Canada A Country without a Constitution

Saturday 26 October 2019

Hope for millions whom voted? Is here

Hope for  millions whom voted? Is here 

These are not dumb, or sheeple, or just apathetic. So why do they vote ?
Dumping government explanations in the trash can, the real reason is that well after the Fake Democracy millions realise that their vote doesn’t count.  At election time politicians come to the voters on their wretched lying knees in a two week campaign - pathetic beggars.
Then the instant the ballot is marked they spring up again, full of power - power bestowed on them by that ballot.
Politicians designed that voting system.  The people didn’t - they were never given a say. The existing political system was imposed on the people by the politicians.
But these days larger numbers of people see that marking a ballot props up a rotten system, and now the trend for some years has been that more and more wide-awake people refuse to participate in a farce.
People in all walks of life are sullen. Under this political system nothing they do or think or say counts after they mark that ballot, but what is the alternative ?  Is there an alternative ? There definitely is. See more of the solution
There definitely is, and it is a simple and powerful alternative. With one simple solution, understand  get educated to become Liberated  that counts.  That, my friends, is the solution.
So this bright light on the road to the polls is not addressed to the million or so sheeple who DO vote. They will happily prop up the politician system for another four years. Forget them. No, this message is for the intelligent Sovereigns.  Millions of us can help those who are not educated to facts and bring in a True Constitution. TheirFAKE BNA ACT they call a constitutional Act is not a Constitution and their system MUST be removed.
Like a private corporation, where the shareholders who put up the money vote regularly to control the directors [they wouldn't put up the money unless they did keep control], future  governments will face accountability of confidence from the people each day.

To conclude.
Either stay sullen and let the politicians continue stomping on your face, or Write your Constitution for your Country . It will  get this started. Check out now.

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