Canada A Country without a Constitution

Thursday 6 December 2018



Initially I had intended creating a piece titled “10 Myths about Hitler” but decided that there were so many, that I switched topic slightly.
I understand like most of my work, these areas outlined only give a flavor and are not conclusively resourced. But that’s OK. It’s a carrot and hopefully just enough for people (even skeptics) to do their own research on these controversial areas. When people find things out for themselves, this has much more substance. All these areas are verifiable. They just take a bit objective, independent research. There are links at the bottom of the page to help one’s research.
1/. He never wanted to kill any Jews
Whenever you hear anyone espouse (repeat) the lies about Hitler the nasty Jew-killer. Please always make a point of asking this very simple question: “Where did you get that information from?”
Perhaps we all at some point have repeated this fable. Why would we not, when it’s shoved down our throats 24/7, year in year out for decades(?) There hasn’t been a man on this planet who has been demonized as much as Herr Hitler.
If Hitler wanted to kill Jews, why oh why throughout all his speeches and manuscripts and his book Mein Kampf did he not mention this? Did he just forget? No, he didn’t say or write it BECAUSE HE HAD NO INTENTION OF KILLING THE JEWS.
No matter what amount of destruction he had observed done by the Jews to his people; he had enough self-discipline and ethical code not to take revenge. Being a strong character, he was able to rise above the darkness, the demonic standards of the Judaic mindset and show self-restraint and humility.
That is why he created ‘containment work camps’ for the Jews and certainly NOT death camps.
2/. He cared about conditions for the Jews in the work camps
Unbeknown to billions of people the Nazi camps were not death camps, nor were they places to carry out human experiments. They were simply containment camps. Something had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured, does that ring a bell?
Something had to be done! And Hitler did do something – he placed all the Jews in containment camps to allow Germany to breath again. But – this is the key point in this essay/piece. He did it in a way which was ethical. The camps had decent sufficient food (bearing in mind it was war time), they had theaters, swimming pools, football pitches, post offices where inmates could communicate to the outside world, kindergartens, art and music recreation and even prostitutes.
Quality sanitation within the camps was paramount and that is why the inmates clotheswere regularly de-loused with Zyklon B gas. There were no human gas chambers……THAT IS A BIG FAT KOSHER LIE; to which the world has had to endure for over half a century.
My theory is that if there had not have been a war effort, Hitler would not have even made the Jews work. AND I bet you the containment camps would have been luxury rehabilitation centers. In order to slowly de-programme the Jews from their mind control cult.
3/. He had compassion for other sentient beings
Many historians claim he was a vegetarian. I believe this is true, but whether this it is or not, the point is he had a clear connection and affection for his fellow creatures. I’m not suggesting just because he may have been a veggie that therefore he was a good person; but this was a man of compassion and that he recognised the importance of compassion in society. He had so much affection for his German shepherds (picture above with his beloved dog). He banned all animal experimentation, recocnising it to be evil. Hitler could see the connection between all life forms. It was his level of consciousness. Respect for nature, animals and human life.
4/. He tried to prevent the destruction of his fellow Europeans
Numerous occasions Hitler tried to warn and assist his fellow brethren about the Jewish trap they had fallen for and who really was behind all the warmonger. He dropped fliers from planes trying in vein to prevent Germany and Britain fighting. He initially wanted to make alliances with Britain. Many occasions he gave opportunities to opposing European forces, where he could have slaughtered them. It was his internal spiritual angst for him to be fighting (defending) amongst his European brothers and sisters. He did all he could to avoid war, he was not the warmonger we all have been led to believe.
5/. He cared passionately about his people and German heritage 
Hitler observed the degrading machinations of the Jews in Austria and Germany. It not only disgusted and angered him, but saddened him to see how these two nations were being destroyed from the inside out like a cancer – a cancer that his sleepy folksmen could not see. The exact same angst those of us who are Jew-conscious find ourselves in. He was a man who cared about society, a man who cared about culture, who cared about nature, about moral values and about building and improving as opposed to destroying and degrading.
