Canada A Country without a Constitution

Tuesday 25 December 2018

BOMBING CIVILIANS (World War II) Allied War Crimes

[Bombing cities and civilians was actually started by Britain, Germany then retaliated. One of Churchill's (and Lindemann) war crimes (700,000 Phosphorus bombs were dropped on Dresden, deliberately killing over 500,000---During this time there were more than 1,2 Million people in Dresden, 600,000 Dresden citizens, plus 600,000 refugees from Breslau). This fits the definition of holocaust: 'Holocaust -- from the meaning wholly burnt.  1) a sacrifice wholly consumed by fire.  2) complete consumption by fire'.  Oxford English Dictionary.  Another war crime is the Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950.  With the use of phosphorous, the majority of the German men, women, and children indiscriminately killed in the air war perished from the inhalation of poisonous carbon monoxide gas, hence the gas proof bomb shelters (see below), that they managed to pass off as 'gas chambers' for the Holocaust hoax.]

Saturday 7th September 1940 - was the first day of the Blitz.  The first RAF raid on the interior of Germany took place on the night of 15/16 May 1940.  By the end of May 1941, over 43,000 civilians, half of them in London, had been killed by bombing.  About 50,000 British civilians compared to 1.5 million Germans?

[2015 Feb] Our Unprecedented WWII Atrocities  Prior to the atomic attack on Japan, the US waged a firebombing war, not on the Japanese military, or its industries, but on innocent Japanese men, women, and children, beginning with the dropping of 700,000 incendiary bombs on Tokyo. Two nights later, a force of more than five hundred B-29s again struck the heart of the Japanese Empire with 4,000 tons of incendiaries.   Those Tokyo firebombs brought more horror than our minds can comprehend, but the resulting winds wrought even more terror. The heat from the flaming cauldrons below was so intense that the B-29s flying above were often buffeted upwards by as much as 4,000 feet.  US reconnaissance photographs showed that 51.3 square miles of what was once Tokyo, teeming with seven million human beings, had been reduced to ashes, with the lingering stench of burnt human flesh. It was then that US General Curtis LeMay, who had been so successful in firebombing millions of innocent German citizens, smothered Yokohama with 3,200 tons of firebombs.

Allied Use of Delay-Action Bombs (aka Long-Term Chemical Detonator Bombs) and their Effects Contrary to the claims of the “Court Historians”, the Allied Terror-Bombing Campaign was not intended for the destruction military targets, as my previous post demonstrate, but rather, to “de-house” and to kill as many German civilians as possible….. Many of the bombs which were dropped upon German cities contained a perfidious mechanism which, rather than exploding immediately upon contact with the ground or with buildings, were designed to explode hours or days later, thereby causing harm to survivors when they had emerged from their bomb shelters and cellars. They also caused serious danger to the Fire Fighters and Rescue personnel, sometimes killing them or making their duties virtually impossible to carry out. Both the British and Americans had these types of ordinances in their arsenals and also and frequently deployed them. Yes, this is how the so-called “good guys” and “liberators” waged war.

Churchill’s Policy of Deliberately Bombing German Civilians – A British War Crime  Video: Excerpts from a presentation by historian David Irving from the late 1980s / early 90s in Germany in which he explains how it was the British who started the aerial bombing and the targeting of civilians, and how it was Churchill, from the beginning, who made it British policy, knowing full well that it was a war crime. The intent was to eventually force Hitler to retaliate in kind. Hitler, himself, had always opposed the targeting of civilian populations, even long before the war. Moreover, this was a deliberate policy of subverting Hitler’s attempts to make peace by instigating hatred of the Germans in England. Irving provides some details of Hitler’s peace initiatives and terms. It is well documented that Hitler and had always sought friendship with England. It was the British war mongers in Parliament, however, who long before 1939 had been instigating for war. Statistics are also provided here which demonstrate how little damage was actually done to German industry and military production as compared to the monstrous destruction of German cities and towns, resulting in heavy civilian casualties.

Who Started the Bombing of Cities and Targeting of Civilians in World War II?  Regarding England, the fact is, that Germany endured a solid 5 months of bombing of its cities and civilians before responding in kind. The city of Coventry endured a mere 380 dead. While regrettable, that was absolutely minuscule in comparison to the bombing of hundreds of German cities and towns, and the casualties which the German side endured by this unprovoked, criminal British policy of targeting civilians.

[2003] The Allied Holocaust At Dresden By Don Harkins
[2007] Dresden Holocaust: Slaughter Of 500,000 German Civilians

How Britain Pioneered City Bombing by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD The Blitz on London in 1940 came in response to the initiation of city bombing by Britain some months earlier. Few now accept this rudimentary fact, central to Britain’s role in initiating World War II ‘The exclusion of non-combatants from the scope of hostilities is the fundamental distinction between civilised and barbarous warfare.’


The Fire: The Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich
.  Combining meticulous research with striking descriptions, Jörg Friedrich renders in acute detail the Allies' air campaign of systematic destruction of civilian life, cultural treasures, and industrial capacities in Germany's city landscape. He includes personal stories and firsthand testimony of German civilians, creating a portrait of unimaginable suffering, horror, and grief. He also draws on official military documents to unravel the reasoning behind the Allies' strikes.

Inferno: The Devastation of Hamburg, 1943 By Keith Lowe. Reviews

[1960] The Night Hamburg Died by Martin Caidin.

Bombs over Dresden by Franz Kurowski


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