Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 22 December 2018

New World Order News - SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER?

New World Order News - SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER?

The following 25 goals apply to canada and the rest of the world, this is pretty much a step by step manual on how the New World Order Plan works works, basically explains all the long term plans they had back at the Illuminati’s founding in 1776. 1. All men are more easily inclined towards evil than good. 2. Preach Liberalism 3. Use the idea of freedom to bring about class wars 4. Any and all means should be used to reach the Illuminati Goals as they are justified. 5. The right to lie in force. 6. The power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment it has gained the strength that no cunning or force can undermine it. 7. Avocation of mob psychology to control the masses. 8. Use alcohol, drugs, corruption and all forms of vice to systematically corrupt the youth of the nation. 9. Seize property by any means 10. Use of slogans such as equity, liberty, fraternity delivered into the mouths of the masses in psychological warfare 11. War should be directed so that the nations on both sides are placed further in debt and peace conferences conducted so that neither combatant obtains territory rights. 12. Members must use their wealth to have candidates chosen and placed in public office who will be obedient to their demands and will be used as pawns in the game by those behind the scenes. Their advisors will have been reared and trained from childhood to rule the affairs of the world. 13. Control the press. 14. Agents will come forward after fermenting traumatic situations and appear to be the saviors of the masses. 15. Create industrial depression and financial panic, unemployment, hunger, shortage of food and use this to control the masses or mob and then use the mob to wipe out all those who stand in the way. 16. Infiltrate into the secret Freemasons to use them for Illuminati purposes. 17. Expound the value of systematic deception, use high sounding slogans and phrases and advocate lavish promises to the masses even though they cannot be kept. 18. Detail plans for resolutions, discuss the art of street fighting which is necessary to bring the population into speedy subjection. 19. Use agents as advisors behind the scenes after wars and use secret diplomacy to gain control. 20. Establish huge monopolies that lean toward world government control. 21. Use high taxes and unfair competition to bring about economic ruin by control of raw materials. Organize agitation among the workers and subsidize their competitors. 22. Build up armaments with Police forces and Soldiers sufficient to protect our needs. 23. Members and leaders of the one world government would be appointed by the directors. 24. Infiltrate into all classes and levels of society and government for the purpose of fooling, bemusing and corrupting the youthful members of society by teaching them theories and principles that we know to be false. 25. National and International laws should be used to destroy civilization and enslave and control the people.

As the headline says, about the new New World Order. I have lost numerous web sites and YouTube Video through the Censorship as many others have also. This post will most likely will probably be pulled down by the FB in the next day or 2, so if there is something you wish to copy, today would be a good day to do it.

A lot has happened in the past 15 years, but there is one trend that is unmistakable. Our nation (Canada) and maybe the whole world, is on a rapid decline. There are many reasons and even more theories. I have tried to cover some of the many stories and documents that illustrate this trend. I know it can be depressing. Trying to communicate the “bad news” to those in our circle can be even more depressing. It is normal to deny the inevitable. After all, if we accept the fact that this nation may cease to exist as we know it, somewhere on down the line, it can be more than most of us want to believe.

It's not new. History gives many accounts of other nations, other societies and other empires that have gone in the same direction. I would guess that those in Rome or Greece or any of the other examples of once great nations weren't exactly thrilled to see their lives turned upside down.

If we have learned anything from observing the decline of our society world wide, it has to be that there is no man, no woman, no leader, no government, no system, no country, no empire or no one that can achieve any lasting prosperity, peace or happiness under new World Order.


Joseph Stalin was quoted as saying "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." We, in the Canada, United States, Europe, Australasia ect. have been led to believe that our nation doesn't have massive vote fraud. This past election and those of the past several decades show that isn't so.

