Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 24 December 2018

The Truth is Not Enough How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth

“I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom. This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the American people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the US is not uttering a single word.” ~ Osama bin Laden. Interview by the Daily Ummat on September 28, 2001

"... [Do you have a message for the American people?] I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration ... . We believe that this administration represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Ministry of Exterior and the Ministry of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world, especially the Islamic world. American presence in the Gulf provides support to the Jews and protects their rear. And while millions of Americans are homeless and destitute and live in abject poverty, their government is busy occupying our land and building new settlements and helping Israel build new settlements in the point of departure for our Prophet's midnight journey to the seven heavens. America throws her own sons in the land of the two Holy Mosques for the sake of protecting Jewish interests. ... We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews." ~ Osama bin Laden, Interview with ABC reporter John Miller (May 1998

In fact the JEWS who control our lives and shape our minds with their evil spirit who want us to believe that some weird people wearing odd looking clothes while living in caves in Afghanistan are our enemies. It is these masters of deceits and liars, the JEWS, who are our enemies who control all aspects of our lives by controlling our media, our left-wing Marxist organizations, our education curriculums, history books as well as our useless traitor puppet politicians who are our enemies.



The Truth is Not Enough

How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth

Written by  Ken Jenkins
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
The Truth is Not Enough
How many times has this happened to you? You are explaining to someone some of the rational, logical reasons why the official story of 9/11 can’t be true, perhaps explaining how WTC 7 fell in the exact manner of a professionally designed controlled demolition – a job which would typically take many weeks to prepare – when out comes a ‘thought stopper’ phrase like:

“That’s just a conspiracy theory!” or ...“Do you also believe in Big Foot and tin foil hats?” Or perhaps the person gets angry and/or agitated. Facts no longer matter at that point, and you may be able to tell that the person does not want to hear any more.

For example, the following response came from someone after they were given a 20-minute summary of 9/11 Truth information:

“I wouldn’t believe that, even if it were true!”

That reaction defies logic and reason. But it clearly illustrates just how irrational some peoples’ defenses can be. Here are a few more actual, sincere responses/defenses:

“As long as my wife and kids are fine and we can live the life style we have, the truth is, I don’t really care what happened on 9/11.”

“I would not want to live in a world where such a thing could be true.”

“You can’t expect someone to listen to information that turns their world upside down.”

“I’m not sure I want to know. If this is true, then up would be down and down would be up. My life would never be the same.”

“Look, I have to admit that I seriously resist anyone messing with my worldview!”

Why So Much Resistance to 9/11 Truth?

Such reactions are emotionally based. 9/11 is a very emotionally charged issue. The source of the denial and resistance is FEAR. The implications of 9/11 Truth are very scary for most people to take in. Given that a part of our government’s job description is keeping its citizens safe, it’s terrifying to consider that a secret rogue part of our government will do just the opposite – mass murder those very citizens, in order to advance dark agendas – like wars for corporate empire [JEWISH CRIMINAL CABAL EMPIRE]. To further consider that associated ‘secret teams’ would then put out in corporate [JEWISH CRIMINAL CABAL CONTROLLED] media cover-up stories, in the form of an elaborate fantasy story backed up with planted evidence, and to think that story was nearly universally accepted without question – this is the stuff of nightmares.

Then there is the difficulty of accepting the self-image shattering realization that we were duped by such cover story lies. 9/11 Truth suggests a very uncomfortable and disturbing worldview, especially to those new to such concepts. The intensity of fear brought up by these vast implications causes defense mechanisms to take over our rational thought processes. Such denial most often overrides rationality.

What’s a 9/11 Truth Activist To Do?

How can we overcome such powerful denial? What knowledge about these emotional barriers can empower us to be more effective in reaching larger numbers of our fellow citizens?

Start out by asking questions to find out what the person you are addressing currently thinks and feels about the 9/11 Truth message. Adjust your approach based on what you hear. Based on their responses, reach out and connect though empathy, to express to them an understanding of their difficult position. It’s not that hard to do – after all, most of us went through a similar process of conversion at some point, when we were in denial and uninformed about 9/11. Let them know about your own doubts, how you had a difficult time believing that the official story was false. Explain how upsetting it was for you to consider the alternative – that of very inconvenient truths. Even for those of us who were not upset by the idea of 9/11 being an inside job, there was often a difficulty in wrapping our heads around the enormity of it all. Talk about your own difficulties in rejecting the official story.

Reasons for Resistance to the Truth

There are a number of valid reasons why many of us resist the truth of 9/11. What follows are some major ones.

A. The Big Lie: I’ll start with the ‘Big Lie’ because it was the main barrier that kept me from fully accepting the truth of 9/11 as I was researching it in the weeks after the event. The sheer audacity of pulling off something so outrageous in broad daylight, thinking they would get away with it, and the large scale of it all kept me doubting for weeks. My turning point was learning about what really happened at Pearl Harbor – the many warnings that were ignored, the Japanese secret codes that the US had broken, etc. This new understanding, that the attack on Pearl Harbor was clearly allowed to happen, was what finally had me fully accept 9/11 Truth. The comparable number that were deliberately allowed to be mass murdered, the scale of the event, the audacity of it all, and the 60 years of largely successful cover-ups all showed me that a Big Lie had happened before, and worked to fool most of the public, and not all that long ago. It was only later I discovered these quotes:

“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI

“The masses indulge in petty falsehoods every day, but it would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths. ... The bigger the lie, therefore, the likelier it is to be believed.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

B. Major Paradigm Shift: Questioning the official story of 9/11 threatens the foundations of our society, or at least seems to. It challenges our fellow citizens’ belief systems regarding the nature of our government, and even the very nature of our nation. Such questioning is far more profound than, say, questioning a war. Accepting the truth of 9/11 is, for many, a major paradigm shift, often an inverting of their worldview. Such shifts risk a period of chaos and uncertainty, which many find disturbing and scary.

