Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 30 December 2018

Justin Long Ive been working on Canadians Peoples Demands and Referendum

Ive been working on  Canadians Peoples Demands and Referendum suggestions (any and all input or constructive criticism is welcome) it's a work in progress
1. We demand charges and a trial for high treason pressed against Justin Trudeau and any member of parliament that signed the UN migration pact ( why would we allow them to stay to be voted out in the future and collect a hefty pension afterwards, after this blatant attempt to ruin our country
- this will set an example to globalism enthusiasts who are hell bent on destroying individual countries sovereignty 
- this will also set an example to any future member of parliament that we can and will remove you along with your pension and livelihood 

- this will also send hope through all of the European countries that are joining this movement by the day (11 so far last time I checked) and also hope to the countries hesitant to join the movement (we are all human and none of us will be completely free until we are all free)

2) we demand a complete public and transparent referendum initiated by the citizens (RIC) (not just now but whenever we see fit for in the future)

- this will give the people the power to have a complete assessment of any problems the Canadian people need fixed ( let's face it there are a lot to be dealt with) and some might get overlooked 

- I believe this will also give us the opportunity to go back and fix more minor issues in the future if they are missed
Key referendum issues

1) we need to go back to our common law principles (this one is a bit complicated and would take it's own thesis)(this is another point of the referendum (RIC) to go back and fix these problems that may be overlooked
Because of the wide scope of laws that either adhere to common law or dont , it is my personal belief that approximately 50-70% of victemless crimes do not necessarily need to be be considered as a crime and are only there to generate revenue for this corrupt government and the police force who get a kickback for all the money they generate (extort) from the people. A perfect example of this would be seat belt laws and how the police will claim it's for your safety but at the same time they will litterly shoot you if you try to argue their ticket (extortion attempt)
- this will also greatly reduce police violence because there will be drastically less laws to risk being violent over in the 1st place
- this will lighten the strain and cost of our prison systems also

2) Complete overhaul and audit of the Canadian Banking system (end the fed) (abolishment of income taxes) referendum (RIC), Including charges pressed against the top bankers found guilty of fraud and malfeasance (Iceland did it so can we). This may be the most important one that nobody seems to acknowledge and would shake the power structure to its core 

- this would take a whole theses as well which we can get into at a later time but the short and sweet of it is our current banking system (fractional reserve banking) is based on fraud ( reference the book titled the creature from Jekyll island for further insight if need be)

- It is unconstitutional (and does not adhere to common law (due to fraud)
-It does not adhere to Christian values for that matter due to the fact that before the king James bible came out the definition of usury (A sin) was ANY interest on money lent) after the king James bible was printed over history it was distorted to mean excessive Interest on money lent (see the scam) this does not mean that I believe anyone should be forced to have Christian values but I think most logical peaceful people will agree with the basic principles of it, love thy neighbor ,thou shall not kill or steal etc . ( fraud is synonymous with theft) These are moral values just as much as religious values.

- the numbers for Canada are in excess of 160,000,000$ a day or 58,400,000,0000$ annually to pay for the interest these private bankers demand for the so called benefit of printing our money when it's written in are own constitution that Canadas money is to be issued by the Bank of Canada without interest and backed by our nations resources
- this is called inflation and it causes the strength of our currency to weaken, inflation is essentially a hidden tax (if u factor that into the high taxes we are already aware of then you will find that we are actually expotionally more taxed then we ever even realized)

- the elite bankers that benefit from this system of fraud use the money they steal from us and use it to lobby government officials to pass legislation that adheres to their own nefarious agendas and that are not in the people's best interests ( this is why politicians from either party are always eager to go to war with whomever because it greatly increases the bankers profits that pay them their kickbacks) (look at Dick Cheney being vice president while also having deep connections with the company Haliburton making billions of tax payer funded dollars of a war that was based on lies (weapons of mass destruction)

* side note* Almost every world leader who has tried to defy this fraud and go back to an alternate currency backed by tangible resources has been assassinated (Lincoln, JFK, Gaddafi) but if an entire nation of people did it in unity they wouldn't be able to kill us all, plus think of the beacon of hope Canada would be to the rest of the world ( people globally who have unrestricted internet would see us as patriotic heroes once more)

4) Removal of Canada from the UN completely not just over turning the migration pact but complete removal
- the United nations is a foreign corporation meaning it has no right or authority to any of Canada's sovereignty (it belongs to the people and the people only)
- it is a corrupt institution masquerading as a non profit charity
- it has a horrible track record for human rights violations or protecting the perpetrators of these human rights violations

