quote attributed to Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi

 it otherwise that it's a belief of Jews. Actually if I am not mistaken , Talmudic Jews believe there will be a final World Govt ruled over by 

Jews and Israel. Christian's believe it too they just believe it will be ruled over by the Antichrist , the NWO was promised to the Jews in the 

New York Times back in the 30's I believe and what would ya know , the NWO symbology sits atop the Israeli Supreme Court building and almost all 

occult symbology based owned companies pretty much have Jewish owners

Jews will be our own Messiah line , that is a clear admittance to being the bibles Antichrist as Christian's believe the Antichrist will claim 

to be the Messiah of the Jewish people , I have made the claim that all the evidence is pointing towards the Jews themselves being the 

Antichrist , they are literally fulfilling it to a T. The Antichrist from biblical perspective will lead the World from Israel in a World Govt ( 

Check Jews believe this will be their messiah , some believe it will be the Jewish people themselves which bibically means they are the 

Antichrist ) , the Antichrist will also make everybody else worship them , this is a fulfillment also of Talmudic Jews beliefs , the Antichrist 

will need control over technology and money , once again the Jews are fulfilling this as almost all tech CEOs are now Jewish , monetarily wise 

Jews have near 40 % of the top 1 %'s wealth in the U.S and the Fed is arguably ran by the Jewish Rothschilds .... so literally a good portion of 

the worlds wealth is all going into Jewish hands and the Antichrist would need both monetary and technology in his hands and the Jewish people 

have almost both as well as belief in enslaving everybody else which is Talmudic Judaism or the Babylonian Talmud or as some believe Mystery 

Babylon the Great of Revelation.

The Jews are coming eerily close to fulfilling every last line of the Antichrist. They would need control of global tech to implement the Mark 

of the Beast , they would also need the worlds monetary in their hands to go along with that m

100 % fact that Jewish Democrats and especially the progressive ones are the ones largely teaching white guilt propaganda , I did nothing but 

research that topic for hours a day for weeks looking for them.

Alt Right was trying to warn people censorship was coming , we knew it already. There are issues with YouTube in general but it started when 

they started trying to implement their new censorship algorithm or however you spell it.

The UN is obviously being run by our enemies. The Islamic countries involved have openly and sometimes secretively stated they are using 

migration to destabilize the West. Most Western leaders should be hanged for treason.

The French Military is saying that the signing of this migration pact is an act of treason. I agree! This is how you get em. How you remove them

Polski Heart

I woke up yesterday with stress pain in my stomach at 3 am, literally. I could not go back to sleep, and it was because of a nightmare of the 

U.N. migration pact.. my mind was racing and stressing and I could not stop thinking about it.  Life is hard for me and my family here in Canada 

already, its a struggle to afford food and pay rent. There is no way we can afford more taxes forced on us. In the countries doing immigration- 

wages decrease and the cost of living goes up, I don't want to suffer even more.  I work in a manufacturing factory that only hires immigrants 

for exploitation - paying them only a fraction of what they are supposed to get paid (welders, assemblers, etc.), everyone is overworked.  But 

the thing that stresses me the most is that it's going to be offensive to criticize mass-migration as well as what's going to happen in the 

future.  Even tho my family are immigrants that immigrated to Canada to get away from communism in Poland back in the 1980s, now I'm thinking of 

returning to Poland... Or perhaps, buy some yellow jackets...

Open borders, political correctness, feminism, social justice etc. are all, at their core, striving for utopia. It's so easy to say you're 

championing for peoples rights in the pursuit of global utopia and that sounds good. But people take advantage of your goodwill. They will abuse 

it. They can and do cause more problems than you resolve. How do these people not understand that? You cannot achieve an effective Utopian 

society until you have an entirely Utopian population, which is impossible with humans. Frigging idiots.

Trudeau has red- pilled millions -- 

1. Set up a welfare system.  DONE
2. Flood those systems with people who cannot contribute or will not assimilate.  DONE
3. When the chaos happens declare martial law.  Soon
4. Plug the totalitarian nation into a one world socialist govt. - Soon.
I've been warning everyone for 4 years now

Everyone has to be educated until they do exactly what the globalists want.  I find that to be very reasonable if you are completely stark 

raving mad.

Prosperity for Multi-national Corporations maybe. Not for the common Citizens. This is LITERALLY full of Lies. It Literally contradicts ALL OF THE CURRENT DATA regarding mass migration. 
And the only times in history mass migration was used was to conquer a nation, to get rid of a certain population, or to replace a certain population
How come Arab Migrants didn't go to other wealthy Arab nations? How come no one discussed this?
This is the work of the eternal international Jews
This abomination thanks to Stefan Molyneux: I watched his presentation a day or two after he released it. Early this morning I posted the following on Facebook with a link to his presentation. If it helps, feel free to cut and paste far and wide. Something must be done to stop this, and QUICKLY.

"Hi Everyone:

So.. Finished reading the UN Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration... Bear in mind I think of myself as a tolerant, middle-of-the-road kinda guy who believes things like Socialized Medicine, Unemployment Insurance and Social Assistance are good things when used properly: helping people back up when they’re down... my newly conservative attitude was an unwanted revelation somewhat like Saul of Tarsus’ vision on the road to Damascus..