He was a man who had fought for his country, in the trenches and been hospitalized for his country. How many of our sell out politicians today can claim that? He was a true spokesman of the people, for the people who had diligently worked his way up from grass roots. From microcosmic pep talks to his fellow workman on building sites, to talks in beer houses, to speeches in basements, to town halls. As well as all the behind-the-scenes work and risks. Slung in jail, mocked and defamed. Endless tireless work to resolve the destruction of his peoples.
I would also strongly suggest he cared about all peoples. Yes, including black people, despite the kosher myth he was a supremacist racist.
6/. He was a humble man, from a humble background
Can any of us name one present western politician who can claim that these days? No, today they’re all criminals, fed through the kosher criminal system. All built on materialistic gain and kudos. All content with serving the beast for their demonic and self-serving interests. Their greed and hubris having no boundaries.
Hitler worked on building sites as a laborer for crying out loud. How many of these leaches under the guise of politicians do you know have that background? He was also a humble street artist, barely scraping a living together. Some days he had to decide whether to spend his meager earnings on a political book, or to eat – he opted for the former. Now that is passion in politics and a drive for social reform.
7/. He held correspondence with Mahatma Gandhi
This alone doesn’t necessarily suggest he was a good person. But more that Gandhi and Hitler were in alignment on many issues. They both recognized the evil force they were up against and both were coming from a humanitarian position. The bottom line is Gandhi would not have corresponded with a so-called evil mad dictator hell bent on wanting to kill the Jews and rule the world.
8/. He was a man of God
Hitler was NOT an atheist – despite what the Jewish propaganda machine wants us to believe. He often made references to God and spoke in terms of a Divinity. He was somebody who could clearly make the connection between Divine law and Natural laws. He was spiritually and morally driven throughout all his political career. Read his book Mein Kampf to see his consistent reference to Christian values.
9/. He implemented cultural and social reform
Throughout Hitler’s political career, his common theme was about ‘cleaning up’. He had seen the filth the Jews had created and desperately wanted Germany to reverse these degrading trends. He banned supermarkets, because he wanted local small businesses to prosper. He banned degrading modern art, as he recognised it for what it was. He banned vivisection (animal experiments), because in his wisdom he could see how futile and unnecessary they were.
He encouraged healthy youth activities and social programmes to enhance cultural pride and individual self worth, such as sports and recreational activities. He encouraged men to be men and women to be feminine. He helped develop beauty, cleanliness and pride back into the Germany people.
10/. He stamped on usury
This subject links in most of the points in this list and what Hitler achieved as a leader. But I thought it was essential that this topic was highlighted in isolation, as it was probably the single most important act of bravery and compassion Hitler offered to his people. Unfortunately this act alone was enough to piss off the Jewish IMF and therefore create WW2.
Usury is the elite Jews most powerful and demonic weapon amongst their whole armament of destructive weapons. More powerful than their poisons and even their mind control techniques. Because it’s their use of compound interest that enables them to create a stranglehold on every industry and therefore every level of society. Nobody can escape usury – everybody is infected by it.
That is why Hitler created his own independent currency as a first move when he came to power. And hey presto – that is why Germany was able to get back on it’s feet and flourish as all nations should. Hitler recognised the judaic invention of usury as unlawful, ungodly and unnatural – and as a talmudic curse which has crippled every host nation the Jews have entered into and ultimately, that which brings about their demise.
Hitler freed his people of this curse.
In Conclusion
Hitler was probably the hero of the second world war and the 21st century. A man of ethical courage, a man of spiritual perception and good intent. A spiritual soul who cared – cared about all life forms, all cultures, about goodness and Light and ultimately about Truth.
Because he was one of the good guys.
Credit goes to  - The Greatest Story Never Told
Comments Below show me many are learning the truth - Great Work 

