Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 8 December 2018


 By Mike King (Tomato Bubble)
The headlines of the Hitler-hating newspapers of Britain and America confirmed that it was the Allies who declared "a long war" on Germany while Hitler continued to plead for peace and calm. Note the sub-headline in Image # 3: "Blunt Reply to Goering's Peace 'Try On'" -- a reference to Britian's refusal to even talk with the Germans (Hermann Goering was the #2 man in Germany)
Below is the abridged text of the thoughtful and logical letter which Hitler wrote to French President Edouard Daladier -- just days before the outbreak of the war with British-French Poland -- a letter which The New York Times published on its front page, and cannot now deny.


August 28, 1939
Hitler Note and Paris Communique
The text of Chancellor Hitler's letter to Premiere Daladier of France:
Chancellor's Letter
My dear Minister President:
I understand the misgiving to which you give expression. I, too, have never overlooked the grave responsibilities which are imposed upon those who are in charge of the fate of nations. As an old front line fighter, I, like yourself, know the horrors of war. Guided by this attitude and experience, I have tried to remove all matters that might cause conflict between our two peoples.
I have quite frankly given one assurance to the French people, namely, that the return of the Saar would constitute the precondition for this. After its return I immediately and solemnly pronounced my renunciation of any further claims that might concern France. The German people approved of this, my attitude.


Under the terms of the post-World War I Treaty of Versailles, the Saar region was to be occupied jointly by the United Kingdom and France for 15 years. The Saar's coal production was controlled by France. In 1935, a referendum was permitted and the people of the Saar region (which borders France) voted, by a margin of 91%, to return to Germany.

After the Saar vote to happily reunify with the German fatherland was held as promised, Hitler declared that Germany's western borders were fixed.
As you could judge for yourself during your last visit here, the German people, in the knowledge of its own behavior held and holds no ill feelings, much less hatred, for its one-time brave opponent.On the contrary, the pacification of our western frontier led to an increasing sympathy. Certainly as far as the German people are concerned, a sympathy which, on many occasions, showed itself in a really demonstrative way.


This is 100% true. Throughout the 1930's, neither in the German press nor among the happy German people, does one find any expression of animosity towards France or England. This is remarkable given what was done to the defenseless nation after World War I (territorial losses, crushing monetary reparations, hunger blockade, occupation, theft of resources, etc).

 British Prime Minister David Lloyd George is welcomed by Adolf Hitler to his home, the Berghof on September 4th 1936. [500x637]
 1- After many years of humiliation and suffering, the German people under Hitler had obtained happiness. The last thing they or their government wanted was for another destructive war against France and England.
2- Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George visited Hitler in 1936, and then wrote:
"There is for the first time since the war a general sense of security. The people are more cheerful. There is a greater sense of general gaiety of spirit throughout the land. It is a happier Germany. I saw it everywhere and Englishmen I met during my trip and who knew Germany well were very impressed with the change.
The idea of a Germany intimidating Europe with a threat that its irresistible army might march across frontiers forms no part of (Hitler's) new vision.
The construction of the western fortifications, which swallowed and still swallow many millions (of Marks) at the same time constituted for Germany a document of acceptance and fixation of the final frontiers of the Reich. In doing so, the German people have renounced two provinces which once belonged to the German Reich, later were conquered again at the cost of much blood, and finally were defended with even more blood. 
I believed that by this renunciation and this attitude every conceivable source of conflict between our two peoples that might lead to a repetition of the tragedy of 1914-1918 had been done away with.
Hitler makes a very logical point here. If someone builds an expensive fence along a certain line on his property, common sense tells us he has accepted that line as his property lineand everything on the other side as his neighbor's. By spending millions of marks on border fortifications at a certain location, Hitler's verbal renunciation of additional territory was supported by actual deeds as well.

Image result for alsace lorraine Image result for building a fence cartoon
In order to diffuse any possible tension between France and Germany, Hitler renounced any claim to the stolen provinces of Alsace-Lorraine and built Germany's defense fortifications behind the region.  

This voluntary limitation of the German claims to life in the West, can, however, not be interpreted as an acceptance of all other phases of the Versailles dictate. I have really tried, year after year, to achieve the revision of at least the most impossible and unbearable provisions of this dictate by way of negotiation. This was impossible.
In this sense I have tried to remove from the world the most irrational provisions of the Versailles dictate. I have made an offer to the Polish government which shocked the German people. Nobody but myself could even dare go before the public with such an offer. It could therefore be made only once.