That said, my perception of this document is it is dissembling, deceitful and dishonest in the extreme. What it proposes, as far as any citizen in any advanced Western Democracy is concerned, borders on insanity. To implement its strictures right off the top will require the creation of a supra-national bureaucracy — a secret police in point of fact — with powers of monitoring and intervention beyond the Gestapo, and given the nature of the Internet, they will have that power. Further, it represents a financial boondoggle of unimaginable proportions: Who will pay for this? And pay! and pay! and pay! AND PAY!! Let’s not kid ourselves about this situation: It gives third world migrants carte blanche to enter any first world nation of their choice.. And that nation has to pay for their transit. And pay for their domicile when they get here. And pay for their food. And pay for their clothing. And pay for their documents should that be necessary. And pay for language training. And pay for vocational training. And pay for Consular visits. And pay their legal fees should it be necessary. And oh yeah, almost forgot: Pay for their medical and dental bills! Including prescriptions! The UN Compact gives migrants to a country greater rights than the citizens who live there! The wording of the entire document is deliberately and I suspect maliciously ambiguous where it isn’t actually vague, interpretation is wide open to abuse. More worrisome than what is written, is what hasn’t been written: Any criticism of it can be considered a hate crime.. But the penalties aren’t specified.. What are the consequences for the accused? We don’t know... and if it is implemented, fairly safe bet all Western countries that signed it, will be financially devastated within 5 years. Without a word of exaggeration, this represents a threat to our civilization, this compact must be abrogated IMMEDIATELY!

PS Here is Stefan Molyneux’ interpretation.. Famous for being fairly right-wing.. But what he describes is not a word of exaggeration. Any of you who reads this, take the hour and 18 minutes to watch his presentation.

In December 2018, world leaders gather to sign the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration - a disaster for Western countries which virtually eliminates property rights and free speech, enshrining the right for everyone to enter Western countries and live off the taxpayer. Global Compact The Global Compact for Migration is the first-ever UN global agreement on a common approach to international migration in all its dimensions. The global compact is non-legally binding. It is grounded in values of state sovereignty, responsibility-sharing, non-discrimination, and human rights, and recognizes that a cooperative approach is needed to optimize the overall benefits of migration, while addressing its risks and challenges for individuals and communities in countries of origin, transit and destination. The global compact comprises 23 objectives for better managing migration at local, national, regional and global levels. The compact: aims to mitigate the adverse drivers and structural factors that hinder people from building and maintaining sustainable livelihoods in their countries of origin; intends to reduce the risks and vulnerabilities migrants face at different stages of migration by respecting, protecting and fulfilling their human rights and providing them with care and assistance; seeks to address the legitimate concerns of states and communities, while recognizing that societies are undergoing demographic, economic, social and environmental changes at different scales that may have implications for and result from migration; strives to create conducive conditions that enable all migrants to enrich our societies through their human, economic and social capacities, and thus facilitate their contributions to sustainable development at the local, national, regional and global levels...

In the modern world there are no objective benefits of mass immigration.   Frictional immigration is not only fantastic but really beneficial (that is the slow natural drift of peoples marrying in etc) but the mass immigration pushed by the UN is racist, xenophobic and discriminatory to native peoples, steals the best and brightest from the developing world and pretty much ensures the cessation of human advancement.      Here in Australia even some of our economists are now making a stand against our insane immigration rates with the economic costs being highlighted more and more for the first time.    I am glad my country did not sign this but I fear that we will change when our government changes.

Whether this is the the intent of the globalist agenda, and if it is they are more devious than I could have imagined, we may be entering a new age of imperialism. Using the empathy of the left as a tool to undermine them in the long term. Insisting the rage of the left by manipulating them into believing that they and their values are at risk of being extinguished by those that they label "Fascist" may be just a tool to destabilize western democracy. Anticipating the ultimate backlash that we are currently seeing unfold in the US and Europe and hoping that it leads to violence severe enough to justify the implementation of "emergency powers" such as martial law would be the perfect opportunity to establish the truly Fascist governments that they have desired since the end of WW1 (and likely before). Most people don't realize that there was an attempt by US and European bankers and industrialist to stage a military coup in the US against President FDRi, with the intent of installing a Fascist dictatorship modeled on the real Nazi party lead by Hitler, shortly before the outbreak of WW2. Fortunately this plan was thwarted and exposed by the patriotic General Smedley Butler who was approached to lead the coup. The worst part is that the people who were doubtlessly behind the plan (do some research and prepare to be dumbfounded) weren't seriously investigated, if at all, but were allowed to amass greater wealth and power especially  within our government. But back to the immigration issue by the UN, by pushing for basically an open boarders policy this would allow for citizens of western nations to once again colonize poorer countries and gain control over their natural resources (something that China is heavily engaged in at the moment by using debt traps) while the backlash against massive immigration into western nations leads to a shift towards more authoritarian governments and an unwelcome atmosphere for immigrants possibly leading to a stripping of the same rights as the host populace.

Next year millions more will understand that Jews are behind everything bad and vile in the world


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