Canada A Country without a Constitution

Tuesday 25 December 2018


The Very Word "Secrecy" is repugnant in a Free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings… Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe… no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of “clear and present danger,” then I can only saythat the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
                                           — John F Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, from a speech delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 and known as the “Secret Society” speech.

As fiercely anti-Communist as they were anti-Semitic, Kennedy and Astor looked upon Adolf Hitler as a welcome solution to both of these “world problems” (Nancy’s phrase). No member of the so-called “Cliveden Set” (the informal cabal of appeasers who met frequently at Nancy Astor’s palatial home) seemed much concerned with the dilemma faced by Jews under the Reich. Astor wrote Kennedy that Hitler would have to do more than just “give a rough time” to “the killers of Christ” before she’d be in favor of launching  ”Armageddon to save them. The wheel of history swings round as the Lord would have it. Who are we to stand in the way of the future?” Kennedy replied that he expected the “Jew media” in the United States to become a problem, that “Jewish pundits in New York and Los Angeles” were already making noises contrived to “set a match to the fuse of the world.”
During May of 1938, Kennedy engaged in extensive discussions with the new German Ambassador to the Court of St. James’s, Herbert von Dirksen. In the midst of these conversations (held without approval from the U.S. State Department), Kennedy advised von Dirksen that President Roosevelt was the victim of “Jewish influence” and was poorly informed as to the philosophy, ambitions and ideals of Hitler’s regime. (The Nazi ambassador subsequently told his bosses that Kennedy was “Germany’s best friend” in London.)

Columnists back in the states condemned Kennedy’s fraternizing. Kennedy later claimed that 75% of the attacks made on him during his Ambassadorship emanated from “a number of Jewish publishers and writers. … Some of them in their zeal did not hesitate to resort to slander and falsehood to achieve their aims.” He told his eldest son, Joe Jr., that he disliked having to put up with “Jewish columnists” who criticized him with no good reason.

Like his father, Joe Jr. admired Adolf Hitler. Young Joe had come away impressed by Nazi rhetoric after traveling in Germany as a student in 1934. Writing at the time, Joe applauded Hitler’s insight in realizing the German people’s “need of a common enemy, someone of whom to make the goat. Someone, by whose riddance the Germans would feel they had cast out the cause of their predicament. It was excellent psychology,  and it was too bad that it had to be done to the Jews. The dislike of the Jews, however, was well-founded. They were at the heads of all big business, in law etc. It is all to their credit for them to get so far, but their methods had been quite unscrupulous … the lawyers and prominent judges were Jews, and if you had a case against a Jew, you were nearly always sure to lose it. … As far as the brutality is concerned, it must have been necessary to use some ….”

Brutality was in the eye of the beholder. Writing to Charles Lindbergh shortly after Kristallnacht in November of 1938,  Joe Kennedy Sr. seemed more concerned about the political ramifications stemming from high-profile, riotous anti-Semitism than he was about the actual violence done to the Jews.  ”… Isn’t there some way,” he asked, “to persuade [the Nazis] it is on a situation like this that the whole program of saving western civilization might hinge? It is more and more difficult for those seeking peaceful solutions to advocate any plan when the papers are filled with such horror.” Clearly, Kennedy’s chief concern about Kristallnacht was that it might serve to harden anti-fascist sentiment at home in the United States.

Like his friend Charles Coughlin (an anti-Semitic broadcaster and Roman Catholic priest), Kennedy always remained convinced of what he believed to be the Jews’ corrupt, malignant, and profound influence in American culture and politics. “The Democratic [party] policy of the United States is a Jewish production,” Kennedy told a British reporter near the end of 1939, adding confidently that Roosevelt would “fall” in 1940.

But it wasn’t Roosevelt who fell. Kennedy resigned his ambassadorship just weeks after FDR’s overwhelming triumph at the polls. He then retreated to his home in Florida: a disappointed man.

Joseph Kennedy and the Jews
Edward Renehan, Jr -- History News Network

... Kennedy always remained convinced of what he believed to be the Jews' corrupt, malignant, and profound influence in American culture and politics. "The Democratic [party] policy of the United States is a Jewish production," Kennedy told a British reporter near the end of 1939 ...

