Canada A Country without a Constitution

Monday 24 December 2018

Britain Jewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.

Til ForsidenJewish involvement in the promotion of 'hate speech' laws, multiculturalism, mass immigration, denationalization, subversion of traditional values, and related items.Balder Blog
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August 2017 important video update at bottom of page: The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis
Harry Cohen
Harry Cohen
Harry Cohen
Frank Soskice
The Board of Deputies was established in 1760 as a voluntary association of synagogue representatives; its constitution dates from 1835. Its full name for statutory purposes is 'The London Committee of Deputies of the British Jews'. Its 350 members are elected from 200 synagogues and forty Jewish organizations in the U.K.
The Board lists its terms of reference and objects as follows. The Board shall: 'Protect, support and defend the interests, religious rights, and culture of Jews and the Jewish community.'
'Defend and ensure the security, safety, well being and standing of British Jews in cooperation with the statutory authorities and relevant parties.'
'Take such appropriate action as lies within its power to advance Israel's security, welfare and standing.'
'Support and seek to protect Jews and Jewish communities outside the U.K.'
'Initiate, undertake and coordinate research into matters affecting the Jewish community.'
The present and pretty extreme gagging law known as 'The Race Relations Act', formerly known as 'The Group Libel Law' was drafted by 'The Board of Jewish Deputies', and passed in 1965 by the Jewish Interior Minister (Home Secretary) in the Labour Government Sir Frank Soskice. Frank Soskice was not even British born; he came to Britain as a Russian immigrant, and he was not the only Jewish immigrant to play such a role. (See Jewish Laws.)
In 1985Harry Cohen introduced the Racial Harassment Bill under the ten-minute rule. It was the first Bill presented to Parliament to make racial attack a criminal offence.
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Neville Nagler, a synagogue official, was the head of the Home Office Department responsible for race relations matters. Whenever a Cabinet Minister made a speech on the subject of "race relations", notes for the text were always drafted by Nagler, who routinely consulted with top officials at the Jewish Board of Deputies such as Geoffrey Bindman and Anthony Lester. In 1991 Nagler retired from the Home Office and became the Chief Executive of the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
The so-called Public Order Act of 1986 was placed before parliament by the purported Conservative Home Secretary, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, Leon Brittanisky, also known as Leon Brittan, (now an alleged pedophile child abuser just as Lord Greville Jannerassisted by his cousin, another Lithuanian Jew, Malcolm Rivkind, also know as Malcolm Rifkind (now involved in new Cash for Access scandal, together with Jack Straw - February 2015 ).
'The illegal Act of Parliament called the Public Order Act is intended to prevent subjects of the Crown from discussing and revealing the Jewish takeover of our country. It is a law which has been made by traitors - in other words, criminals - to prevent their exposure'.
Now, on top of a Public Order Act which penalises not only the distribution of literature critical of them, but also the possession of it, sanctioning the ransacking of homes in this connection, they are seeking and securing the promise of yet further limitations on our freedom.
Heading the concerted attack on our freedom is Eldred Tabachnik, president of the Jewish Board of Deputies, who is a close friend of Tony Blair, leader of the Labour Party. Apart from other measures expected to follow the Labour victory in the General Election, whereby Jack Straw (Jewish ancestry) succeeded Tory Home Secretary, Michael Howard(identified by the Independent on Sunday, 14 April, 1996, as born Michael Hecht, son of a Jewish refugee from Romania).
Proposed law against 'holocaust denial'
Eldred Tabachnik has already succeeded in getting the Labour Party to agree to end freedom of speech on the subject of the depicted Jewish holocaust by subjecting denial of it to a two-year jail sentence.
The Jewish community's main organ, The Jewish Chronicle (4 October, 1996) joyfully reported this forthcoming further mutilation of British freedom as follows:- "A Labour government will act to make Holocaust denial a criminal offence, Opposition leaders pledged this week".
"The announcement, made at the party's Blackpool conference, was the culmination of a lengthy campaign by Jewish groups, including the Board of Deputies, the Holocaust Education Trust and Poale Zion. Shadow Home Secretary Jack Straw confirmed that a motion committing a Labour government to such a law - due to be discussed yesterday - had the backing of the entire leadership. The Blackpool conference continued the party's courting of the Jewish community."

Gerald Kaufman
On the 8th of April, 1998, Gerald Kaufman, the Jewish MP for Manchester, Gorton, spoke thus, in the House of Commons.

