Canada A Country without a Constitution

Sunday 15 December 2019

If you are interested in reclaiming your sovereignty and freedom, take the time to learn and study. There’s a wide web of information. We highly recommend you start your study by reviewing our FREE videos
Canada a Country without a Constitutions
Constitutional Conventions Alberta
There are pages created for each Country under the same name convention Constitutional Convention Saskatchewan
We do lives on our Pages and Round tables will be shared here to view live or later for your convenience
We The People Constitutional Conventions
Video are available to educate hours of detailed information that you can absorb in this never-ending path for the correct information: - and archived videos may be found here
Why are we educating Sovereignty “a sovereign”; or somebody effectively trying to untangle themselves from a web of de-facto-government-contract complexity that has resulted in a diminished of their natural rights.
However, it is a complex web and maze and various websites and conversations have popped up by thousands of people trying to figure out how to untangle the situation we are all in.
We believe we have a process, and that is creating a Constitution based on Unalienable Rights that is proven to work, to untangle that web – it is called the process of educating yourself - to educate others and learning from others how to achieve the end result - to end the slavery we are currently under.
We specifically named our website “WE THE PEOPLE - CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS ” because we mean to do just that, and provide you only information proven to be successful.
Most people say and believe they are free because they merely assert that they are. But when put to the test, nothing could be further from reality. When faced with an accusation of failing to follow the codes or statutes of the local municipality or any legislatively or bureaucratically-pushed and passed statutory law, in fact one of the millions of laws you never consented to…you have to be recognized as a citizen as your STATUS with that government entity.
The “Sovereign has always been there, the Government just wants you to be ignorant of these facts.
The de-facto government is soon to call them a “domestic terrorist threat” and tie the whole peaceful movement with violence due to the acts of some rotten apples to try to reduce the legitimacy and public perception of these mostly peaceful and sincere individuals.
Those who are educating Sovereignty are just men and women who are reclaiming their sovereignty and unalienable natural rights. This MUST happen to ensure "WE THE PEOPLE" by eliminating adhesion contracts, or even just by not consenting to fall under their unlawful government dictatorship.
How do we accomplish this task - its we unite on 5 issues -
- 1. - Sovereignty - 2. - Sovereign currency - 3. -Unalienable Rights - 4. - Constitution where the man/women are Superior to fiction ( de-facto unlawful government) 5 . Create our own Laws that protects all - (completely different than what we have know- NO law the colour of law)

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