Young John Kennedy Diary Reveals Fascination With Hitler, Compared to 'Legend'

Young John Kennedy Diary Reveals Fascination With Hitler, Compared to 'Legend'

A young John F. Kennedy filled dozens of pages in what historians believe to be his only diary. In one of the most interesting entries, Kennedy compares Adolf Hitler to a "legend." After the fall of Nazi Germany in 1945, JFK visited Hitler's bombed Bavarian Berghof residence and Eagle's Nest mountain retreat ... A 28-year-old Kennedy wrote about his fascination with the dictator ... "He had boundless ambition for his country which rendered him a menace to the peace of the world, but he had a mystery about him in the way he lived and in the manner of his death that will live and grow after him," he wrote. "He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." Kennedy predicted in his diary that Hitler would "emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived."

Was Joseph Kennedy Really an Anti-Semite?
F. Ahmed-Farouta - History News Network

Was Joseph P. Kennedy, the father of President John F. Kennedy, really an anti-Semite? David Nasaw, Kennedy's recent biographer ... admitted that Kennedy believed in a Jewish conspiracy to push the United States into an unnecessary war with Germany. And as ambassador to the United Kingdom from 1938 to 1940, he was in a position -- even if he wasn't a believer in "scientific" anti-Semitism -- to do far more damage to European Jews than his stateside contemporaries. ... Kennedy blamed the Jews for the German problem, and he is reported to have said that the lives of Jews in Central Europe were not really worth all the agitation. 

John F. Kennedy's travelogues and letters chronicling his wanderings through Germany before WWII, when Adolf Hitler was in power, have been unearthed and show him generally in favour of the national socialist movement.
(Daily Mail UK)

'Fascism?' wrote the youthful president-to-be in one. 'The right thing for Germany.' In another; 'What are the evils of fascism compared to communism?' And on August 21, 1937 - two years before the war - he wrote: 'The Germans really are too good - therefore people have ganged up on them to protect themselves.'

And in a line which seems directly plugged into the racial superiority line plugged by the Third Reich he wrote after travelling through the Rhineland: 'The Nordic races certainly seem to be superior to the Romans.' The future president's praise is now embarrassing in hindsight - a few years later he fought in Worldr War Two against the National Socialists and his elder brother Lt. Joseph Patrick 'Joe' Kennedy, Jr was killed.

Other musings concern how great the autobahns were - 'the best roads in the world' - and how, having visited Hitler's Bavarian holiday home in Berchtesgaden and the tea house built on top of the mountain for him.

He declared; 'Who has visited these two places can easily imagine how Hitler will emerge from the hatred currently surrounding him to emerge in a few years as one of the most important personalities that ever lived.'

Kennedy's admiration for National Socialist Germany is revealed in a book entitled 'John F. Kennedy - Among the Germans. Travel diaries and letters 1937-1945.'

When World War II did arrive, the future president's father, Joe P Kennedy, strongly opposed going into battle with Germany and made several missteps that severely damaged his political career.

He adopted a defeatist, anti-war stance and tried to arrange a meeting with Adolf Hitler without the approval of the Department of State.

The reasons for this are unclear - some speculate he was eager to do anything to avoid war because he feared that American capitalism - which he profited from - would not survive the country’s entry into the conflict.

In his role as US ambassador to Britain he also opposed providing the UK with military and economic aid.

He said in an interview 'Democracy is finished in England. It may be here [in the US].

During the World War II, JFK's older brother Joe volunteered for a secret mission testing an experimental drone plane packed with explosives - a weapon the Allies hoped to use as a guided missile.

On the first test flight, the explosives detonated prematurely and the plane exploded - his body was never found.

The youthful president carved his own place in history when he stood outside the West Berlin town hall of Schoeneberg on June 26 1963 to declare US solidarity with the city and the continent with the immortal words; 'Ich bin ein Berliner.'

The fact that, strictly speaking, he was referring to himself as a doughnut - a Berliner - did not diminish the wild enthusiasm for him. 'It is evident that the jews were scary for him,' said Spiegel magazine in Berlin.

In the diaries of the three trips he made to prewar Germany he also recognised; 'Hitler seems to be as popular here as Mussolini in Germany, although propaganda is probably his most powerful weapon.'

Observers say his writings ranged between aversion and attraction for Germany.

