Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 28 December 2018

Israel-China Relations | Foundations of Diplomacy

Israel-China Relations | Foundations of Diplomacy

by Jon Swinn (If you find this information valuable, consider donating to Jon via his PayPal at
In the book The Weapon Wizards: How Israel Became a High-Tech Military Superpower, a delegation of high ranking Israelis secretly traveled under the cover of darkness to meet with a Chinese delegation at Guangzhou, China in February, 1979.
“Until that winter day, Israeli defense officials had never been to China. The two countries did not have diplomatic ties, and nobody on the Israeli side—except for the members of the delegation, the prime minister, the defense minister and a handful of others—knew about the trip. If word got out, Israel knew that the Americans would be furious.”
Were Americans furious? Are they furious today? Who exactly are they talking about then they say “Americans”? I assume they are referring to the general public.
For the US government, the word getting out about Israel and China laying diplomatic foundations could have damaged the now old canard that Israel is the United States’ “greatest ally” as the communist Chinese were built up as an enemy of the US. The “greatest ally” lie and propaganda slogan, at the time,had to be maintained as a perceived reality in the minds of the general public.This was important for the Zionists to continue milking their US cash cow, and another reason why the Communist connections to prominent Israeli politicians are not mentioned in Western media outlets.
These “risks” that the Zionists have historically taken seem insane on the surface. That is, if you believe the narratives you have been sold to you by the establishment. On the other hand, if you are aware of the Zionist influence in the United States then you understand that there is no real risk to the relationship between the US and Israel when it comes to Israel’s relationship to China. This has become glaringly obvious.
This event, after all, followed the Israeli bombing and torpedoing of the USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 171 US crew members. The attack was to be blamed on the Egyptians. However, the USS Liberty did not sink and the survivors witnessed the Israeli attack. The Zionist press in the US did a good job spinning a story that absolved Israel of any wrong doing, claiming the defenseless technical research ship was simply mistaken for a non-existent Egyptian vessel.
Israel-Iran relations
The Iranian revolution that resulted in Ayatollah Khomeini seizing power created uncertainty for the Israelis who had relied on trading arms in exchange for oil with the Shah. “China, Israeli leaders hoped, could fill that vacuum.”[1]
Israel’s Mossad trained the Shah’s Savak police and these connections would later serve both sides through a covert weapons sales network that became part of the Iran-Contra scandal. A May 8, 2018 Haaretz article states that“[b]etween 1981 and 1983, [Israel] sold an estimated $500 million-worth of arms to Iran, most of them paid for in oil.”[2] That means Khomeini turned to Israel during the Iran-Iraq war and in exchange for arms, Israel was supplied with much needed oil. The oil rich Arab countries at the time would not supply Israel.
The uncertainty brought about by the Iranian Revolution would turn out to be of great benefit to China. This outcome has had very little attention, as well as China’s historic geopolitical strategy in the Middle-East. During the Shah’s rule from 1953-1979, the Soviet bloc and Chinese sought to increase their influence in the Middle East.
The Shah, however, was viewed by the Chinese as an ideological opponent installed by the CIA and therefore a representation of US influence in the region. The Shah persecuted the Communist Party of Iran’s members and his main opposition, the Tudeh party, had become pro-Soviet by the mid-1960s according to the US ambassador to Iran, Armin Meyer.
The following excerpt from Armin Meyer written in October 22, 1966 details the situation:
“Savak is showing interest in long-term threat posed by the Chinese Communists. The latter have not been able to form any organization within Iran,but have been successful in their propaganda activities among Iranian students in Europe. An increasing number … have begun to show Communist Chinese sympathies and some of them apparently have even visited China. The Chinese have flooded Europe with publications which are having an effect on Iranian students some of whom can be expected to return to Iran and to attempt to conduct subversive activities. Savak believes that students returning … will have to be checked very carefully lest the Chinese Communists get a foothold in Iran.
Although Savak believes that the pro-Soviet group now dominates the Tudeh party, it feels that the Chinese Communists, considering that they have been laboring under the double disadvantage of being newer in the field than the Soviets and of having no official representation in Iran, have done very well to date. … Savak will continue to observe closely the activities of Chinese Communist elements.”
It can be conjectured that, while being ideologically opposed to communism,the Tudeh party’s mullahs, many of whom were imprisoned under the Shah with members of the Communist Party of Iran, united against a common political enemy to seize power from the Shah. The fallout from the Iranian Revolution and subsequent events leading to Iran moving closer to China further justified the Shah’s suspicions of China’s growing influence among his political opposition.
After the revolution, China recognized the new Iranian regime within days.This highlights China’s support for the Tudeh party run by religious extremists for whom most would think communist China would ideologically oppose. This wasn’t the case for Iran and it isn’t the case for the religious extremist regime in Israel.
