Canada A Country without a Constitution

Friday 25 October 2019

When did Canadians become a sovereign people ?

When did Canadians become a sovereign people ?

On what date did Canada cease to be a colony of Britain ?
The United Nations International Law Commission states that Canadians became sovereign when Canada joined the League of Nations on 10 Jan 1920. [Only sovereign nations could join the League of Nations]
Why is this important today ?
Because ”No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, or an Act that looks to the Parliament of the United Kingdom for its authority, is valid in Australia [Canada and New Zealand], in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom and the Charter of the United Nations,” wrote British officials responding to an information request.
So the British North America Act that they teach us about in school has been invalid in Canada from 10 Jan 1920 until the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982 was passed by Trudeau’s parliament.
On 10 Jan 1920 the Ottawa government lost its British authority to govern. Canadians became a sovereign people [governments can not be sovereign] but the people have never given the Ottawa government the authority it needs to govern. At the “break in lawful continuity” Ottawa politicians seized power and used the invalid BNA as a constitution.
Even at the Statute of Westminster in 1931 the Canadian people did not transfer any “authority to govern” to the Ottawa government.
Because the Canadian people have never challenged this lack of proper authority, Ottawa continues to increase its powers.  When the people finally demand a people-approved constitution to replace Trudeau’s statute, Ottawa’s size and corruption will decline.

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