Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 7 December 2018



There are two distinct ideological globalist camps, both led by Jews — each camp competes with the other for global control:1) THE LIBERAL  - CAMP- 2) THE Zionist CAMP (loosely the “Conservative” camp)
First off, it is critical to understand that each ideological camp was created, developed, and fine-tuned by Jewish intellectuals. Without Jewish intellectuals, there wouldn’t be a radical liberal school of thought (Communism, Socialism, Trotskyism, and all their supporting submovements/ideas such as feminism, gay rights, political correctness, etc.). Similarly, without Jewish intellectuals, there wouldn’t be a Neocon school of thought.
The liberal Jewish camp is primarily led by Trotskyite Jews (or just fairly left leaning Jews) and their Gentile followers. They one day want to see something close to a borderless world or at least a world with weak/unenforced borders (like we see in the European Union today) with a global government based on the United Nations concept (or perhaps even the UN itself). The liberal Jewish camp also includes those who subscribe to Alter-globalism, a less radical leftist approach to globalism (at least when compared to Trotskyism). Anyway, both the Trotskyites & Alter-globalists are the “do-gooders” who naively dream of a John Lennon “Imagine” type world. They feel they can “love their way” to global power (though they can become violent against anyone who opposes their worldview). In the 1960’s they were called the “New Left” (e.g., Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Max Horkheimer, Saul Alinsky, etc).
The Zionist Jewish camp (plus their Gentile followers) also want a borderless world but with a global government revolving around a NY-DC-LONDON-JERUSALEM axis. These are the exploitative-type Jews, the Super-Elite, who want 95% of global wealth in their hands and the rest of humanity in a “global plantation” type condition. They feel they can bomb their way to global power. Incidentally, the cold war Gentile warriors (e.g., Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr., etc) and their Jewish globalist handlers (e.g., Henry Kissinger, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Milton Friedman, etc) fall in this camp.

Pick almost any influential Jew and they’ll rather neatly fit into either the liberal camp or the Neocon camp. However, it should be noted that occasionally you’ll find a Jew who is primarily in the liberal camp but with one foot in the Neocon/Zionist camp (out of “tribal” loyalty to Israel).
NOTE: Some people on this list are not Jews. However, they are often referred to as “Jew-think Gentiles,” i.e., they subscribe to and advance the globalist Jewish agenda (knowingly or unknowingly).
NOTE: Many listed below are fully aware of the globalist agenda they are involved in. Others, however, are unaware and thus are simply “pawns”, “tools”, or “cogs in the machinery” of the globalist agenda they are (unknowingly) advancing.
LIBERAL GLOBALIST CAMP (JEWISH-LED) (in no particular order)
Noam Chomsky
George Soros and his Open Society Institute
Barack Obama
The radical elements of the Democratic Party (e.g., Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders)
The Rockefeller Foundation
United Nations
Workers World
European Union
Any “Green” political party
Any Trotskyist, Marxist, Marxist-Leninist, Maoist, Stalinist, Luxemburgist, Hoxhaist i.e., any socialist/communist ideologue (of course)
Any radical “progressive” organization
International Committee Against Racism (and any anti-racist organization)
Any anti-Fascist organization
Any anti-Nationalist organization (of course)
All Hollywood film and television studios
Media Education Foundation
Nearly all U.S. and European Colleges & Universities
Organizations fighting Global Warming (but only the higher ups in these organizations are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Greenpeace (but only the higher ups in this organization are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Sierra Club (but only the higher ups in this organization are aware of the globalist agenda, the rank-and-file are well-meaning tools)
Carnegie Endowment For International Peace
PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)
Michael Moore
Amy Goodman & the entire “Democracy Now!” lineup
HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch (and just about any human rights organization)
Norman Finkelstein (very critical of Israel, advocates for a borderless world, a lifelong Maoist)
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Naomi Klein
The Pope & much of the Vatican
The entire MSNBC lineup
Any radical/militant feminist organization
Any radical/militant gay rights organization
ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) – American Trotskyite organization
UAF (Unite Against Fascism) – British Trotskyite organization funded in part by George Soros
J-Street (with a foot in the ZIONIST camp but not in a militant way i.e., not in a “Likud-type” or “Kadima-type” way)
CODEPINK (radical feminist organization in the mold of militant, Anarcho-Communist Jewess Emma Goldman)
The Trilateral Commission (much debate surrounds the classification of this organization; I put it here)
L.A. Jews for Peace (each large city has a similar group)
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)
SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Foreign Policy (political journal/magazine)
New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Ford Foundation
Tides Foundation (funded in part by Teresa Heinz-Kerry)
et al.
ZIONIST GLOBALIST CAMP (JEWISH-LED) (in no particular order)
Benjamin Netanyahu
Rothschild Family
Sheldon Adelson
Mitt Romney
Alan Dershowitz (though a liberal on social issues)
Dennis Prager
Michael Medved
Most (or at least many) Clear Channel AM talk radio hosts
Bush Family
Dick Cheney
Henry Kissinger
Daniel Pipes
The radical elements of the Republican Party (e.g., Newt Gingrich, John McCain)
Ann Coulter (however, I’m about to remove her since over the past few years she has shifted to a more Third Position stance i.e., authentic far-right ideology)
The Weekly Standard (political magazine)
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Times
Any publication by Rupert Murdoch
Foreign Affairs (political journal/magazine)
Freeman Center for Strategic Studies
JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs)
Saban Center for Middle East Policy
European Jewish Congress
Koch Brothers
Steven Spielberg (though a liberal on social issues)
Rush Limbaugh
Ayn Rand (particularly her economic ideology)
Alan Greenspan
Ben Bernanke
Leo Strauss (known as the father of the Neocon movement)
Chaim Weizmann (key historical figure)
David Ben-Gurion (key historical figure)
AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
Hoover Institution
The CATO Institute
WTO (World Trade Organization) – the WTO facilitates tariff free trade, thus allowing for the use of wage-slave labor in the third world
NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA and all other “free” trade pacts
World Bank
IMF (International Monetary Fund)
AEI (American Enterprise Institute)
WJC (World Jewish Congress)
Simon Wiesenthal Center
The entire FOX News lineup
Pamela Geller
et al.


