Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 8 December 2018

A MOST UNCIVILIZED MEANS OF WARFARE – Genocidal British Bombing Policy During World War II

A MOST UNCIVILIZED MEANS OF WARFARE – Genocidal British Bombing Policy During World War II

[J4G Exclusive, courtesy of Mike Walsh]  During World War Two more bombs by weight were dropped on the city of Berlin than were released on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war. All German towns and cities above 50,000 populations were from 50% to 80% destroyed. The great city of Dresden, dubbed the Florence of Northern Europe, was incinerated. Up to 300,000 civilians lost their lives.

Hamburg, one of Europe’s greatest and most beautiful cities, was torched. Genghis Khan would have exulted in the methodical razing of an entire city and the destruction of its population. The only surviving building was the city’s cathedral. This ecclesiastical wonder was saved not because of its spiritual symbolism. It survived only because it served the Royal Air Force (RAF) and United States Air Force (USAF) as a bombing run marker.

By no stretch of the imagination could such total destruction be written off as legitimate. Entire areas of Hamburg and other European cities, that offered no war value, were similarly destroyed. Furthermore, such total destruction of infrastructure and innocent lives cannot be dismissed by the ‘they started it first’ false argument. Nor can it be dismissed as a tit-for-tat bombing. In this one German city alone, over just a few nights in July 1943, the number of dead exceeded the entire military and civilian death toll of Britain during the war.

The Economist September 1941 conceded that just 2% of (British) real estate had been destroyed by German bombing. The article included a note that commented on ‘the furious pace at speculators who were buying the bombed sites for a song’. This situation remained largely unchanged until the end of the war. Germany never engaged in blanket or terror bombing, nor was it Germany that dropped atomic bombs on two of Japan’s most beautiful cities. Cities that incidentally were the only two Christian cities in Japan.

Hamburg. Operation Gomorrah. July 1943. Following the RAF raids the volcanic flames were hurled 5,000 feet into the sky, four times the height of New York’s Empire State Building. With the consequential gases, they rose as high again, and caused meteorological reaction high as the earth’s stratosphere.

Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 million souls were destroyed or devastated in a bombing campaign initiated by the English government. Destruction on this scale had no other purpose than the indiscriminate mass murder of as many German people as possible quite regardless of their civilian status. One of the campaign’s main aims was to reduce the German population (genocide) and furthermore reduce its capacity to become a trade rival to Britain. The bombing campaign led to Luftwaffe bombing of Britain in retaliation. This resulted in 60,000 British civilians’ deaths and 86,000 injured.


The eminent British war historian and strategist, Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart declared that through this strategy, victory had been achieved “through practicing the most uncivilized means of warfare that the world had known since the Mongol invasions.” – The Evolution of Warfare. Baber & Faber, 1946, p.75. “It was absolutely contrary to international law.” – Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. “The British Government would never resort to the deliberate attack on women and children for the purposes of mere terrorism.” – Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain before he was ousted as Prime Minister.

Winston Churchill’s enthusiasm for the deliberate destruction of civilian populations could be traced back to his comment: “The air opened paths along which death and terror could be carried far behind the lines of the actual enemy; to women, children, the aged, the sick, who in earlier struggles would perforce have been left untouched.” – Winston Churchill, The Great War. Vol. 3 P1602.

The German chancellor, on the other hand, was repelled by the mere thought of targeting civilians. “The construction of bombing airplanes would soon be abandoned as superfluous and ineffective if bombing as such were branded as an illegal barbarity. If, through the Red Cross Convention, it definitely turned out possible to prevent the killing of a defenseless wounded man or prisoner, then it ought to be equally possible, by analogous convention, and finally to stop the bombing of equally defenseless civil populations.” – German Chancellor Adolf Hitler.

“Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones.” – J. M Spaight. CB. CBE. Bombing Vindicated, p.47. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

The first breach of international law: “This raid on the night of May 11 1940, although in itself trivial, was an epoch-marking event since it was the first deliberate breach of the fundamental rule of civilized warfare that hostilities must only be waged against the enemy combatant forces. Their flight marked the end of an epoch which had lasted for two and one-half centuries.” – F. J. P Veale, Advance to Barbarism, p.172.

“The first ‘area’ air attack of the war was carried out by 134 British bombers on the German city of Mannheim on the 16 December 1940. The object of this attack, as Air Chief Marshall Peirse later explained, was, ‘to concentrate the maximum amount of damage in the center of the town,” – The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany. (H. M Stationery Office, London, 1961).