The subject video shows “newly discovered” ballots in Florida being transported in private vehicles. It doesn't get any more obvious than this. Democrat candidates for Governor and Senate lost by narrow margins, then miraculously uncounted ballots were discovered. Back in 1960, the then, Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daily, made it a practice of holding out election returns from Cook County until all of the rest of Illinois was counted. They would then come up with the number needed to sway the election. Indeed, John Kennedy was elected due to this practice.

I have taken some heat due to my position in not voting. Yes, they have used the standard arguments that it is my duty and how can good people change the government from evil people if we don't vote. I might remind my friends that they had elections in the Soviet Union. Trudeau both them were elected and destroyed Canada by fools who listened to propaganda - None of these puppets are elected they are SELECTED for the New World Order

Elections are common and just as common is election fraud. In our nation the election process is tightly controlled by the 2 parties. Although there is no legal prohibition against 3rd parties, the rules and money needed to wage campaigns make it nearly impossible for someone outside of the 2 parties to be elected. So much for free elections.

As long as people turn out by the millions to participate in a rigged process infected with fraud, the rigging and fraud will continue. It's a pretty sweet deal for those who control us. Although I don't see it in advance of a total collapse, how would our government masters react if 75 or 80% of the electorate just stayed away? There goes their mandate and there goes their claim that they rule with the consent of the governed. I don't consent to be continually lied to. I don't consent to have votes changed and stolen. I don't consent to let the dead and non citizens vote and until that is corrected, I will not participate.


Would you believe it means nothing? Despite the avalanche of publicity surrounding this latest election, it really changes nothing. No, not even the obvious and pervasive fraud means anything. I have lived long enough to see a lot of elections. I have seen many different leaders and a lot of promises. I have also seen a lot of broken promises and the continuation of a long slide down for our nation. So, Conservatives , Liberals, NDP , Greens, or in the US of Corruption same shit . and every so called free nation is a lie. Democrats or Republicans, it makes no difference, but both parties have spent billions in convincing us there is a difference and you can choose.

Here's what will continue. The spending on a federal level will continue at around a trillion dollars in excess of what the government takes in. Student loan debt, now at more than 1 ½ trillion dollars will continue to increase and never be paid. The wars will continue as will the killing and being killed. The moral decline will continue, led by the insane freak for their quest for their New World Order insanity government masters.

Being gay is great. Being transgender is better. Censorship will increase. The government and their corporate masters will determine what you can say and what you cannot say. Surveillance of the people will continue and increase. You want to be free don't you? More millions of illegal aliens will continue to pour in and avail themselves of all the free goodies.

We have only ourselves to blame. We have allowed others to step in and, inch by inch, take a little freedom here and a little freedom there. We allowed our elected representatives to turn over our the management of our currency to a secret, private corporation. We allowed our government representatives to turn over the responsibility of declaring war to a President or unelected advisers.

We turned our backs on the corruption and the crimes of many in government and just yesterday, reelected some of them. We ignore the policy of our government to attack and kill innocent civilians all around the world and declare those do it as “hero's”.

Some have called on me to be positive and to an extent, that is good, but being positive cannot cancel reality. I may want it to be 80 degrees in January , but it isn't going to happen. I may be positive I'm going to live to be 500, but it isn't going to happen. I may wish and pray the people unite under one umbrella to defeat the New World order, But when I see the younger generation so indoctrinated into plant parent hood, insanity, Children are being brainwashed by the brain dead. Look at our future under these indoctrinated stupidity- Can Canada, Europe and the U.S. can survive all of the established historical precedents predicting the collapse of of an empire, but, that too, isn't likely.


A generation ago most people who worked hard and were careful with their spending, could look forward to retirement at 65 or 62 and live a modest standard of living. Most jobs provided pensions and together with Social Security, it would be enough to live on. No more.

According to the subject article, bankruptcies among those over 65 have increased 204% in the last 15 years. Those of us who are in that bracket are only too well aware of the main cause. It's health care costs. Even with Medicare and supplemental insurance, even a modest hospital stay could bankrupt a senior.