"It is a fact that, 12 years ago, when I was shadow Home Secretary, I introduced in Standing Committee G on 10 April 1986 a new clause that would have created the offence of racial harassment. The then Conservative Government defeated it. On 12 April 1994, I spoke from the Opposition Benches on the then Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill. I spoke in favour of the creation of an offence of racial harassment. Contrary to many other Jewish 'humanitarians' Kaufman is also highly critical of Israel. More
The Jewish Chronicle of 17 January 1975 reported that "Section 6 of the Race Relations Act, 1965, dealing with incitement to racial hatred, may be amended and strengthened following representations made to the [Jewish] Attorney General, Mr. Sam Silkin, QC, by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
In the view of the board's Jewish Defence and Group Relations Committee, the weakness of the Section is its present requirement that ‘intent’ to stir up racial hatred must be proven for any prosecution to succeed."
The Editorial expressed satisfaction with the result, but said that it "would better have been achieved by less publicised means." The Race Relations Act duly removed the need to prove ‘intent’ in prosecutions for ‘Incitement to Racial Hatred’ and was passed in the House of Commons with only 132 of its 635 Members being present.
More wonderful British Jews: Lord Lester of Herne Hill & Jim Rose, founded the The Runnymede Trust in 1968, just a few weeks after Enoch Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech in Birmingham.
Jewish organizations are among the strongest opponents of the anti- immigration British National Party (BNP) in Britain. The Jewish leader Lord Greville Janner (now suspected pedophile child abuser suffering from dementia) and his Board of Deputies of British Jewsprotested David Irving's early release after 'only' serving one year of his 3 years thought crime sentence
2017 Jewish Algemeiner; Labour councillor Adam Langleben (National Council of the Zionist Federation UK & Pro-Zion, the Reform Zionist organisation of Britain) falsified tweets from Laura Stuart attempting to defame her as an ‘anti-Semite’, worked as Chief of Staff to Lord Greville Janner.
2008 Elections - Jews against the BNP the party defending the interests of indigenous Brits
Harry Cohen
Lord Lester