As early as 1953 H. M Stationery Office published the first volume of a work, The Royal Air Force, 1939 – 1945, The Fight at Odds. P.122 described as ‘officially commissioned and based throughout on official documents which had been read and approved by the Air Ministry Historical Branch. Its author, Dennis Richards, reveals that: “If the Royal Air Force raided the Ruhr, destroying oil plants with its most accurately placed bombs and urban property with those that went astray, the outcry for retaliation against Britain might prove too strong for the German generals to resist. Indeed, Hitler himself would probably lead the clamor. The attack on the Ruhr was therefore an informal invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London.”

“We began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland.” – J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

“Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11 1940, the publicity it deserves.” – Bombing Vindicated. J.M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

“Air Marshall Tedder made every effort to be a worthy pupil of his superior, Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The Marshall told high British officers that Germany had lost the war because she had not followed the principle of total warfare.” – New York Times, January 10 1946.

“Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable possibility that our capital and industrial centers would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain from attacking those of Germany.” – J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

“The primary purpose of these raids was to goad the Germans into undertaking reprisal raids of a similar character on Britain. Such raids would arouse intense indignation in Britain against Germany and so create a war psychosis without which it would be impossible to carry on a modern war.” – Dennis Richards, the Royal Air Force 1939 – 1945. The Fight at Odds. H. M Stationery Office.

“It gave Coventry and Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton, the right to look Kiev and Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sevastopol, in the face. Our Soviet allies would be less critical of our inactivity if they had understood what we had done.” – J. M. Spaight, CB. CBE. Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.


“It is one of the greatest triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite of the plain facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially distorted, the British public, throughout the Blitz Period (1940 – 1941), remained convinced that the entire responsibility for their sufferings it was undergoing rested on the German leaders.”

“Too high praise cannot, therefore, be lavished on the British emotional engineers for the infinite skill with which the public mind was conditioned prior to and during a period of unparalleled strain.” – Advance to Barbarism, P. 168. Mitre Press, London. F. J. P Veale, British Jurist.

The bombing of the English city Coventry, a city with a manufacturing base is often claimed to be ‘our Dresden’. It is difficult to imagine a more ignorant riposte. “The inhabitants of Coventry, for example, continued to imagine that their sufferings were due to the innate villainy of Adolf Hitler without a suspicion that a decision, splendid or otherwise, of the British War Cabinet, was the decisive factor in the case.” – F. J. P Veale. Advance to Barbarism, P.169.

“One of the most unhealthy features of the bombing offensive was that the War Cabinet – and in particular the Secretary for Air, Archibald Sinclair (later Lord Thurso), felt it necessary to repudiate publicly the orders which they themselves had given to Bomber Command.” – R. H. S Crosman. Labor Minister of Housing. Sunday Telegraph, October 1 1961.

“Is terror bombing now part of our policy? Why is it that the people of this country who are supposed to be responsible for what is going on, are the only people who may not know what is being done in their name?”

“On the other hand, if terror bombing be part of our policy, why was this statement put out at all? I think we shall live to rue the day we did this, and that it (he bombing of Dresden) will stand for all time as a blot on our escutcheon.” – Richard Stokes, MP.

This Member of Parliament was referring to the Associated Press Correspondent of Supreme Allied Headquarters in Paris. This had gloated. “This unprecedented assault in daylight on the refugee-crowded capital, fleeing from the Soviet Red Army tide in the East. The report had been widely broadcast in America, and by Paris Radio. It was suppressed in Britain for fear of public revulsion.”

“Thus, in a minute dated 28 February 1943, Sir Archibald Sinclair explained to Sir Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, that it was necessary to stifle all public discussion on the subject because if the truth had been disclosed in response to the inquiries being made by influential political and religious leaders, their inevitable condemnation would impair the morale of the bomber crews and consequently their bombing efficiency.” – F. J. P Veale, Advance to Barbarism, p.29.


“The third and last phase of the British air offensive against Germany began in March 1942 with the adoption of the Lindemann Plan by the British War Cabinet, and continued with undiminished ferocity until the end of the war in May, 1945.

The bombing during this period was not, as the Germans complained, indiscriminate. On the contrary. It was concentrated on working class houses because, as Professor Lindemann maintained, a higher percentage of bloodshed per ton of explosives dropped could be expected from bombing houses built close together, rather than by bombing higher class houses surrounded by gardens.” – Advance to Barbarism, F. J. P Veale, British Author and Jurist.