In Canada we have 100 of thousand of injured workers , fighting a corrupt WCB, and many of them commit suicide or just fall into poverty and then homeless-

We are all up against a Criminal Justice system where a the poor get poorer and the rich get everything- Breaking point is here, So the New World Order had decided exterminate the White race, as they are he only race that can defeat them,

By the way in the US, that is now becoming a problem for all . It's not unusual for the cost of an overnight stay in a hospital, to exceed $20,000 or more. Then there's tests, surgery costs, medication and anesthetics. If one has good insurance, they may still be liable for 10% or more. I have a good friend who had a very severe condition requiring an extended stay in a hospital. His bill was 2.4 million dollars. 10% of that would be $240,000.00.

Of course seniors are being hit with more than that. The controlled government masters tell us there is virtually no inflation. As a result there has been almost no increase in Social Security benefits. Meanwhile, in the real world, rents go up. Taxes go up. Utility costs go up. Food goes up. Vehicle costs and repairs go up. Something's got to go. Hence bankruptcy.

Many years ago I lived in Canada. Back then their medical care system was outstanding. I never filled out a claim form. Everything was paid for. Gone was the massive administrative costs which swallows up 75% of medical costs in the U.S., but the main reason for their success then, was strict controls on the cost of care. The system was run by doctors. Every single procedure was assigned a cost. No dickering. No arguing. Everything was predetermined and it worked very well, but that was then. I guess our government masters like using a system that is an unmitigated disaster.


A generation ago most Americans who worked hard and were careful with their spending, could look forward to retirement at 65 or 62 and live a modest standard of living. Most jobs provided pensions and together with Social Security, it would be enough to live on. No more.

According to the subject article, bankruptcies among those over 65 have increased 204% in the last 15 years. Those of us who are in that bracket are only too well aware of the main cause. It's health care costs. Even with Medicare and supplemental insurance, even a modest hospital stay could bankrupt a senior. By the way, that is now becoming a problem for all Americans. It's not unusual for the cost of an overnight stay in a hospital, to exceed $20,000 or more. Then there's tests, surgery costs, medication and anesthetics. If one has good insurance, they may still be liable for 10% or more. I have a good friend who had a very severe condition requiring an extended stay in a hospital. His bill was 2.4 million dollars. 10% of that would be $240,000.00.

Of course seniors are being hit with more than that. Our government masters tell us there is virtually no inflation. As a result there has been almost no increase in Social Security benefits. Meanwhile, in the real world, rents go up. Taxes go up. Utility costs go up. Food goes up. Vehicle costs and repairs go up. Something's got to go. Hence bankruptcy.

Many years ago I lived in Canada. Back then their medical care system was outstanding. I never filled out a claim form. Everything was paid for. Gone was the massive administrative costs which swallows up 75% of medical costs in the U.S., but the main reason for their success then, was strict controls on the cost of care. The system was run by doctors. Every single procedure was assigned a cost. No dickering. No arguing. Everything was predetermined and it worked very well, but that was then. I guess our government masters like using a system that is an unmitigated disaster.

New World Order News

​Why are so many Peopl over 65 declaring bankruptcy?

The definition of bankruptcy is given as “legal status of a person or other entity that cannot repay debts to creditors.” In most parts of the the Government., bankruptcy is imposed by the court after a petition by the creditors. All over the country, thousands of people file for bankruptcy on a daily basis as a last resort after failing to live up to the financial burdens imposed upon them.

But a worrying trend that has been highlighted closer to home is the fact that a more significant number of older citizens are beginning to file for bankruptcy at a rate that is more than double what it was 25 years ago. This trend was highlighted by a study that was published by the Social Science Research Network.

The Research
Referred to as a “coming storm of broke elderly,” the study was able to identify that the rate of citizens over the age of 65 who are now filing for bankruptcy increased about 204 percent from 1991 to 2016. The study also pointed out that the number of older citizens amongst the total number of all individuals who filed for bankruptcy increased five times within the same 25-year period.