The man is telling the truth, again! In its September 2nd issue, the New York Times will summarize the details of the generous offer that Germany made to aggressive Poland. Among other concessions, Hitler offered to give Poland a 1-mile wide highway running through German territory so that it would always have access to the Baltic Sea. Poland's answer was to increase the abuse of Germans who were stranded in Poland due to the post-World War I land grab. Related image
Western Prussia was stolen at gunpoint under threat of starvation after Germany was deceived and betrayed into unconditionally surrendering during World War I. The ridiculous Danzig Corridor handed the region to the newly-created state of Poland and cut off Eastern Prussia from the rest of the Reich. Germans trapped in the Corridor and the "free city" of Danzig (Image 2 / today Gdansk, Poland) were horribly abused and denied the right of self-determination. 
I am deeply convinced that if, especially, England at that time had, instead of starting a wild campaign against Germany in the press and instead of launching rumors of a German mobilization, somehow talked the Poles into being reasonable, Europe today and for twenty-five years could enjoy a condition of deepest peace.
As things were, Polish public opinion was excited by a lie about German aggression. Clear decisions that the situation called for were made difficult for the Polish government. Above all, the government's ability to see the limitations of realistic possibilities was impaired by the guarantee promise that followed.

Hitler was not the only one to accuse the British press of warmongering. Among others, Lord Beaverbrook, the biggest newspaper man in England, made this same observation in a pair of 1938 private letters. Beaverbrook:
“There are 20,000 German Jews in England – in the professions, pursuing research. They all work against an accommodation with Germany.”
In a subsequent letter, Beaverbrook added:
“The Jews have got a big position in the press here. . At last I am shaken. The Jews may drive us into war.”

Media mogul Beaverbrook wrote privately what he dared not say publicly.
The Polish government declined the proposals. Polish public opinion, convinced that England and France would now fight for Poland, began to make demands one might possibly stigmatize as laughable insanity were they not so tremendously dangerous. At that point an unbearable terror, a physical and economic persecution of the Germans although they numbered more than a million and a half began in the regions ceded by the Reich.

In regard to Poland being propped up and encouraged to fight Germany, again, Hitler can be corroborated by an independent source. From Count Jerzey Potocki, Polish Ambassador to the United States, written privately in 1934:
"Above all, propaganda here is entirely in Jewish hands. When bearing public ignorance in mind, their propaganda is so effective that people have no real knowledge of the true state of affairs in Europe ... President Roosevelt has been given the power.. to create huge reserves in armaments for a future war which the Jews are deliberately heading for."
1- Polish Ambassador Jersey Potocki leaving FDR's White House.
 2- Marshal Rydz-Smigley was the effective military dictator of Poland. Backed by the UK, France, & FDR, the "brave" Smigley (who later fled from his defeated country) was very outspoken in his warmongering against Germany. 
I do not want to speak of the atrocities that occurred. Suffice it to say that Danzig, too, was made increasingly conscious through continuous aggressive acts by Polish officials of the fact that apparently it was delivered over to the high-handedness of a power foreign to the national character of the city and its population.

It's true, again! As the Polish government "looked the other way", Germans suffered extreme abuse at the hands of Bolshevik terror gangs. The September 3rd massacre at Bromberg, which propaganda historians have tried to mitigate, but cannot deny, gives a clear indication of the malevolent and envious hatred directed towards innocent Germans. At Bromberg, as many as 3000 Germans, including women and children were tied up, tortured, bludgeoned, mutilated, butchered or shot - and it wasn't the first time that such events took place in the Corridor.
Image result for bromberg massacre Image result for bromberg massacre 

May I now take the liberty of putting a question to you, Herr Daladier: How would you act as a Frenchman if, through some unhappy issue of a brave struggle, one of your provinces severed by a corridor occupied by a foreign power? And if a big city - let us say Marseilles - were hindered from belonging to France and if Frenchmen living in this area were persecuted, beaten and maltreated, yes, murdered, in a bestial manner?  
 You are a Frenchman, Herr Daladier, and I therefore know how you would act. I am German, Herr Daladier. Do not doubt my sense of honor nor my consciousness of duty to act exactly like you. If, then, you had the misfortune that is ours, would you then, Herr Daladier, have any understanding that Germany was without cause to insist that the corridor through France remained, that the robbed territory must not be restored, and that the return of Marseilles be forbidden?


The logic of Hitler's question to Daladier is impossible to refute, which is why propaganda historians have edited the existence of the Danzig Corridor, as well as the abuses andmurders which took place within it, out of the history books and off of the TV crockumentaries.

Daladier (left) meeting with Hitler in 1938 to peacefully diffuse the Sudetenland controversy.

