Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 24 December 2018

Ireland Jewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.

Jewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.Balder Blog
IrelandSimilar documentation for USA Canada | Britain | France | Holland
Harry Cohen
Ronit Lentin
Ivana Bacik
Mervyn Taylor
One of the leading ' anti-racists' in Ireland is a foreigner, the Jewish feminist Ronit Lentin (neé Salzberger; born 25 October 1944), who is an Israeli citizen, Ronit does a lot of thinking about 'the shoah' and 'Ethnic and Racial studies'. Update Hot from the press: The Irish Savant July 24, 2015 - Open Letter to Ronit Lentin - Bottom page: The evil works of Peter Sutherland (who apparently and a bit surprisingly is a not a Jew)
Ronit Lentin was born in Haifa to Jews from Romania, she lived in Israel and studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Following this she decided to invade and colonise Ireland in 1969 to wage a war of race-replacement against the people. As founder of the Trinity Immigration Initiative, she is best known as advocating the demographic genocide of Irish people through third-world immigration, particularly Black Africans. (More at Metapedia)
Ronit Lentin also wishes for Internet Censorship and cares a lot for asylum seekers in Ireland
Ronit Lentin Teaches 'Race is a Social Construct' and coordinates the course MPhil in Ethnic and Racial Studies at Trinity College Dublin.
Her graduates hold positions at An Garda SiochánaDepartment of Foreign AffairsDublin City Counci,Office of the Refugee Application CommissionThe Equality Authority.
See short video clip about Ronit Lentin
The racist Jewish Chabad Lubavitch cult operates from the same place where Ronit Lentin deploys her 'anti-racist' multicultural propaganda!
Also from Trinity College operates Ivana Bacik(Jewish, from Czech Republic) feminist, pro-abortion campaigner, Labour MP, EU Parliament, gay rights, same-sex marriage. Critical of Israel.
Mervyn Taylor; educated at Zion SchoolWesley College Dublin and at Trinity College Dublin his major project was amongst other things the introduction of new, wide ranging anti-discrimination measures, the Employment Equality Bill, and the Equal Status Bill. These were struck down by the Supreme Court, but revised versions were approved by the Government in the final months of Taylor's term of office, and were ultimately published and enacted during the following Dáilterm. [Dáil = Irish Parliament]
Alan Joseph Shatter - Israel First
Alan Joseph Shatter - Israel First
Our man in the Dail - Enlarge
Alan Joseph Shatter; the only current Jewish MP. Shatter was born in Dublin to a Jewish family.
He was educated at The High School, Dublin and Trinity College, Dublin. Wants to ban traditional sports such as hunting. An outspoken defender of Israeli policies in the Gaza Strip, was compared to Joseph Goebbels by Aengus Ó Snodaigh of Sinn Féin.
Shatter is also the man who has done more to destroy the family in Ireland than any other single individual. Much of the law "reform" in family law has been driven by him.
The Judicial Separation & Family Law Act, 1989 was his private members bill. There's more to nation-wrecking than just importing aliens.
Ireland: Alan Shatter (Jewish) in charge of Justice, Equality, Defence, ImmigrationIreland is about 1/6000th Jewish | by comparison; Denmark 1/700
  • The Dublin Government is 1/15th Jew
  • There’s only 1 Jewish politician in the whole country
  • He’s in control of over 1/2 of the government’s most important ministries
I wonder how that happened?