“I am in full agreement (of terror bombing). I am all for the bombing of working class areas in German cities. I am a Cromwellian – I believe in ‘slaying in the name of the Lord!” –Sir. Archibald Sinclair, British RAF Secretary for Air.


“They (the British Air Chiefs) argued that the desired result, of reducing German industrial production, would be more readily achieved if the homes of the workers in the factories were destroyed; if the workers were kept busy arranging for the burial of their wives and children, output might reasonably be expected to fall.” – Advance to Barbarism, F. J. P Veale; Distinguished British Jurist.

Mike Walsh, a journalist, author and researcher has studied and published his books on the political history of the 20th Century for over 40 years. In addition, he has contributed hundreds of articles to international media. An Irish citizen of considerable revolutionary pedigree, Michael Walsh has an international reputation also as a poet.

Currently he has published four titles covering the vexed questions of the Reich and World War Two. These best-selling books are available on Amazon Books and Kindle. “Heroes of the Reich”, “The All Lies Invasion”, “Heroes Hang When Traitors Triumph”, and “Thus Sprach der Fuhrer”. Further titles will follow in 2015 and 2016.

Heroes of the Reich

The Reich catapulted otherwise quite ordinary people into international acclaim. HEROES OF THE REICH is neither a military nor political history of the men and woman of many nations who gave their loyalty and in many cases their lives to the Führer’s Reich. HEROES OF THE REICH reveals the true accounts of political and military icons, fabulous artistes, great musicians, the ordinary people who withstood to their deaths the overwhelming onslaught of the combined forces of the British, Soviet and American Empires. HEROES OF THE REICH marks 82 years since the German leader, Adolf Hitler was elected, 70 years since the end of the Reich. Hitler’s triumph was that he alone laid claim to be the only true democrat in the War of the Dictators. Soviet leader Joe Stalin, a Georgian, was never elected. Nor was half-American British Premier Winston Churchill. Whilst U.S. President Roosevelt was narrowly elected, it was afterwards conceded that it was his empty promise not to involve the American people in another European war that achieved his ‘victory.’  Order at Amazon

19 Pics: WW2: Soviets dressed as Germans killing people & Faked Photos – Stalin’s Order # 0428: the ‘Torch-Men-Order’
[Now here is a really excellent article. This guy takes a close look at photos from WW2 and shows you real ones and faked ones. This collection of real and fake photos is the best I’ve seen from WW2. I hope we can get more such studies to look at closely.

It becomes clear that certain photos have been used and modified. One that really stands out for me as nonsensical is the one of them about to hang the guy from a German tank’s gun. Why would you use an important and expensive piece of equipment for such a trivial purpose? If you are going to hang someone, just hang from from a nearby tree. Why a tank? What if you damaged your weapon? It is a precision weapon. The last thing you’d want to mess with is the gun which is what’s keeping you alive.
The mention of removing the background to hide the location is an important point. I’ve read that the CIA can take almost any photograph and tell you where it was taken – simply by analysing shadows, etc.

It is important to see the points of how these guys were faking it as Germans, while using Jewish communist techniques of execution.

A very important point also is this: Since this is 1941, why would the Germans destroy infrastructure that they will benefit from? It is clear that throughout the time that the Germans advanced, that it was the Soviets who were using scorched earth tactics. In fact, the Russians used scorched earth tactics against Napoleon. In Wikipedia we read:

The Grande Armée was a very large force, numbering 680,000 soldiers (including 300,000 of French departments). It was the largest army ever assembled in the history of warfare up to that point.[17] Through a series of long marches Napoleon pushed the army rapidly through Western Russia in an attempt to bring the Russian army to battle, winning a number of minor engagements and a major battle at Smolensk in August. Napoleon hoped the battle would win the war for him, but the Russian army slipped away and continued the retreat, leaving Smolensk to burn.[18] French plans to quarter at Smolensk were abandoned, and Napoleon pressed his army on after the Russians.[19]As the Russian army fell back, the Cossacks applied scorched-earth tactics, burning down villages, towns and crops and forcing the French to rely on a supply system that was incapable of feeding the large army in the field.[15][20]


So even in Napoleon’s day the Russians were using scorched earth tactics against the invaders. In fact the Russians even set fire to their capital Moscow! That’s how determined they were.

So switching to WW2, it is totally consistent that ALL scorched earth tactics used during the time of the German advance had to have come from the Soviets.

NB: Note also the cremation photo that was faked. That relates to the so-called Jewish holocaust! All nonsense – and we’ll get to that topic more closely. Jan]

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