Certainly I cannot imagine, Herr Daladier, that Germany would fight against you for this reason. For, I and all of us, have renounced Alsace-Lorraine in order to avoid further bloodshed. Much less would we shed blood in order to maintain an injustice that would as unbearable for you as it would be immaterial to us.
Possibly we, as old front fighters, can best understand each other in a number of fields. I ask you, however, do understand this also: That it is impossible for a nation of honor to renounce the claim of almost two million human beings and to them maltreated at its own borders. I have therefore set up a clear demand to Poland. Danzig and the Corridor must return to Germany. 
I see no way of persuading Poland, which feels herself as unassailable, now that she enjoys the protection of her guarantees, to accept a peaceful solution.  If our two countries on that account should be destined to meet again on the field of battle, there would nevertheless be a difference in the motives. I, Herr Daladier, shall be leading my people in a fight to rectify a wrong, whereas the others would be fighting to preserve that wrong.
Touche! The Fuhrer got you on that one, Monsieur Daladier! Care to respond, Eddie? Eddie? Hello? (sound of crickets)
That is the more tragic since many important men, also among your own people, have recognized the insanity of the solutions then found (at Versailles) as also the possibility of maintaining it lastingly. 
That our two peoples should enter a new, bloody war of destruction is painful not only for you, but also for me, Herr Daladier. As already observed, I see no possibility for us on our part to exert influence in the direction of reasonableness upon Poland for correcting a situation that is unbearable for the German people and the German Reich.
- Adolf Hitler 
Nearly 7 years into Hitler's reign, at a time when Europe was still at peace and Jews were living well and prospering in Hitler's Germany (it's true!), Hitler's logical, thoughtful and truthful attempt to avert disaster fell on deaf ears. Neither the French nor the British even attempted to refute Hitler's claims. Instead, just like modern day 'court historians,' they simply ignored the irrefutable points which Hitler expressed; and then babbled on about "the rights of Poland."

By now, the warmongering pressures on French President Daladier and British Prime Minister Chamberlain were too much to hold back. Thus emboldened, the militaristic and ultra-nationalist government of Poland allowed ultra-Nationalists and Jewish Bolshevik Partisans to escalate their border provocations of Germany; culminating with the September 1st German counter-attack against Poland, followed by the liberation of the Corridor and Danzig.

Britain and France declared war on Germany, yet did not lift a finger to help Poland. Having been played for 'chumps.' Poland was soon discarded by the Allies as Stalin's Soviet Union then invaded Poland from the east. While continuing to ignore Hitler's pleas for peace, the Allies will spend the next eight months plotting Scandinavian-based maneuvers and deploying a massive mechanized fighting force in northern France, in anticipation of invading Germany via "neutral" Belgium and Holland, sometime in the Spring of 1940.  
The rest, as they say, is history.

The delirious people of German Danzig greet Hitler as their liberator. Britain & France went to war and unleashed hell over this?!

 Regarding the much denigrated "Nazi" Book burning... There was a very good reason to burn particular books:

Germany's Institute of Sexology was the world's first institution to promote transgenderism and same-sex eroticism. It was founded in 1919 by two Jews, Magnus Hirschfeld & Arthur Kronfeld. The "Nazis" sacked the institute and burned its entire library of books in the streets.

When the National Socialist regime took over in Germany (1933) and in Austria (1938), Sigmund Freud received his comeuppance. His books were declared heretical and were publicly burned. Freud was attacked by the National Socialists as the founder of Jewish hypo-criticalism, a creed that humiliates man as being an appendage to his sexual organs.


Winston Churchill: An Unsettled Legacy 

The well-entrenched idealization of Churchill is part and parcel of a drastically misleading view of the
Second World War that Americans have been fed for decades. One common deceit is to give the
impression thatHitler sought war against Britain and France, and that Germany aggressively
attacked those two countries ... Churchill's enduringly stellar image is all the more remarkable
considering that his views on a range of issues were, by today's standards,
hopelessly backward and politically incorrect ... Along with most Britons
(and Americans) of his era, he was also an unabashed racist.

The US-Saudi Starvation Blockade 

Our aim is to "starve the whole population - men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound - into submission," said First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. He was speaking of Germany at the outset of the Great War of 1914-1918. Americans denounced as inhumane this starvation blockade that would eventually take the lives of a million German civilians ... After the Armistice of Nov. 11, 1918, however, the starvation blockade was not lifted until Germany capitulated to all Allied demands in the Treaty of Versailles. As late as March 1919, four months after the Germans laid down their arms, Churchill arose in Parliament to exult, "We are enforcing the blockade with rigor, and Germany is very near starvation."

American General Leroy Lutes remarked: "The French now grumble that the Americans are a more drunken and disorderly lot than the Germans and hope to see the day when they are liberated from the Americans." Lutes discovered that the Allied propaganda which portrayed the Germans as brutes was untrue: "I am informed the Germans did not loot either residences, stores, or museums. In fact the people claimed that they were meticulously treated by the Army of Occupation." 
"I saw absolutely no evidence of German abuse of the [French] population."
...General John Eisenhower (Ike's Son)
"The French population did not seem in any way pleased to see us arrive as a victorious army to liberate France."
                                           ...Sir Alan Brooke - British Army Chief of Staff
"Most Frenchmen speak of the correctness of the German army's behavior."
                                          ...British Captain B. H. Liddell Hart


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