The book also contains his impressions when walking through a shattered Berlin after the war: 'An overwhelming stench of bodies - sweet and nauseating'. And of the recently deceased Fuehrer he said; 'His boundless ambition for his country made him a threat to peace in the world, but he had something mysterious about him. He was the stuff of legends.'

The book editor's believe that he was 'eerily fascinated' by fascism.


The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy 

by Michael Collins Piper
Arguably this is the best analysis in existence of one of the most pivotal crimes of the Twentieth Century. It is also a vital expose of the hidden real power structure of America whose virulent poison has been steadily spreading corruption throughout our increasingly distressed country.
Final Judgment documents how Israel's leaders, the Mossad, the Meyer Lansky-run organized crime syndicate, and a pro-Zionist faction of the CIA colluded to assassinate President ,John F. Kennedy. The general pattern of the JFK covert operation, to include the skillful use of "limited hang-outs," "patsies," and "false flags," has very likely been repeated in various later forms such as in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the murder of Martin Luther King, the mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby, the very suspicious Oklahoma City bombing, and the Mossad-linked "controlled demolition" of World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001. More recently, we have seen how the "High Priests of War" have flexed raw Israeli-lobby power by pushing American interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq and by promoting saber-rattling at Iran and Syria.
JFK planned a military strike to prevent an Israeli-Red Chinese scientific partnership from building the first atomic bombs for China and Israel. He sought to thwart the CIA-Mossad-Meyer Lansky partnership that controlled the heroin trade stemming from the Golden Triangle by pulling U.S. troops out of Vietnam. JFK even transferred control of Cold War espionage operations from the CIA to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Through his support of Algerian independence and an "even-handedness" policy towards other Arab nations, JFK infuriated the French Secret Army Organization (OAS) and its Mossad supporters who had sent professional assassins against French President Charles DeGaulle. JFK's brother Bobby, as Attorney General, moved aggressively against the lower levels of Meyer Lansky-dominated organized crime in America. Lastly, the Kennedy family quietly talked about shutting down America's privately owned Federal Reserve banking cartel that has provided vital fiat money financing for Zionist projects.

For most Americans, Final Judgment is a high drama in another way. It is like Hamlet seeing the ghost. It addresses all the right "hard questions" about what has been done to America that are rarely addressed in so-called "mainstream" conservative literature.

john f. kennedy jr, president kennedy, jfk, jfk's funeral, john f. kennedy jr. salutes

JFK had many lethal enemies during his short presidency. The Mafia did not like the heat that Attorney General Robert Kennedy (JFK’s brother) was applying. Fidel Castro resented being an assassination target by the CIA. Right wing extremists despised JFK’s peaceful intentions, especially a cabal of New Orleans extremists lead by David Ferrie and Guy Bannister. The Russians were our mortal enemy at the time and even the JFK assassination patsy, Lee Harvey Oswald, was set up as a Russian sympathizer. Oswald indeed had visited Russia and even brought a Russian wife home to the U.S. But toss all that out and focus on the CIA and Mossad.

Allen Dulles was the CIA Director when JFK took office and had been since 1953. Dulles’ pet project during JFK’s administration was the overthrow of Fidel Castro of Cuba. After failed attempts by the CIA to assassinate Castro, it was determined that an invasion of Cuba was necessary. The invasion would be largely carried out by Florida-based Cuban exiles that would land in a place known as Bahia de Cochinos (The Bay of Pigs) on the south-central coast of Cuba. After landing, the invaders would rally the Cuban populace behind them and depose Castro. Dulles’ old OSS (Office of Strategic Services) buddies and CIA agents, E. Howard Hunt (of Watergate “plumber” fame), and David Atlee Phillips did most of the planning for the Cuban invasion to be known as Operation Zapata.

George H.W. Bush is not credited in history for his role in the operation, but it was named for his offshore oil drilling enterprise, Zapata Oil, located 40 miles at sea from Cuba. Two of the Higgins boats (landing craft) were named Houston and Barbara J (Bush’s wife Barbara had no middle name, so where did the J come from?). We can assume G.W. was a player in Operation Zapata.

The CIA backed Cuban invasion on April 17, 1961 was a disaster. The Cuban army overwhelmed the invaders, the population was absolutely loyal to Castro and did not rise up against him, and JFK refused to provide the urgently requested air support to save the day. JFK finally fired Dulles for the Zapata debacle and replaced him with John McCone on November 29, 1961.