Lord Levy

Ld Greville Janner

Ld Jacob Rothschild

Ld Nicholas Philips

Alan Yentob - BBC

David Abrahams

Eva Greenspan

David Miliband

Gerry Gable
Britain 2006 - 59 Jewish MPs - Read
(L) CST (R) JDL - Jewish Defense League
(L) CST (R) JDL - Jewish Defense League
The latter is a known violent organization
Harry Cohen
Gerald Ronson
Harry Cohen
Neville Nagler
Before the elections around March 2008 the Polish immigrant Eva Greenspan (Jewish), was a front figure in a campaign against the British National Party (BNP) in which a number of Jewish organizations together with fringe marxists cooperated closely.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, 'London Jewish Forum', 'Jewish Leadership Council' og 'Community Security Trust' (CST) were among these organizations.
The despicable charcacter Ruth Smeeth (Jewish) Director of national campaigns for British-Israel Communication Centre (BICOM) also played a part. Marxist slogans and posters were shown at a demonstration organized by the umbrella organization coordinating the campaign against the BNP.
The extreme leftwing organization Searchlight is led by the convicted criminal and Marxist/Zionist Gerry Gable (Jewish). Searchlight is a spy and terrorist organization which uses all legal and illegal means. In spite of its bland reputation, Jewish organizations and British political parties and the BBC cooperate with this extremist organization. The Searchlight organisation was created out of the remnant of a Zionist organisation called ‘The 62 Group’; whose members were mainly right wing adherents of the Herut Party in Israel, which was formed out of the Irgun Zvai Leumu terrorist group.
Update on Searchlight and police practice:
The Metropolitan Police have accepted that Searchlight’s behaviour immediately preceding the 1st May elections was RACIST, and is formally recorded as such. This refers to gratuitously offensive remarks made by Searchlight – including that of describing indigenous British people as “rats out of sewers”.
The Metropolitan Police have, however, refused to proceed with a criminal investigation.
Searchlight’s calculated incitement was followed, less than a week later, by Trevor Phillips ([black] chair of The Equalities and Human Rights Commission) reportedly referring to members of the BNP as being “less than human”. More
The extremist multicultural propaganda broadcaster BBC was led for many years by the Iraqi born Jew Alan Yentob.
Zionist Jews such as Lord Jacob Rothschild helped funding American pro-Zionist foreign policy hawk John McCain.
Lord Levy, millionaire David AbrahamsHillary BennHarriet Harman and Jon Mendelsohn, were involved in the 'Cash for honors scandal' where financial support for the Labour Party was rewarded with honors, titles and Israel friendly foreign policies.
Britains Jewish Foreign Secretary David Milibandwho replaced the former Jewish foreign Secretary (converted to Catholicism) Jack Straw, Eurocrat and globalist became known for his proposal to merge Europe with the Mideast.
He also loudly advocated the refusal to admit Duch politician Geert Wilders to Britain. Milibandjustifies communist terrorism against whites | Dansk
After the scandal involving Labour speech writer Andrew Neather (of so far unconfirmed ethnicity) who admitted that Britains Labour Party purposely opened Britains borders for mass immigration, for the sole purpose of changing Britains ethnic makeup, and purposely hid this fact from the public, it became known that an eastern European Jewish immigrant; Barbara Roche was responsible for introducing the new policy in the year 2.000. Danish link
Britain also is a safe haven for criminal Eastern European Jewish oligarchs such as Boris Beresovsky.
Private Militia & Intelligence gathering: Community Security Trust
The Jews in Britain also have a 2,000 strong vigilante group called the Community Security Trust or CST. Gerald Ronson, a billionaire and convicted fraudster is Chairman of the CST (2009).
When the CST was established in 1995/6 the London Metropolitan Police and the Greater Manchester Police were prevailed upon by the then Conservative government to provide the CST's personnel with training and intelligence sharing.
It is likely that the arrangement was devised by Neville Nagler, for years the senior Home Office civil servant in charge of race relations matters who, immediately upon retirement, was appointed Executive Director of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (1991-2004).
Harry Cohen
Shomrim - Jewish Police London - Things to come? Jewish police out in force in uniforms and their own police cars – in North London!
This was a quite unprecedented and, I believe, extra-legal arrangement between the British police and a private political security formation with close and admitted connections with a foreign power. The arrangement has continued under a Labour government despite the appointment of Ronson, a convicted criminal, as the CST chairman. More
The Board of Deputies of British Jews maintains extensive records on anyone who opposes them.
Maintaining what is effectively a private militia and flaunting the 1984 Data Protection Act are illegal, yet these activities have been condoned by the former Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

Update July 5 2008 - Jewish Judges, Prosecutors, Justice Ministers and Legislators
Do we have a double standard when it comes to dealing with Jews and Muslims?
'This Talmudic law set-up is already in practice and recognised by the courts. Even the arch-Zionist and whitewasher of Israeli crimes Melanie Phillips had to recognise this basic fact a few months back on the BBC's Question Time programme.

When she had to admit to the existence of these Jewish courts, and recognition of them by the UK law courts, it took the wind right out of Ms. Phillips's sails. Oh you could see she was longing to launch into a tirade against Islam and 'Islamic extremists.' But how could she do that without allowing others to launch into tirades against Judaism and 'Jewish extremists,' such as herself! [..]
Unfortunately, a precedent has already been set with the rabbinical Beth Din courts which adjudicate on most intra-Jewish civil matters for observant Jews in the UK. The difference with shari'ah courts is magnitude. Beth Din Dayans govern something lie 50,000 observant Jews in the UK, whilst there are estimated to be some 2.5 million Muslims, all subject to Shari'a law by virtue of the creed.' Source
British Lord of Jewish Descent: Adopt Sharia Law
Lord Nicholas Phillips of Worth Matravers, the Lord Chief Justice, who recently advertized his Jewish ancestry (his maternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants to Britain), strongly backed Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, over his suggestion earlier this year that aspects of Sharia law should be adopted in Britain.
The archbishop’s remarks sparked a national debate and led to calls for his resignation.
Risking inflaming that controversy again, Lord Phillips has said that Muslims in Britain should be able to use Sharia to decide fina

Update July 5 2008 - Jewish Judges, Prosecutors, Justice Ministers and Legislators
 Do we have a double standard when it comes to dealing with Jews and Muslims?
'This Talmudic law set-up is already in practice and recognised by the courts. Even the arch-Zionist and whitewasher of Israeli crimes Melanie Phillips had to recognise this basic fact a few months back on the BBC's Question Time programme.

