Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 12 January 2020

How we are governed is ALL of OUR problem - This is what I feel is the MOST IMPORTANT issue to correct - to make ANY CHANGES

How we are governed is ALL of OUR problem - This is what I feel is the MOST IMPORTANT issue to correct - to make ANY CHANGES
WE THE PEOPLE - means its time for we the people to FINALLY GOVERN OURSELVES! 
The Goals we set, are for the growth of unifying on a SOLUTION, but they also serve to UNIFY team/groups/organizations and so forth on a common goal.
Goals also help people stay focused on the right task. In a startup, where everyone typically wear many hats, there are countless things to work on.
As the average person to list his or her most important goals and the answer is usually something like this: "Our most important goals? They're all important."
Maybe so, but not where your teams are concerned. Chasing too many goals means no goal is truly important -- which means no team will truly come together in the pursuit of the goals that matter most.
That results in a huge lost opportunity. Think about it: We often feel most fulfilled when we feel like we're a part of something bigger than ourselves. Feeling a special sense of teamwork, of esprit de corps, of purpose? That gives work meaning. That transforms work from a series of tasks into a quest.
Great leaders help give their team mates a true sense of purpose by setting the right goals, for both the organization and individual teams. We all enjoy seeing a direct line of sight between our effort and tangible results.
At "WE THE PEOPLE - CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS, we consistently set goals and track performance at the team level. Usually those goals focus on reaching objective targets in a functional area like marketing an idea and looking for others to put the concept in their words. Everyone has a special way of presenting the information.
For example:
  • For product teams, we set targets for performing new ideas or launching new concepts.
  • For marketing teams, we set targets for testing new campaigns or expanding and improving on existing campaigns.
  • For support teams, we set targets for future meetings or events 
  • For technical teams, we set targets for feature performance, user experience, quality, delivery.
The goals we set are important for the growth of unifying more people to save our future from the UN Agenda 21/30 - Globalists Agenda., but they also serve to unify teams and bring people together. Goals also help people stay focused on the right tasks. In a startup, where many people typically wear many hats, there are countless things to work on. Focus on the objective or endgame! Busy work is merely a distraction. Focus on the solution by educating people about the globalist agenda and the solution to write a constitution for the people by the people. 
It's easy to mistake "urgent" work for "important" work, such as emails begging for a response. Messages begging to be returned or questions begging to be answered. They seem urgent... but what's truly urgent is accomplishing goals that drive all teams - and the message of what a Constitution really means for "We The People" - forward.
The right goals make your teams efficient. Anyone can be efficient; all you have to do is knock items off your to-do list.
The right goals make your teams efficient and effective -- they allow you to get the right things done.
And in the process, the right goals create a sense of shared purpose, one that helps your teams stay focused on what truly matters. They help eliminate distractions, eliminate guesswork, eliminate conflicting agendas.
The right goals ensure the right things get done. They also help build great teams -- teams that can accomplish any number of other goals as objectives change and evolve.
That's reason enough to create team goals.

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