The only way to save western civilization is to face the lies of WW2, to face the true man that Hitler was. We have to learn about National Socialism, and how bad off we were for siding with the wrong people in WW2.

“The holocaust is a succesful historical FICTION.” ~ Chief-Rabbi Arye Friedman [a Jew] from Vienna, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Dec. 12, 2006, p.7

FICTION = 3. something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story !!!
“The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world’s most formidable military powers [FAKE Israel], with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a ‘victim’ state, and the most successful ethnic group [Jews’ Race] in the United States has likewise acquired victim status. Considerable benefits accrue to this specious [appearing to be true but actually false] victimhood – in particular, immunity to criticism, however justified.” ~ Norman G. Finkelstein [a Jew] of the City University of New York ~ The Holocaust Industry (2000) published by Verso, p. 3
The fact that there are “Holocaust Denial Laws” in Russia and 16 European countries, should automatically tell you two things:
1. The JEWS have something to hide, and
2. The JEWS have the power to write and enforce laws all over the world and here is how they do that after infiltrating your government !!!

“Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, use its MEDICAL SOCIETIES and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, BY THE CONSTANT CAMPAIGNS ABOUT THE TERRORS OF SOCIETY [false-flags], by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of THE QUIET COMMUNIST CONQUEST OF HIS NATION.” (Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics, page 8).

“The Frankenstein of Communism is the product of the Jewish mind, and was turned loose upon the world by the son of a Rabbi, Karl Marx, in the hopes of destroying Christian civilization – as well as others. The testimony given before the Senate of the United States which is taken from the many pages of the Overman Report, reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jewish bankers financed the [Jewish] Russian Revolution.” ~ REV. KENNETH GOFF, in STILL ‘TIS OUR ANCIENT FOE, page 99

The German’s gassed prisoners clothes in order to kill the typhus and other disease carrying lice and save as many lives as possible…

The allies killed the prisoners from direct assault, famine and disease by disrupting supply lines, utilities and logistics. The Germans put the Jews and other enemies of the state into what were previously to the end of the war when the Germans were losing, the most luxurious camps the world had seen. Complete with hospitals, kitchens, mess halls, swimming pools, sports fields, theaters, cinemas, kindergartens, post office and even brothels.

It is absolutely disgusting that in the year 2018, when almost all except 6 camps are now completely admitted to never have gassed any Jews, when of these 6 remaining camps, not a single one was in Germany and all of them were Soviet liberated. When analysed all of this still claimed to gas Jews camps are frauds so completely and utterly exposed that there can be no doubt…

We were the bad guys..because the propaganda from the Jews was so powerful - and millions died because of their lies. 

The German’s are completely acquitted of any crimes and the true fact of the matter becomes apparent.
Hitler was the closest thing to a real life Jesus Christ we are ever likely to have. He was a martyr for total good over total evil (us liberal capitalists and the Jews who pull our strings)and he even died so that we could live ion a sense (by preemptively striking the Soviet Union and preventing the bolshevisation of the the world.

With the threat of the American Empire and it’s Israeli masters today having us almost completely enslaved.. Hitler was possibly the last hope humanity ever had.
So much for your gas chambers!!

271,000 prisoners and even some guards died across all camp throughout the whole reich and conquered territories throughout the whole war through disease and famine mostly.
About the same number that were killed during the REAL holocaust that was perpetrated AGAINST the German’s at Dresden you absolute fool.

It is disgusting that this crap is still tolerated in 2018!

This article is great. Anyone who disagrees must lack the ability to think for themselves( aka. Sheeple) and should not poke their noses out of their shells without permission since that is the only way you know how to function. There is more evidence to support that the Holocaust was a lie

Hitler was a great leader,greatest orator,best example of humankind.He was vegetarian. The knowledge we gained about Hitler in textbooks was false and have a depth lie about Hitler. He spent his entire life for human beings.He wanted to destroy boundry between different religion of people. In Hitler\’s government there were about 150000 Jews forces including man Jew commander and Jew SS .If you want to know more about Hitler,please watch \’the story never told about Adolf Hitler\’

I’ve always thought it was strange how much society has a need to demonize Hitler, someone dead for over half a century that lost a war. I am not saying I think he was a “good man” by any stretch of the imagination, but it is obvious that some people have a need for him to be remembered as the ultimate evil. There are these “studies” that come out talking about Hitler’s genitalia every year or two for some reason. There is no such thing as “beating a dead horse” it seems when it comes to this guy.

The victors write the history books, so our culture portrays him as complete evil. If he was so bad though, why all the constant reminders that we are supposed to hate him? I know Stalin for example was a very bad guy, but people don’t go on and on about him or call every leader/politician they don’t like “the next Stalin”. Mao killed 45 million in 4 years. The WWII death toll for the entire world was 55 million. I never hear anyone talk about that psychopath. In fact, a lot of people in the West think Mao was a great man.

It just shows how much of our history we don’t even really know. Everything that someone even bothered to record is skewed from their perspective, so you can’t even take any of it as it is written. In other words, it is all a bunch of BS. Don’t believe any of it until you’ve read both sides of the story, and even then, know you’re probably wrong.

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