It is now known that China was using North Korea to traffic arms during the Iran-Iraq war to avoid antagonizing the West, but later China cut out the middle man. From 1984–1986, about $1–2 billion worth of arms sales occurred.[3] Iran obtained Chinese-made anti-ship surface-to-surface missiles. Communist China had received a batch of Gabriel Mk 1 missiles for “evaluation”[4] from Israel previously, leading to the development of the Taiwanese Hsiung Feng I missile.
To put it bluntly, Israel transferred missile technology to China, and then China sold missiles utilizing that technology to Iran. These new weapons enabled Iran to control the Straits of Hormuz and all naval trade to and from the Gulf countries.
Iranian control of the Straits of Hormuz was strategically important in securing the flow of oil from Iran into Chinese ports. As many other oil rich countries were allied with the US, finding suppliers independent of US influence was vital to the Chinese and another major reason why China wanted to see the back of the Shah.
This situation in the Persian Gulf also worked out to Israel’s benefit as they found a new common enemy with the Gulf States, Iran. A situation Israel has been able to take advantage of, to the point they share close unofficial ties with Saudi Arabia. Iran’s behavior has also played into Israel’s hands,pushing the Sunni countries closer to Israel.
Beginnings of Israel-China diplomatic ties
The relationship between China and Israel has also flourished over the years. Gabriel Mk 1 missiles were handed to China via Israel before 1975 when the development of Hsiung Feng I, which is based on the Gabriel missile, began.
According to the authors of The Weapon Wizards, the CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), Gabriel Gidor, was among a 1979 Israeli delegation that met with a Chinese delegation in Guangzhou, China. “[S]enior representatives from the Israeli foreign and defense ministries”[1] were also part of the Israeli delegation. The Israeli Defense Minister at the time was Ezer Weizman, nephew of Israel’s first President, Chaim Weizmann.
Prime Minister Menachem Begin “deferred questions regarding China’s shopping list to Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, whom he ordered to personally approve what Israeli companies could and could not sell”[1], giving Weizman absolute authority on the weapon sales to China.
Ezer “was a combat pilot receiving his training in the British Army in which he enlisted in 1942 during World War II. In 1943, he joined the British Royal Air Force (RAF). Between 1944 and 1946, he was a member of the Irgun terrorist group in Mandatory Palestine. Then he went on to study aeronautics in England for 2 years.”[5]
After the establishment of the State of Israel, Weizman was a commander of the Negev Air Squadron for the Haganah in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. He then joined the Israel Defense Forces and served as the Chief of Operations on the General Staff. He went on to be the commander of the Israeli Air Force between 1958 and 1966 and ended his military career serving as deputy Chief of the General Staff.[5]
On June 5, 1967, Weizman “directed the early morning surprise air attacks against the Egyptian air bases, which resulted in giving the Israelis total air superiority over the Sinai battlefields by totally destroying the Egyptian Air Force in 3 hours. A total of 400 enemy planes were destroyed by the Israeli Air Force [IAF] on the first day of the Six-Day War.”[5]Did Weizman direct the bombing of the USS Liberty, which occurred on June 8? Weizman’s close friend and sister-in-law’s husband, Moshe Dayan is known to have ordered the attack on the USS Liberty according to the CIA[6].
Dayan was the Israeli Foreign Minister at the time of the Israeli and Chinese delegations meeting in February 1979, which means he most likely was in attendance.
By age 14, Dayan had joined Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Haganah terrorist organization in Mandatory Palestine where he was the “second child born on the first kibbutz.”[7] He went on to be a commanding instructor for Haganah’s Leaders were he found himself embroiled in a situation involving illegal rifles at Haganah’s HQ, leading to his arrest by members of Transjordan Frontier Force. The intervention of Ezer Weizman’s uncle, then Israeli President Chaim Weizmann, led to Dayan’s pardon and release from prison.
Shaul Eisenberg
“Uri Dan, writing in the New York Post, March 30, 1997, reported that back in 1979 then-Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin got U.S. approval for authorizing Shaul Eisenberg to undertake a $10 billion 10-year deal to modernize the Chinese armed forces. Dan describes this deal as “one of the most important in Israeli history” and that “the Chinese insisted on absolute secrecy.”‘[8]
This narrative shattering statement by Uri Dan lay to bed any notion that the Israeli officials in high office had taken any risk in meeting with the Chinese delegation in February 1979. The secrecy around the meeting was requested by the Chinese, not Israel, according to Uri Dan, contradicting the authors of Weapon Wizards. It also exposes the United States government’s complicity in the modernization of the Chinese military. Dan was a connected man who became a very close confidant of Ariel Sharon and would go on to write his autobiography.