3) complete removal of Canada from the Monarchy and the queens influence and demand to relinquish all crown lands to the people
- she had already relinquished control of Canada already but the people are not informed of this
- she has used her powers to strike down democratic laws in the past
- it is a useless tradition that costs our country billions of dollars
- has influenced the people to go to war before one example would be when
Canada was considered a European dominion that was forced to go to war by the crown with our neighbors in America because the Americans wanted freedom
- most of her family's wealth is a direct result of drugs (the opium wars with China) and slavery (not the best figure head in my eyes)

4)Declare Canada as a Democratic Republic
- the difference between A Democracy and a democratic Republic is that in a democracy 50% or more of the population can vote to take another group of peoples rights away. With a democratic Republic the people can vote on whatever laws they want as long as it doesn't interfere with any other individuals rights that are enshrined in our constitution.

- America was founded as a democratic Republic and not as a democracy, but the majority of the people have seemed to have forgotten this and most of their children aren't being educated properly about the distinction between the two
5) A referendum (RIC) on our Canadian Constitution
- it's got a lot of good things it but needs updating
- no rights that we have will be lost through this process only expanded upon to better declare the people's freedom and power as the sovereign over the government

6) evaluation of our election system in general we must keep it as democratic as possible but with the technological advances mankind as made, and if we put our heads together we are bound to come up with something better than the current situation we call politics, with its rampant election tampering that seems to happen all to frequently

7) evaluation and refurendum (RIC) of all public services (if need be or the ones of the people's choosing) this will include healthcare, the public school system, the prison system, welfare, all goverment pensions etc

9) Pipeline for Alberta? To be honest I have to do more research about the pros n cons of this but it seems evident that the people of Alberta want this and we need everyone United if we fight for them hopefully they will stay and the fight for us. Also I don't see the logic in by oil from Saudi Arabia when we have our own.

10) restore healthcare and investigate big farm for crimes perpetrated to the people

11) stop all wars (why is this not on everyone's demands ) or more specifically bring our troops home from everywhere increase their pay n set them on defending our borders take care of our veterans

13) set up a Canadian peace keeping and humanitarian fund for people in need with details on when and why the money can be used for what purpose. We will not be part of the UN so this would show the world that it is not needed by creating a moral n proper similar entity ( we keep the good ideas and incorporate them and strip out the bad ones) that doesn't demand u relinquish your nations sovereignty to be heard

14) decriminalization of marijuana (not legalization) it will no longer be a crime 

Release of all inmates in jail for possession or consumption of pot. Decriminalize all dispensaries and help growing/ making hemp products more viable in our new economy
(Hemp alone can save the world in so many ways its amazing) plus it will help make room in prison the the corporate elite (rothschilds etc) convicted of crimes we will surely discover on top of the ones historically documented and bankers and 1/2 of government officials at least the ones that signed the migration pact

15) sustainable living plan (more resource based economy.... everyone willing to be self sufficient will be given land and volunteer help to build earth ship communities on crown land now referred to as our land. Encouragement of native americans to do the same this would help ensure that Canada would never starve because it would be built in smaller self sustaining communities with greenhouses and hydroponic food readily available. I believe this would also prevent some of our transportation issues as well because most people's needs will be met inside their communities and there would be less need to ship less goods around the country.

16) the demand for any information regarding the suppression of free or alternate clean forms of energy to wean the people off of oil use or products by providing cleaner alternatives

17)withdrawal from NAFTA or any other multi national organization such as g20
That does not suit the Canadian people's best interests
18) preservation of any sacred native land and working towards a better relationship with the native Americans I personally believe a large chunk of our humanitarian fund should be used to fix their horrendous living conditions that seems to be overlooked to frequently × (Gordon Downey a true Canadian loved by all would be proud lol)

19) better drug treatment centers n funding for rehabilitation instead of funding for safe injection sights

20) increased pension for all seniors ( they built our beautiful country) and raised us to be the proud people we are we cant fail them we just cant

21)All of Canada's natural resources go back to the people and the profits made from selling any resources will be split evenly between the Canadian population. 
Laws in place banning any privatization of any of Canada's natural resources

22) water declared a human right and to be rigurlously protected by law (no dumping pollution into our water) and higher taxes to big corporations that take advantage of it (Nestle)

23)ban GMOs and investigate Monsanto and any other similar GMO food producers for wrong doing

24) deportation of all isis militants that have been allowed into Canada by our former treasonous PM

25)tax the church or fine them for years of diddling our children and hiding it

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