Dulles was livid that JFK had refused to save the Zapata Operation with air support, so you can imagine what his feelings about JFK were after suffering the indignity of being fired from an agency that he had built up for eight years.

Dulles had many Jewish friends from his OSS days still in strategic government and popular positions such as: Kennedy’s foreign policy advisor Henry Kissinger, Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, and influential writer/historian Arthur Schlesinger. He also had many friends still in the CIA, including Jewish guy Cord Meyer stationed at the “Israeli Desk” and Jewish guy Sidney Gottleib who headed the MK-ULTRA program. MK-ULTRA being the mind control (LSD experiments) and dirty tricks department at the CIA.

Jewish Zionist Cord Meyer was recruited by Dulles personally for CIA duty in 1951. Meyer was a strong advocate of world government, and had been elected the president of the United World Federalists (UWF) in 1947. The UWF slogan was, “World Peace through World Government.” Jewish Zionist Sidney Gottleib was known as “The Black Sorcerer” inside the agency and knew how to arrange things. And, speaking of world government enthusiasts, Allen Dulles’ brother, John Foster Dulles, was an architect of the United Nations while working with Arthur Vandenberg to that end. 

​ The Jews had it in for ​JFK ​because he ​instituted measures that would cripple World Zionism and its global cycle of war, financial crises, militarism, inflation, depressions, and usurious debt, all outlined in the Protocols.

First, JFK ordered the Vietnam War stopped and the troops brought home (NSAM - 236). Vietnam was the latest Oil War. Who owns World Oil? The Rothschilds. They "own" Yukos Oil in Russia and "own" the Rockefellers in America. 

Second, JFK was going to wind down the Arms Race and seek world peace. The trillions spent for "Defense" was never for the defense of America but for an arsenal to enable World Zionism to impose its Capitalism on the rest of the world.

Third, JFK ordered the Treasury to print US currency instead of the Rothschild Federal Reserve Notes supported by the Rothschild illegal income tax. The US bonds, held by the Fed for our Fed currency, pay many billions in interest annually to World Zionism. With a "stroke of the pen" ( Executive Order 11120) JFK would cost them trillions as well as their domination of global money and finances through debt and speculation

Fourth, JFK intruded on the wage price spiral in the steel industry in favor of labor. The corporate stock of US Steel plummeted, a bad omen for Capitalism

Fifth, JFK would not give nuclear weapons to Israel. Jews invented these inhuman weapons in America and Israel could not have them for its global terrorism. This was unacceptable! Ben Gurion resigned.
Kennedy letter to Prime Minister of Israel:
“Dear Mr. Prime Minister:
“It gives me great personal pleasure to extend congratulations as you assume your responsibilities as Prime Minister of Israel. You have our friendship and best wishes in your new tasks. It is on one of these that I am writing you at this time.

“You are aware, I am sure, of the exchanges which I had with Prime Minister Ben-Gurion concerning American visits to Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona. Most recently, the Prime Minister wrote to me on May 27. His words reflected a most intense personal consideration of a problem that I know is not easy for your Government, as it is not for mine. We welcomed the former Prime Minister’s strong reaffirmation that Dimona will be devoted exclusively to peaceful purposes and the reaffirmation also of Israel’s willingness to permit periodic visits to Dimona.

“I regret having to add to your burdens so soon after your assumption of office, but I feel the crucial importance of this problem necessitates my taking up with you at this early date certain further considerations, arising out of Mr. Ben-Gurion’s May 27 letter, as to the nature and scheduling of such visits.

“I am sure you will agree that these visits should be as nearly as possible in accord with international standards, thereby resolving all doubts as to the peaceful intent of the Dimona project. As I wrote to Mr. Ben-Gurion, this government’s commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized if it should be thought that we were unable to obtain reliable information on a subject as vital to peace as the question of Israel’s effort in the nuclear field.