That same year, 1979, the elite IDF Talpiot program was launched. One aspect of the program’s creation is to build the Israel-Chinese relationship via transferring technology to China. It is likely that some of this money would have been used to finance such a cutting edge program. Another point of interest is, Rafael Eitan (the military man, not the infamous spy) created the Talpiot program. At the time Eitan worked directly under Ezer Weizman as the IDF’s Chief of Staff. Weizman appointed Eitan to that position.
Israel Corporation, Israel’s largest holding company, was founded by the government of Israel together with Shaul Eisenberg in 1968 … under the initiative of then Minister of Finance, Pinchas Sapir of the Israeli Labor Party, who changed the Encouragement of Capital Investments Law to attract foreign investment. The change ensured that the company’s owners were exempt from taxes for 30 years”.[9]
Eisenberg had moved to Singapore during WW2, where he used his Far East connections to sell arms to Pol Pot, the leader of Khmer Rouge, aka the Communist Party of Kampuchea. He also “became an exporter of weapons from Israel to countries in Africa and South America. Later on, he was the first person to do commercial business between Israel and China.”[10]
There is a consorted effort to not “officially” acknowledge Israel-China ties pre-1979. In 1978, Daniel McCormack, under the pen name Richard Deacon, wrote the book Israeli Secret Service,which reported that Israel had been engaged in secret joint nuclear bomb development programs with China. McCormack was the former assistant to the Director of British Naval Intelligence, and later Foreign Manager for the London Sunday Times.
McCormack revealed the following (pages 204-205):
‘”This has been one of the spheres in which the Israelis and the Chinese have actually helped one another not officially,but discreetly through Secret Service channels. The third party’ intermediaries involved in such deals have sometimes been non-Israeli Jews working for the Chinese and occasionally even Albanians. Whatever may be their public utterances on the subject of the Middle East, the Chinese privately acknowledge that Israel is in effect an ally in all matters relating to the Soviet Union.”
McCormack also points out that this secret nuclear alliance between Israel and Red China has been ignored by the mainstream media:
“This is a subject rarely touched upon by any writers on Middle East affairs, but such closely guarded contacts as the two Secret Services maintain have bonuses to both sides.”
Further, according to McCormack:
“On balance the Chinese may have gained most from these relatively low-key and cautious exchanges.”
In other words, Red China was the primary beneficiary of the secret nuclear weapons dealings with our ally, Israel, further validating Uri Dan’s writing suggesting secrecy was requested by the Chinese.
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) was a U.S. nuclear materials processing facility that began receiving a steady stream of government contracts to produce fuel for the Navy’s growing fleet of nuclear-powered vessels.
NUMEC’s start-up capital was organized by David Lowenthal, a Jewish Zionist American citizen who had joined the Haganah and fought for Israel during its1948 war for independence alongside Israel’s first head of Intelligence, Meir Amit,[11] and first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion.[12] According to FBI files, Lowenthal traveled “to Israel on the average of approximately once per month.”[13]
Lowenthal more than likely knew Ezer Weizman considering Weizman was the commander of the Negev Air Squadron for the Haganah during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. Moshe Dayan was also a high ranking official in Haganah at the time. These known (Amit and Ben-Gurion) and likely (Weizman and Dayan) connections were a very probable back channel from the U.S. nuclear program to the top of Israeli intelligence and government. The frequency of Lowenthal’s visits to Israel and the sensitivity of the programs he worked on point to him being Mossad (Israeli Intelligence).
“Many members of NUMEC’s venture capital network and board of directors were dedicated Zionists who, like Zalman Mordecai Shapiro, held leadership positions in the Zionist Organization of America – “an American membership organization founded in 1896 dedicated to the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine,” according to Grant Smith’s book, Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program.[13]
“Zalman Shapiro, formerly of Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood, told the Tribune-Review in exclusive interviews before his death at 96 in July, that he and his company, the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) of Apollo, provided Israel with batteries powered by radioactive strontium 90.
As a result, the Israelis could listen in on their enemies’ radio transmissions, garnering information on their plans and troop movements and giving the Israeli army a distinct tactical advantage”[1] in the Six-Day War. Ezer Weizman utilized the strontium 90 batteries to gather the intelligence to plan and carry out Israel’s early morning attacks that destroyed 90% of Egypt’s Air Force.
Strontium 90 batteries “were revolutionary in the 1960s because of their exceptionally long life and ability to operate in darkness, in extreme temperatures and under water. …
The nuclear batteries, known as radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs), still are used in equipment that has to operate in remote and hostile environments, most notably powering NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 space probes, which were launched 40 years ago and are still working, according to Stephen Johnson, director of Idaho National Laboratory Space Nuclear Power & Isotope Technologies.”[14]
“Between 1957 and 1967, NUMEC received 22 tons (44,000 lbs) of HEU-235. A 2001 Department of Energy audit revealed that NUMEC lost at least 593 pounds of HEU – about 2.0 percent of what it received – before 1968.”[13] That is 10 times more than the average loses by other companies.