When she had to admit to the existence of these Jewish courts, and recognition of them by the UK law courts, it took the wind right out of Ms. Phillips's sails. Oh you could see she was longing to launch into a tirade against Islam and 'Islamic extremists.' But how could she do that without allowing others to launch into tirades against Judaism and 'Jewish extremists,' such as herself! [..]
Unfortunately, a precedent has already been set with the rabbinical Beth Din courts which adjudicate on most intra-Jewish civil matters for observant Jews in the UK. The difference with shari'ah courts is magnitude. Beth Din Dayans govern something lie 50,000 observant Jews in the UK, whilst there are estimated to be some 2.5 million Muslims, all subject to Shari'a law by virtue of the creed.' Source
British Lord of Jewish Descent: Adopt Sharia Law
Lord Nicholas Phillips of Worth Matravers, the Lord Chief Justice, who recently advertized his Jewish ancestry (his maternal grandparents were Jewish immigrants to Britain), strongly backed Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, over his suggestion earlier this year that aspects of Sharia law should be adopted in Britain.
The archbishop’s remarks sparked a national debate and led to calls for his resignation.
Risking inflaming that controversy again, Lord Phillips has said that Muslims in Britain should be able to use Sharia to decide financial and marital disputes.
Such information becomes even more interesting if one cross-links it with information from other countries.
In Denmark, the Chief Justice (of apparently well documented Jewish descent) Torben Melchior and another Jewish by the name of Torben Goldin, caused controversy in a comparable case. Torben Melchior had adminstratively decided that the muslim headscarf should be allowed for lawyers and Judges in Danish courts. (I am now informed that Goldin's father a stockbroker, was number two in the Mosaisk Troessamfund the main religious organization for Danish Jews. This information was found in the Kraks Blaa Bog, a highly esteemed Danish 'Who's who'.)
Torben Goldin strongly backed up the decision. The decision was later changed by the Danish Parliament, but in a way in which jurymembers, in Denmark called lay judges, the accused and the witnesses could still wear muslim symbols such as the headscarf, and only professional Judges and the prosecutor would be banned from wearing these symbols in court.
In Holland the Dutch Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin (of Jewish descent, converted to Catholicism) supported the prosecution of cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot who had drawn cartoons supposedly offensive to muslims. The prosecution was initiated by prosecutor Paul Velleman (also of Jewish ancestry) who beside his position as prosecutor also heads the anti-racist organization LECD (National Expertise Center against Discrimination) which suggested the prosecution of the cartoonist. More details in the chapter about Holland.
The Germany minister of Justice Brigitte Zypries (Jewish) was the one who suggested that the German anti 'hate speech' legislation including 'holocaust denial' laws should be implemented in all of the European Union.
In France the Jewish Minister Laurent Fabius was responsible for the infamous French 'holocaust denial and related' laws. See French chapter.
Mark Collet updates current Jewish and now also Israeli based groups immigration support to the UK.
Mark Collet August 3, 2017 - The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis
If video dissapears fron YouTube you can download it here (Right click & save target as)
Simon Harris - A JQ Black Pill: The Enemy of My Enemy is Not Necessarily My Friend 28 March 2018 - If YouTube file deleted download link here (Right click link choose download) Mp4 160 MB
Simon HarrisBlog European Defence League
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Major update on the situation in Britain:
 The Occidental Observer July 20, 2014 - Jews, Multiculturalism, and the War on Free Speech: A TOO Case File
The SS Empire Windrush holds a special place of infamy in the minds of British Nationalists. When the ship arrived at Tilbury docks from Jamaica in June 1948, carrying 417 Black immigrants, it represented more than just a turning point in the history of those ancient isles. In some respects it signalled the beginning of mass, organized non-White immigration into northwest Europe. Back in November, TOO published my research on the role of Jews in limiting free speech and manipulating ‘race relations’ in Britain in order to achieve Jewish goals and protect Jewish interests. 
 The Occidental Observer July 12, 2015 - The SS Empire Windrush: The Jewish Origins of Multicultural Britain
 Telegraph June 23, 2015 - Lord Janner “violated, raped and tortured” children in the Houses of Parliament, says MP
Biarritz, Hermann Goedsche, Sir John Retcliffe, Paul Reuter, Mrs Rachel Beer née Sassoon, Harry Oppenheim, Lucien Wolf (Report on Jewish media people and mass immigration)
 Occidental Observer 28 oktober 2014 - Jewish Journalism: A TOO Case File, Part 1 (Andrew Joyce)
Michael Freedland, Ian Katz, Ralph Miliband, Geoffrey Levy, Eric Hobsbawm, Harold Laski
"All (three) played the public role of secular, atheist, unattached cosmopolitans while at the same time marrying and socializing exclusively within their race and pursuing Jewish interests with every written and spoken word."
 Occidental Observer 29 oktober 2014 - Jewish Journalism: A TOO Case File, Part 2 (Andrew Joyce)
Very good article with many details about Jewish influence in Britain up to the present day (2014):
 Nationalist Asatru News - A Conclusive Report on the undeniable and self-evident Jewish promotion of anti-European immigration policies through governmental level lobbying
 A ground breaking documentary exposing the British Jewish Lobby's involment in illegal funding of Britains three largest parties in order to obtain Israel friendly foreign policies, was broadcast on the independent British Channel Four - Dispatches: 'Inside Britain's Israel Lobby' on November 16, 2009 .
A whole lot more useful information about Jewish involvement in hate speech legislation and anti native British identity activities can be found here: Jewish Control of the British Media (May 2002 Update) by Thomas Sparks 9 april 2009 - Mind Bending Powers of the Masters of the Media (Who controls the British media? Detailed documentation)
 The Nation Wreckers: Jewish Influence in British Politics The Anti-British Conspirator
 The Nation Wreckers: Jewish Influence in British Politics Behind the Race Laws
 Real Jew News - England’s Jews control Europe(Bankers Finance, Media & Politics)
 FPP - The Board of Deputies of British Jews' private army: the Community Security Trust
 FPP - Board of Deputies of British Jews and their activities against Free Speech in Britain
 Balder Blog 19 marts 2009 - Jens-Martin Eriksen og Frederik Stjernfelts blinde vinkel 17 februar 2008 Luke Farrell - Joyim for Goyim Miliband, Mild Mel and the Joys of Judeocracy
Jewish Involvement in Anti Free Speech Legislation and promotion of Immigration - By Country
USAThe Racist and Supremacist Roots of the Ideology behind the European Union - Coudenhove Kalergi
CanadaDanish mainstream holocaust researcher refutes claim of 6 million Jews killed during The Holocaust
2016 UPDATE The Occidental Observer October 2, 2016 - The Jewish Origins of the Open Borders Movement (Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.)