“Therefore, I asked our scientists to review the alternative schedules of visits we and you had proposed. If Israel’s purposes are to be clear beyond reasonable doubt, I believe that the schedule which would best serve our common purposes would be a visit early this summer, another visit in June 1964, and thereafter at intervals of six months. I am sure that such a schedule should not cause you any more difficulty than that which Mr. Ben-Gurion proposed in his May 27 letter. It would be essential, and I understand that Mr. Ben-Gurion’s letter was in accord with this, that our scientists have access to all areas of the Dimona site and to any related part of the complex, such as fuel fabrication facilities or plutonium separation plant, and that sufficient time be allotted for a thorough examination.

“Knowing that you fully appreciate the truly vital significance of this matter to the future well-being of Israel, to the United States, and internationally, I am sure our carefully considered request will have your most sympathetic attention.

“John F. Kennedy”

Sixth, JFK was going to dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA with Mossad are essential for World Zionism's global terrorism.

Seventh, JFK stood in the way of a Zionist puppet in the White House, Lyndon Johnson, who gave up a most powerful position for an office described as "not worth a bucket of pee pee" and as the "gofer" of a man he detested. This decision only made sense three years later..          .          .
"As Mr. Kennedy sat in the rocker in my office, his head resting on its back he placed his left leg across his right knee. He rocked slightly as he talked. In a slow pensive voice he said to me, 'You know if I am re-elected in sixty-four, I am going to spend more and more time toward making government service an honorable career. I would like to tailor the executive and legislative branches of government so that they can keep up with the tremendous strides and progress being made in other fields ... I am going to advocate changing some of the outmoded rules and regulations in the Congress, such as the seniority rule. To do this I will need as a running mate in sixty-four a man who believes as I do.' ... I was fascinated by this conversation and wrote it down verbatim in my diary. Now I asked, ... 'Who is your choice as a running-mate?' He looked straight ahead, and without hesitating he replied, 'At this time I am thinking about Governor Terry Sanford of North Carolina. But it will not be Lyndon."
                        ...Evelyn Lincoln, Personal Secretary to JFK
.          .          .

After JFK, the White House surrendered America to World Zionism. Johnson cancelled all of JFK's anti-Zionist measures, the Arms Race resumed, the Vietnam War was escalated, war debt and interest skyrocketed, nuclear weaponry was given to Israel.

Do not dismiss the fact that Dulles was the main orchestrator of the Warren Commission. A primary orchestrator of the murder then investigated the murder.
And do not dismiss the fact that a Jew and probable Mossad (SAYANIM) asset, Abraham Zapruder, just happened to be at the perfect place at the perfect time to capture the gruesome film footage of the actual murder and recorded the gruesome murder without flinching. The question must be asked: Was Abraham Zapruder (Jewish) a Mossad operative on assignment positioned at exactly the right place at the right time to capture the gruesome murder as a graphic lesson for posterity? Zapruder either had incredible nerves of steel to be able to capture the event without so much as flinching; or he knew exactly what was coming and performed his assignment perfectly. The lesson for posterity being: DO NOT INTERFERE WITH THE DESIGNS OF THE ROTHSCHILD BANKING SYSTEM, aka The Federal Reserve Bank (Executive Order 111110).. not to mention, this is what you get when you do not cooperate with Israeli nuclear proliferation.

JFK was on Israel’s shit list because of his refusal to assist the Israelis with their nuclear development at the Negev Nuclear Research Center near Dimona, Israel. On July 25, 2004, the Jerusalem Post carried a story headlined,
"Vanunu: Israel behind JFK Assassination."

Dr. Mordechai Vanunu being the Israeli nuclear physicist that had recently been released after being imprisoned for 18 years for exposing Israel’s covert nuclear weapons project.

It was the exclamation point upon JFK's death sentence when he signed Executive Order 11110 that stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of the power to loan money to the Federal Government at interest. The Order also restored to the Treasury Department the power to create and issue money without going through the privately owned and Jewish controlled Federal Reserve Bank. JFK wanted silver coins federally minted and silver certificates actually backed by real silver in the Treasury’s vault. After JFK’s assassination, all the U.S. Treasury notes that were issued on his watch were removed from circulation. And…JFK’s plan to extract all "advisors" from Vietnam by 1965 would have spoiled the FED’s plan to cash in on yet another costly war.

It wasn’t difficult for Dulles, with the assistance of Jewish CIA agents, to arrange a Mossad hit on Kennedy. Cord Meyer, at the CIA Israeli Desk, contacted Mossad master assassin: Yitzhak Shamir (destined to become Israel’s 7th Prime Minister) to arrange the JFK shooters.