“Carl Duckett, former deputy of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology, claimed the agency came to the conclusion by 1968 that“NUMEC material had been diverted by the Israelis and used in fabricating weapons.” CIA Tel Aviv station chief John Hadden claimed that NUMEC was “an Israeli operation from the beginning.”’[15]
“In June 1978 Department of Energy investigators told former Atomic Energy Commissioner (AEC) Glenn T. Seaborg that traces of Portsmouth U-235 – the government-owned material primarily delivered to NUMEC for processing into fuel – had been picked up in Israel.”[13]
Back in “1968 NUMEC invited and received Israel’s elite nuclear weapons development officials and its top spy under the cover of being “thermoelectric generator specialists.” They included Avraham Hermoni (technical director of Israel’s nuclear bomb project), Ephraim Biegun (head of the Israeli technical department of Israel’s Secret Service from 1960-70) and Rafael Eitan (long-time Mossad and LAKAM operative who later directed spy Jonathan Pollard’s spy program against the U.S.).”[13]
Zalman “Shapiro said he was approached to develop batteries for use in devices to tap telephone lines. …
Oscar Gray, once vice president at NUMEC and now a retired professor emeritus at the University of Maryland, confirmed NUMEC made the batteries for Israel but said NUMEC wasn’t told their real purpose.
The Israelis’ “explanation was for weather data. It was to power long-usage monitors out in the desert for rainfall.”
However, Gray said he and others at NUMEC “suspected that it was not weather data but, rather, it was the powering of apparatus for phone tapping,”adding, “but they never admitted that to us.”
Shapiro told the Tribune-Review that he extended nuclear battery technology to Israel for even more projects but declined to provide details on many,worried the projects likely are still classified.”’[14]
Unfortunately, Shapiro took those details to the grave. He did however acknowledge their existence.
Regarding the Jonathan Pollard case,it is worth noting that “[i]n November 2014, Rafi Eitan, who headed LAKAM from 1981 until its dissolution in 1986, admitted that he knew in advance of Pollard’s impending arrest in 1985 and alerted then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres and Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin.”[16] Eitan claims“he had arranged an escape plan for Pollard” and “gave Pollard a prearranged signal to leave the United States, but instead, Pollard “wandered around for three days with them [the FBI] following him. He had many opportunities to do what I told him and he didn’t do it.”’[16]
How did Eitan know of Pollard’s impending arrest? Was LAKAM actively spying on the FBI? Had they infiltrated the FBI? Were the NUMEC battery powered wiretaps used as the source for spying on the FBI?
This espionage effort by Eitan seems like a precursor to the more recent Comverse wiretap scandal, which the author has previously covered. That case involved FBI officials awarding an Israeli company, Comverse, contracts to provide wiretap software with backdoor technology built-in.
An international Jabotinsky inspired Zionist network is working against the interests of the people of the United States. These powers, and their allies and assets, have purposely enabled the buildup of communist China. One of the primary ways this has developed is via Israel, while being financed by US taxpayers.
Approval was given by the Zionist controllers within the U.S. for Israel to modernize Chinese weaponry under the guise of using China as a counter balance to the Soviet Union. This has allowed Israel to buildup and profit from the buildup of China to the detriment of the average American.
When the Soviet Union collapsed, Israel-China diplomatic ties and trade rapidly increased, allowing the Chinese to acquire newer technology from the Israelis. Now all three countries, China, Russia and Israel, share closer ties, and both Russia and China enjoy the privileges brought about by technology transfers via Israel.
China and Israel are now leading the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, while Russia extends its influence via the control and development of Gazprom and Rosneft pipelines.Wars for Israel’s benefit in Iraq and Libya have led to Russia being granted contracts to exploit oil resources. [17] The Iraqi fields now supply Israel with 75-80% of their oil needs. [18]
This Zionist network has even used tax payer funded technology to assist their intelligence infrastructure and espionage operations against the United States. This technology, such as PROMIS and wiretapping software, has enabled the Israeli intelligence apparatus to monitor, collect data and profile US citizens. These abilities are a violation of the laws of the United States and the privacy of individuals protected by the Constitution. The US data Israel collects can also be traded by Israel to other countries.
These intrusions have given Israel the ability to blackmail US civilians,civil servants and intelligence agents at will, while at the same time having the ability to monitor wiretaps used by US intelligence. This allows this international criminal Zionist network and their intelligence assets friendly to Israel conducting espionage to stay one step ahead.

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