Now social scientists are studying the data pulled from the Consumer Bankruptcy Project, and so far, they have been able to discover that this increased trend of bankrupt seniors is caused in part by the extremely high health care costs, in addition to the lower incomes they receive and the nationwide decline in pension fees.

One of the authors behind the study is Deborah Thorne, a researcher from Idaho that said “it is not an individual’s fault” when they have to file for bankruptcy mentioning the issues with the current retirement systems and Medicare.
She went on to mention that her research discovered that a large number of older adults who are struggling with finances believe the government is doing nothing to deal with their situation.

“We’ve become uncaring about what they’re confronting,” she said.

Why Bankruptcy has Increased
The study also went on to point out that the cost of taking care of medical issues is a common theme recurring within the majority of elderly bankruptcy filers. Thorne believes that although Medicare provides an excellent cover for older people’s health costs, it does not cover everything ranging from extensive care, hearing aids, a lot of dental procedures, eye exams used to prescribe glasses and foot care.

Medicare sometimes also involves copays, coinsurance and some deductibles that are sometimes difficult for some seniors to afford.

Speaking to Thorne and her team, an older adult who had filed for bankruptcy before said, “my bankruptcy started with back surgery. I had several medical tests that my insurance did not cover. This caused me to fall behind in my medical payments. The next thing I knew, the bills began piling up. I got to the point I owed more than I was making on Social Security.”

These medical issues could also cause many older adults to lose their job, complicating their already terrible financial situation.
“Many developed medical problems and had to leave their jobs, resulting in a loss of income. About two years later, I developed medical problems and was not able to continue working,” another respondent told the study’s authors. “We got to a point where we simply could not handle the debt load. The constant calls from bill collectors forced us to contact an attorney for help.”

According to nonprofit organization Kaiser Family Foundation, out-of-pocket health costs for elderly Americans who use Medicare consumed up to 41% of the average social security income in 2013. The organization also expects the costs are also expected to increase to 50% of the average social security income by 2030.

Other finance retirement experts also agree with this assertion that it is important for older Americans to factor in health costs into their retirement plans. Financial services company, Fidelity Investments backed this up with a statement that read “A 65-year old couple retiring this year will need $280,000 to cover health care and medical expenses throughout retirement”.

And although that is simply a 2 percent increase from last years cost, it is important to note that Fidelity’s estimate has risen by 75 percent since 2002 when the estimate recommended by the firm was just $160,000.

This is why older citizens who are unable to pay up such amounts of money are most likely to go into debt. A study done by the National Council on aging found that medical debt is one of the more important obstacles between older citizens and economic well-being.
According to the council “over half indicated that medical debt was the most significant barrier to the economic well-being of seniors, while nearly 20 percent said that missed utility payments were the biggest problem.”

What Else Leads to Bankruptcy?
But going into bankruptcy is not a straight road. In fact, a lot of people who go into bankruptcy struggle with paying bills for a few years. According to bankruptcy lawyer Charles Juntikka, there has been a staggering increase in older clients during his 34 years of practice.

A lot of them are often hesitant to file for bankruptcy because they happen to be brought up by parents who survived the Great Depression; which is why many of them opt to pay their medical bills or mortgages with credit cards piecing together minimum payments of $80 – $90 on their cards without seeing any substantial reduction in their principal balance.

He said, “the problem with my older bankrupt people is they paid for years, but the principal on the credit cards barely budges. Many think that only “crooked” businesses go bankrupt, but decent people pay their bills.

After struggling and failing to get over the surmounting debts, there is usually a trigger that forces them to reach out to a bankruptcy lawyer like Juntikka, and it is often the threat of a creditor to sue.

The authors of the report have continued to advocate aggressively for hands-on supporting pension and safety net programs that reference healthcare support to help secure the financial safety of several older Americans.

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