Canada A Country without a Constitution

Wednesday 4 December 2019

It has always been, multipolar world do not be fooled

It has always been, multipolar world do not be fooled

It has always been, multipolar world do not be fooled - Just many forgot - because the District of Columbia has been the Super Power since the Bankers War when they orchestrated C WW 2 to maintain there Fiefdom

Multipolarity is a fancy word with a simple definition. It is the idea that power is not dominated by one country but distributed among multiple countries.

I say Countries lightly as many of these countries are in fact NOT Countries - the sovereigns in all these so-called countries are in under the same threat as we are in North America - canada INC

Fiefdoms is what we have all over the planet - The estate or domain of a feudal lord. 2. An organization or department over which one dominant person or group exercises control.

China is seen as the challenger to U.S. Oligarchy supremacy, but in a multipolar system, there has to be more than one. Russia, India and Germany are a few of the other contenders.

The problem with discussions about multipolarity is that they are often laced with biases about how people want the world to evolve rather than how the world actually works. In simple terms the People do not have a say!

Proponents or what I call the "Fiefdom Oigarchy" of a multipolar world see events as defined not by the actions or interests of a single global hegemon but rather by the competing interests of different nodes of power.

They often argue that a multipolar world, where (equal powers cooperate) Again the Dictators who represent themselves and their Interests , NOT the Sovereigns - in a way that serves their interests, is more peaceful and desirable than an imperial Pax Americana, where all countries chafe against the overwhelming power of a single Oligarchy entity.

When Russian and Chinese Oligarchy (Fiefdoms) figures speak about a multipolar world, they are speaking about how they want to control and increase their Fiefdom in the world

Look at a Pie chart for an example -they want a larger part of the pie
Unsurprisingly, the world they want is one in which they have a greater share of power than they have now.

It is a particularly useful concept for Russia and China, very real geopolitical imperatives driving them toward zero-sum competition.

China is considered a Communist Country - in fact all the so-called countries are controlled by the same way just under different regime of harm to the sovereigns
Saudi Arabia - Barbaric and still the Fiefdoms in every corporation ( they call countries) are in bed with them - You see the clear picture here its not about the people (sovereigns) its all about them

The root of the world’s problems is the level of power the U.S. Fiefdom holds globally. So the other fiefdoms are demanding more which means less to the US Oligarch Dictatorship

Ultimately, whether we live in a multipolar or unipolar world is an objective, not a political, question, and it is an exceedingly important one.

The world is on the verge of multipolarity, then these issues are manifestations of the competition between the U.S. Oligarchy and the other Oligarchy's demanding more - and the real threat is to us the sovereigns

If the Fiefdoms do not resolve there game of "RISK " then the create wars to decide at the mass murder of millions- History repeats itself.
They will play their secretive agenda pushing Gold and crypoto, Block-chain fake currency made out of nothing as a solution - when in fact its how they created the Problem

Then they create their solution, use the people to think they created the solution, but in fact they were used as tools to further their agenda ---- and so many will fall for this LIE - and it will be their demise and harm all of who are sovereign working hard on a solutions to stop their Fiefdoms and their OLD WORLD ORDER

Perhaps the simplest way to address this question is to ask what Oligarchy Regime is driving these events. On the Korean Peninsula, it was Kim Jong Un who accelerated Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program, but it was the U.S.Oligarchy Regime that deployed three aircraft carriers to the region and threatened fire and fury against the hermit kingdom unless it backed down.

European Oligarchy, led by France and Germany, don’t want to lose access to what Europeans have always wanted out of Iran – cheap oil.

Cheap Iranian oil is not worth the price of U.S.Oligarchy sanctions. As for China, the U.S. made the first move to revamp the bilateral trade relationship, because the U.S. has more leverage in this relationship – China needs to export to the U.S. more than the U.S. needs to import from China.

Its a never ending game for the oligarchy's at our cost.

In other words, the actions of the United States District of Columbia are still driving global developments. , but a NEW multipolar world is here. The US Military complex has come to end since they were the Super Power after WW 2.

In 2012, the world was still unipolar with The US Oligarchy (European same team US District of Columbia THE MILITARY COMPLEX - City Of London the Financial FIAT Printing Sector and the City Of Vatican - the control of all their Fake religions ) In 2019 and the next years to follow the U.S. will NOT be the Global center of gravity, and the actions it takes are felt throughout the world.

This should not necessarily come as a comfort,; it is to point out where great power currently lies.

The Threat to all Sovereigns has always been a threat - what will it take to end the Fiat printing press, Finally have Liberty, freedom and prosperity to all - Has been the goal for thousands of years.

Do not be fooled - Its US Against them - UNITY NOW is our only Solution

I leave you with this quote

The United States One World Order-New World Order was envisioned many decades ago and was being implemented by various financial factions in the West working out of New York and London. By the mid-1970s the Rockefeller faction eclipsed the Rothschild faction, where the latter launched a coup against the Rockefeller cartel. When Bush Sr. became president he took the mantle of bringing together a unipolar new world order. This decision started the war in the Middle-East with Kuwait and Iraq, and later Bush Sr. allies started to stir things up in Yugoslavia, etc. which finished under President Clinton. When Bush Jr. was made president “the war of terror” or more accurately known as “the terror wars” campaign was unleashed in the Middle-East. Then the power factions started to blackmail each other in the Obama administration. The Zionists knew their time to grab a piece of the United States new world order empire was coming. Donald Trump pushed Jeb Bush out of the presidential race, made the Bush family furious and according to the theory used Hillary Clinton to create a dossier on Trump with help from the British. Using the media, the Bush family was succeeding in lying Trump out of the presidency. The Zionists came to the rescue and stop Mueller in his tracks. And told Trump they want their payment for helping him. And Trump is giving them, apparently, all that they are asking for. And that is where we’re at now. While Russia and China are moving ahead, to try and bring back some balance on the planet.)

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