Hard to trace French Corsicans were used as assassins in case of capture.

It’s amusing that E. Howard Hunt and Woody Harrelson’s (Woody on the TV sitcom CHEERS) father, Charles Harrelson, have been usually fingered as the JFK shooters and are supposedly two of the three clandestine railroad vagrants that were arrested near Dealy Plaza shortly after the JFK assassination.

BTW: Cord Meyer was personally enthusiastic about killing Kennedy because his ex-wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer, supposedly had an affair with the supposedly ever-womanizing JFK. She was murdered in the Georgetown section of Washington D.C. on October 12th, 1964 by two gunshots; one to the back of the head and one to the heart at point blank range. She allegedly had kept a diary of her thirty some encounters with JFK and was intending to make the affair public. CIA agent James Angleton supposedly obtained the diary by searching Mary’s home. Angleton was Director of CIA Counterintelligence and was the primary liaison for the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet at the CIA’s "Israeli Desk."

Isser Harel was the head of the Mossad from 1947-1963 and head of Shin Bet from 1948-1952

The CIA, under cover as the Office of Naval Intelligence, groomed Lee Harvey Oswald for his role as a patsy. Oswald thought he was an operative spying on Russia. Oswald had an extensive CIA-201 file and was under constant surveillance; he was tailed and manipulated in Russia by CIA agents John McVickar and Richard Snyder.

Mossad agent Bernie Weissman was the one who arranged for Mossad Sayanim asset, Jacob Leon Rubenstein (Jack Ruby), to assassinate Oswald. Weissman was seen talking to Ruby at Ruby’s Carousel Club in Dallas a week before the assassination.

Ruby was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the murder of Oswald. He appealed his conviction and was granted a new trial and venue in 1966 but died on January 3, 1967 of cancer before his retrial. Ironically, Rubenstein died at Parkland Memorial Hospital, the same hospital where JFK and Oswald were pronounced dead.

When Ruby was being booked by an arresting officer after the Oswald murder, the officer asked him why he had done it (as if the question needed asking). Ruby’s response was: "I just wanted to show the world that Jews got guts."

An oddity related to Ruby is the death of journalist Dorothy Kilgallen, whose syndicated column appeared in 150 papers nationwide. She was also a regular panelist on the very popular 1950s TV game show, What’s My Line?

Kilgallen had conducted a courthouse interview with Ruby during his murder trial in Dallas and had taken notes. She had also been critical of the blundering of the Warren Commission in her syndicated newspaper column. She was found dead in her home from an apparent "overdose" of alcohol and barbiturates on November 8th, 1965. Her notes of the Ruby interview were never found. Ruby had stated in other interviews that he was just a small player in an overthrow of the government and felt that he’d been betrayed by not being sprung from jail in a timely fashion as had been promised.

Jewish Funeral Arranged for Jack Ruby; Will Be Buried in Chicago

Arrangements were reportedly made for a funeral and services in accordance with Jewish ritual for Jack Ruby, the slayer of Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President Kennedy. Mr. Ruby who died here today where he had been held since the killing of Oswald is reported to have requested a burial in keeping with the Jewish religion and tradition. He will be buried in Chicago in the cemetery where his parents are interred, it was reported here.

Mr. Ruby was associated with Shearith Israel Congregation here, a Conservative synagogue led by Rabbi Norman Shapiro. He died this morning with his relatives at his bedside. Since he was in a coma immediately before his death, his request for a Jewish funeral was apparently made previously.

Rabbi Shapiro said that in his last visits to Ruby nothing was mentioned about his wishes pertaining to ritual burial. The rabbi told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that he had mainly exchanged pleasantries with Ruby who asked about various members of the Jewish community. Rabbi Shapiro said some of the statements attributed to Ruby by his relatives, attorney and hospital personnel had not been made to the rabbi. Hence, he could not add anything beyond his own personal sense of sorrow and compassion at the death of a human being whose life became a tragic ordeal.


The American Zionist Council became AIPAC​ (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee)​ the same year that Israel assassinated JFK... 1963.


Thorn in Side of [JEWISH] Crime Syndicate JFK Hit: Truth Seeker Dorothy Kilgallen Murdered

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