C. Blind Nationalist Faith: 9/11 Truth is a confrontation with the self-image that many Americans have – of their country and of themselves. The self-image Americans have been sold though our school systems and media is that we are the exceptional nation, the good guys wearing the white hats, the bringers of democracy and freedom. Such nationalistic faith can exceed religious faith in its dogmatic blindness. Dr. David Ray Griffin addresses these issues in an edited video titled “9/11 and Nationalist Faith.” A DVD version of the full presentation including Q & A can be found here.

D. Projecting Parental Duties on Authorities: In his book As If We Were Grownups, author Jeff Golden’s thoughtful assertion is that,

“We consistently elect [political] candidates who tell us what children would want to hear. Children want to hear that everything is okay, that little is required of them, that they can go out and play or watch TV, and that they’ll be taken care of and protected. In exchange, they are expected to be seen and not heard, to pay their taxes, and to not question the authorities.”

E. Admission of Gullibility: Anyone we are introducing 9/11 Truth to now has believed the official story for years. To accept 9/11 Truth they have to admit they were duped, deceived, and manipulated for all that time. That brings up questions of gullibility, naiveté, lack of perceptiveness, obliviousness, etc. Most of us have resistance to admitting such shortcomings. Astronomer Carl Sagan sums it up nicely:

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too painful to acknowledge – even to ourselves – that we’ve been so credulous [i.e. gullible].”

F. The Rabbit Hole Effect – Wider Implications:  To believe 9/11 Truth, one also has to believe many other difficult truths, such as:

  • Parts of our corporate media [Jewish Cabal Controlled Media] must be incredibly corrupt and/or controlled to be complicit in such a massive cover-up.

  • There must be a powerful, secret, hidden part of our overt government that is capable of planning and executing such a horrible and unthinkable act.

  • Some of our leaders are more corrupt and malicious than most of us would want to believe. But one has only to remember the words of philosopher and statesman, Edmund Burke, to understand how corruption tends to grow especially in good times:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

G. Apathy and Complacency: Radio talk show host, Mike Rivero, sheds some light on why so many people are apathetic and complacent about changing their beliefs:

“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all.”

H. PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: 9/11 was first and foremost a Psyop, shorthand for a Psychological Operation. It is a term used by secret services like the CIA to describe a class of operations that are intended to manipulate the emotions of populations; it is a form of mind control.

The specific intention of 9/11 was to terrorize the American people into supporting the so-called “war on terror,” [Initiation of the ODED YINON PLAN] which is a replacement for the cold war’s “war on communism.” It’s a blank check for the US government and the American military-industrial-complex to attack anyone, anywhere they want, anytime they want – to support the empire.

The psy-op initially worked for a vast majority of US citizens, and for many, it is still working.

The terror that so many felt during and after the attacks left many people, particularly in New York City, with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD. To revisit those events, as is necessary to expose the truth of 9/11, can retrigger that stress and add to the other discomforts that are already intrinsic to that same truth we are revealing. The desire to minimize re-experiencing that trauma causes people to back away. We need to go easy on those who exhibit such stress.

I. Lack of Knowledge of Historical Parallels or Patterns: While not strictly an emotional issue, the ignorance most people have about the many false flag events used to justify wars throughout history also has a psychological component. Our ability to conceptualize new information is dependent on having a frame of reference, that is, already knowing something similar, in order to be able to anchor a new thought. The lack of such historical reference points, therefore, can be yet another source of resistance. This blockage is perhaps the easiest one to deal with – by educating people about the long history of false flag events used for triggering wars.

The Awakening Will Take Time

These are many of the major reasons why so many people resist 9/11 Truth. By understanding them, we can meet people with empathy and understanding, and have more patience with them. Patience is so important because for most, awakening to 9/11 Truth is a gradual process, often taking weeks, months, or even years. In light of that, try to be sensitive when presenting evidence, so as to notice when a person is ‘full’ – when they have heard enough for the moment, and need space to digest and absorb the new, and often, disturbing concepts.

The good news is that with all that is happening now in our post-9/11 world, particularly with the public knowledge of the lies about WMDs in Iraq, and the lies about Saddam Hussein being linked to al Qaeda and 9/11, due to those lies that led us into war with Iraq being exposed as lies, people’s minds are opening wider every day. More and more people are waking up to the degree of corruption and deception that is routine in our government. Every day they learn more about how the corporate media [JEWISH CRIMINAL CABAL CONTROLLED MEDIA] have been complicit in lies (“fake news) and cover-ups. Trust in such corporate and governmental institutions is now at an all time low, and dropping. This makes people far more open to the 9/11 Truth message. In a very real sense, our job is getting easier.

The truth alone is not enough, but the truth plus strategic thinking, planning and educating is enough to convince most fence-sitters. As David Hutton, author of The Change Agents’ Handbook, says: “You do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on those who strongly resist change. You only have to help and protect those who want to change.” Understanding the various emotional obstacles is an essential part of such a strategy.

It’s been about seventeen years for some of us who have been working to expose the truth about 9/11. We have made great progress, but still have far to go. We will continue to progress as long as we work smart and don’t give up. The truth will continue being revealed, and the resultant awakening will lead to the kind of deep changes that are so necessary to create a more positive future.

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