 Pak Alert Press March 16, 2009 - Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media
 From 1997 but very good! - Mind Bending Powers of the Masters of the Media (Much about BBC)
DENMARK So far we have not produced similar documentation for Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia, but we can recommend the following articles at : -->
Debating the Holocaust - A New look at both sides
This is a book about the Holocaust, and about two competing views of that event. On the one hand we have the traditional, orthodox view: the six million Jewish casualties, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens and mass graves. Traditional historians have thousands of surviving witnesses and the weight of history on their side. On the other hand there is a small, renegade band of writers and researchers who refuse to accept large parts of this story. These revisionists, as they call themselves, present counter-evidence and ask tough questions. They are beginning to outline a new and different narrative.
Thus there has emerged something of a debate -- a debate of historic significance. This is no peripheral clash between two arcane schools of thought, regarding some obscure details of World War II. It is about history, of course, but it also speaks to fundamental issues of our time: freedom of speech and press, the operation of mass media, manipulation of public opinion, political and economic power structures, and the coercive abilities of the State. It is an astonishingly rancorous and controversial debate, with far-reaching implications.
 Debating The Holocaust buy at Amazon
 Thomas Dalton - Homepage with excerpts 
Artikler på dansk med et relateret indhold - (Similar content in Danish)
Jødiske ‘menneskerettigheds-organisationer’ udpeger millioner af amerikanere som mulige terrorister (ADL & SPLC Balder Blog 29 marts 2009)
Jødekartoteket - Om ADLs kriminelle historie og praksis (Balder Blog 30 marts 2009)
Latino-jødisk Koalition i USA – Jøderne allierer sig med de nye indvandrere + Ezra Levant
Bent Melchior og Bashy Quraishy bygger bro mellem jøder og muslimer Articles about Holocaust, Zionism, Judaism, Jewish Censorship, Israel Lobby, Persecution, Revisionism, Holocaust denial Articles about Eurabia, Euromediterranean, Barcelona Declaration, Unlimited Immigration to Europe. English Deutsch Dansk    
Balder BlogThis page will be updated as more information becomes available
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Did you find mistakes inaccuracies or misunderstandings? We will correct them with your help. Some of this information may come from unconfirmed sources. We welcome criticism. Please write

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