Website suspended:
 What do you believe? - Ireland: Alan Shatter in charge of Justice, Equality, Defence, Immigration
A very detailed analysis of the shattering reign of Alan Shatter
Here just a few points - gotto read entire article
Before Shatter, the Irish government had taken steps to reduce non-European immigration, including abolishing automatic citizenship for children born to foreigners in Ireland and drastically reducing the admission of asylum seekers. Since taking office in early 2011, after his Fine Gael party ousted the ruling Fianna Fail amid Ireland’s continuing economic woes, Shatter has busied himself with increasing the numbers of Africans and Asians resident in Ireland.
Immigration to Ireland from outside Europe during 2011 was twice that of the previous year. Last year, the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service granted visas to 91 percent of the 88,000 non-Europeans who applied for them (citizens of the twenty-six other member states of the European Union can travel to Ireland without having to obtain a visa). An additional 115,000 migrants from outside Europe were given permission to remain in Ireland in 2012, with India, China, Nigeria, Turkey, and the Philippines among the top six countries of origin. To be sure, the number of permits to non-Europeans to reside in Ireland has declined over the previous two years—but only because Shatter’s ministry has been granting them citizenship, at several times the rate of the preceding years.
Shatter is aggressively promoting new measures to further increase non-European immigration, including making immigration easier for investorsand entrepreneurs and their families. More ominously still, he is working industriously to replace existing Irish legislation on foreign immigration, including applications for asylum, with a bill that will, according to Shatter’s stated priorities for the current year, will “radically reform and modernize” Irish immigration law.
What was Shatter to do? Why play the Holocaust trump card, of course!
Now, Ireland has not been known for its role in World War II anti-Jewish measures. Like most countries at the time, however, including Germany’s fiercest opponents, Ireland was reluctant to accept large numbers of Jewish immigrants.
So, last fall, in a speech in honor of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish businessman who traveled to Hungary at American instigation in 1944 to impede deportation of Jews to German concentration camps, Ireland’s Jewish immigration czar attempted to justify flooding his homeland with Third World immigrants by attacking Ireland’s World War II immigration policy:
There were many who did nothing in the face of the industrialised genocide and the destruction of European Jewish civilisation. Indeed the Irish Government of the day sat on its hands. And even after the death camps were liberated, the Irish Government denied Jews refuge in Ireland.
As a member of the Irish legislature, Shatter defended Israel’s brutal 2009 invasion of Gaza [Link doesnt seem to be working] . He opposed the “freedom flotillas” organized in 2010 and 2011 to breach the Israeli blockade of the already impoverished Gaza strip, although each of the aid expeditions included a ship from Ireland (although Shatter did a brief turnabout after Israeli commandos killed nine men aboard a ship in the first flotilla). He has opposed visas for members of organizations hostile to Israeli policies, and resoundingly condemned calls for the Irish to boycott performances in Israel as “cultural fascism.”
Read it all at:
 Occidental Observer March 2, 2013 - The Misplaced Minister: Ireland and Israel’s Alan Shatter (Camillus)
 Schwertasblog 28 april 2013 - Der deplazierte Minister: Irlands und Israels Alan Shatter
Shatter owns several properties in the United States. He has been involved in an eviction row with a tenant of one of his properties in the U.S. state of Florida. With interests in 15 properties, Shatter has the largest property portfolio of any member of Ireland's cabinet.[2]
Trinity College - (Regional Chabad Center)
Dublin, Ireland 
University College Dublin
 - (Regional Chabad Center)
Chabad Lubavitch of Ireland
Address: 131 Rathfarnham Road
Dublin, 14 Ireland
Phone: 353-1-406-4818

Mouse over video to see controls
Which foreigner supports a multi-ethnic society for your country, while back in her own country they support the exact opposite?
Ronit Lentin tells lies about immigration and the economyYouTube
Alan Shatter target of anti-Semitic attacks?
Note the rather tiny controls for starting and stopping the video: left hand bottom corner mouse over.
Sunshine Radio - 106.8 (10-01-2011) - Rosanna Flynn on immigration 'mistreatment' in Ireland.
Video deleted from YouTube
Hordes of Africans mostly from Nigeria demand 'asylum' in Ireland 
Supported by the extreme left IRA and people such as Rosanna Flynn
Peter Sutherland's Migration Legacy Punctured: In-Depth Look At The Father of Globalisation
Note: So far there is no information which suggests that Peter Sutherland was Jewish.
But he most certainly is one of the worst criminals of this day and age
'Inward migration will be a permanent feature of Irish society over the next 30 to 40 years'
- Conor Lenihan, August 14, 2008
Jewish Involvement in Anti Free Speech Legislation and promotion of Immigration - By Country
USAThe Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union - Coudenhove Kalergi
CanadaDanish mainstream holocaust researcher refutes claim of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust
2016 UPDATE The Occidental Observer October 2, 2016 - The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement (Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.)

 Pak Alert Press March 16, 2009 - Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media
 From 1997 but very good! - Mind Bending Powers of the Masters of the Media (Much about BBC)

DENMARK So far we have not produced similar documentation for Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia, but we can recommend the following articles at : -->
Debating the Holocaust - A New look at both sides
This is a book about the Holocaust, and about two competing views of that event. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. Traditional historians have thousands of surviving witnesses and the weight of history on their side. On the other hand there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions. They are beginning to outline a new and different narrative.
Thus there has emerged something of a debate -- a debate of historic significance. This is no peripheral clash between two arcane schools of thought, regarding some obscure details of World War II. It is about history, of course, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of our time: freedom of speech and press, the operation of mass media, manipulation of public opinion, political and economic power structures, and the coercive abilities of the State. It is an astonishingly rancorous and controversial debate, with far-reaching implications.
 Debating The Holocaust buy at Amazon
 Thomas Dalton - Homepage with excerpts 
Artikler på dansk med et relateret indhold - (Similar content in Danish)
Jødiske ‘menneskerettigheds-organisationer’ udpeger millioner af amerikanere som mulige terrorister (ADL & SPLC Balder Blog 29 marts 2009)
Jødekartoteket - Om ADLs kriminelle historie og praksis (Balder Blog 30 marts 2009)
Latino-jødisk Koalition i USA – Jøderne allierer sig med de nye indvandrere + Ezra Levant
Bent Melchior og Bashy Quraishy bygger bro mellem jøder og muslimer Articles about Holocaust, Zionism, Judaism, Jewish Censorship, Israel Lobby, Persecution, Revisionism, Holocaust denial Articles about Eurabia, Euromediterranean, Barcelona Declaration, Unlimited Immigration to Europe. English Deutsch Dansk    
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