Lastly, to understand how the ZIONIST camp (often referred to as the “New World Order”) uses the liberal globalist camp to carry out much of the necessary “trenchwork” for its NWO goals to be realized, please read my article, Liberals & Antifa Are VERY Useful To The New World Order.

Liberals & Antifa Are Very Useful To The Globalist Elite (and this is why the globalist elite fund liberal/leftist activist groups)


If you follow the money you'll find that large well organized militant leftist organizations, so-called "anti-fascist groups" (examples: ANSWER Coalition in the United States & UAF in Britain) are funded by globalist front groups such as, the Ford Foundation, and numerous other organizations.  They are also funded by individual globalists such as George Soros

ASIDE: These two competing ideological camps – when thought of simultaneously – are often referred to as the “left-right paradigm.” Frequently, you’ll hear political pundits use the expression, “the phony left-right paradigm.” Let us consider the word “phony” as used in this expression. Is the left-right paradigm “phony?” Yes and no. Yes, it is “phony” in the sense that neither side (or “camp”) offers anything beneficial to average people. On the other hand, no it is not phony, since the verbal battles between both camps are authentic. We often see each side arguing with the other (e.g., the Democrats -vs- the Republicans, MSNBC -vs- Fox News, etc). Some have wrongly suggested that such verbal battles are “phony,” i.e., an orchestrated “show” for mass consumption to create the illusion that one side offers “solutions” whereas the other side doesn’t. This idea of it being a staged show is totally false
There are indeed NO sides, and they work together - creating division  for the gentiles -and goyms. They have well laid out plan - they are organized - They are united - and They are committed,
For example, when you hear the Zionist Dennis Prager tearing into a liberal such as George Soros, this is an “orchestrated show”; - Just same as Hilary and Trmp during their acting debut for the next Zionist Puppet to win their Gentile and  Goyim OSCAR - Prager sincerely is an actor, has millions believing he despises Soros (and vice versa). Thus to summarize the point I’m trying to make — there are two distinct camps/sides and they sincerely despise each other. The “phony” part applies when either side claims to be the “good side.” The truth is that neither side is the good side - since the average person gets a raw deal by both the left and right i.e., by both the Jew Liberal camp and Zionist camp.

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